One of the clubs I go to in St. Petersburg FL, they have blackjack on weekends. No gambling just for fun. You pay $15 to the dealer get some fun chips to play. I thought that's cool idea. Been to clubs offer anything like this?
It might be a commentary on what management thinks of their customers. Customers dumb enough to spend on strippers are also surely dumb enough to gamble on house games too. Same "lottery" mentality?
Parodyman: Give David's time for the statistical analysis. The thread just started yesterday.
So far he's too busy on the other threads holding convo with himself, because he's the only worthy of holding the convo. Don't worry Davids, I'm aware that I, Rockie - oops I mean Rookie- too am not worthy! Davids: don't worry Parody amused this old man for a moment in time. You've actually done that at least once as well. I couldn't post to the ALL Davids all the time thread today though, sorry! It does allow you to maintain that higher level convo!
Gambling and pool are immoral and lead to more evil vice. Despite that, I'd rather not see them in a club, except that pool tables in a neighborbood bar-with-strippers are OK.
I agree with T-bone, strip clubs should be for stripping. I know a lot of clubs that have pool tables and there always seem to be young guys there playing, but it seems to me that these guys never spend any money other than an occasional beer and the tables certainly don't add anything for the guys who are there to spend. I think it's a dumb idea. The place I used to go regularly took out their pool table and replaced it with more seating. Probably the only smart thing the owner ever did. It made the place more attractive for guys who were there to spend money on the girls.
davids you don't "know"? That's a rarity. I would have bet the farm, excuse the pun, that you would have made up all kinds of statisitcs about the machines, the people who play them, the pay out schedules, ect. ect. I guess you limit your bullshit to strip club related topics only. I commend you.
stpetedan, I worked at a topless club in Nevada which had real slot machines and alcohol. Sometimes the dancers would leave the club owing the owner money because they'd get advances for drinks and gambling. Gambling for fun, sounds like fun but does it take away from the dancing or add to the experience?
for all your gambling probability needs.(If you aren't able to calculate them on your own.)
So far he's too busy on the other threads holding convo with himself, because he's the only worthy of holding the convo. Don't worry Davids, I'm aware that I, Rockie - oops I mean Rookie- too am not worthy! Davids: don't worry Parody amused this old man for a moment in time. You've actually done that at least once as well. I couldn't post to the ALL Davids all the time thread today though, sorry! It does allow you to maintain that higher level convo!