Paying for what?
Older than dirt
I'm aware of two dancers who have customers who send them money without having much contact at all.
One hasn't danced in 6 months, has had this customer for several years and he has never touched her. He has very deep pockets and is a religious zealot. She calls him about once a week and he sends Moneygrams for several hundred dollars.
The other met this customer OTC for a year or so, then she broke it off and he's got another dancer that he sees regularly OTC. However she still will sit and talk with him at the club and hell slip her a $100. I was with her last week and she stopped at his office, left me in the car and came out in 5 minutes with $150.
Is this normal? Are there other men who just pay beautiful women for brightening their lives?
One hasn't danced in 6 months, has had this customer for several years and he has never touched her. He has very deep pockets and is a religious zealot. She calls him about once a week and he sends Moneygrams for several hundred dollars.
The other met this customer OTC for a year or so, then she broke it off and he's got another dancer that he sees regularly OTC. However she still will sit and talk with him at the club and hell slip her a $100. I was with her last week and she stopped at his office, left me in the car and came out in 5 minutes with $150.
Is this normal? Are there other men who just pay beautiful women for brightening their lives?
Before SCs turned bad I used to see shit like that all the time. A dancer I knew very well had a customer buy a boob job for her. Another dancer had a customer co-sign a mortgage. Of course cars, cash, clothes and christmas presents were more typical.
Are there others idiots doing the same thing? yes.
Bottom-line both of these PL are fricking idiots for shelling out $$$ with nothing in return. (although the religious zealot should be sufficient evidence of idiotocracy)
You already know I 'miss' my xATF. But growing a new pair and getting her baggage out of my life was such a good thing. The two dumb-asses are either delusional or living in serious denial. They need to get a grip on reality.
Then again I'm sure there are men who are A. so loaded B. so weak or C. both that they will hand out money to any attractive woman.
Then again I'm sure there are men who are A. so loaded B. so weak or C. both that they will hand out money to any attractive woman.
My annual discretionary is about $25K, and I'd think nothing of spending $25 for food and drink for an old fav from time to time. If it were $150K, i'd probably think nothing of peeling $150 from my roll upon request.
I've also met PL #1 and one night he and I were at the dancer's apartment. She and I got talking about the relative benefits of swallowing vs spitting and this shithead starts reading psalms from the Bible.
Yeah, guys will give strippers money for nothing. Guys will give hot women in general money for nothing. My friend and I were checking out the Cheetah tonight and some guy let us put all of our drinks on his tab and gave us $100 each to tip girls that we liked. It was like he knew we were strippers on the inside.
Whatever you do don't start talking about the latest MMO you play, the strippers get pissed about it and once they pissed your night is probably shot at that club. SMH
I love the company of young sexy baby-dolls regardless if sex is involved or not. Whatever hormonal shit they emit is like a drug to me. I can't get enough of it.
Imagine being an older guy with millions. You reach a realization that there is little to gain from saving the money and who doesn't want to spend time with sexy young women.
What seems like a lot of money to us peasants may be pocket changes to the old guys.
my thoughts exactly
@gatorfan I don't know what that was but it wasnt funny
@Jabthehut wrong thread bro. We know people abuse the club for free stage shows
@jackslash lol that's why you marry a self sufficient working girl (non-sex work)
@lonewolf so they got entirely bored with petroleum money and want to give it away to sex charities...right on brother
Dont see the pleasure of payi g to chat with a hotties if there's no true interest from her perspective. Its like talking to a recording of a sexy body lonely and boring. She isnt gonna just up and say hey wanna go to the beach (for little to no dollars) so without intimacy (or natural interest) what pleasure is there to pay to talk to a sexy lady