Ouch, harsh crowd today. All I will say is I like the how I browse TUSCL pic better than the other one. Although maybe a little too many tattoos for my taste, but I know lots of people like tats on girls. To each his own.
Duo is an exceptionally beautiful young woman. I'm glad I'll never meet her because I might be tempted to buy "Just dances" from her. Which would completely ruin my reputation as a whore monger!
As they say, Duo, I wouldn't kick you out of bed for eating crackers. I think the sex would be great and the pillow talk would be fun. You're a good kid and I like your fresh perspective. I could overlook the tats, even more in dim light. But, I'd have to be hands-on.
Not too turn this into another anti-tattoo thread, but I just wonder how many dancers stop and think about how many bucks they are throwing away out just because they wanna get tatted up.
Never heard of them. I meet all the weird people. When I last went to Atlanta, someone stopped me and asked if I was the coach for one of the Atlanta sports teams.
Wow. An intelligent, witty, beautiful girl yet again put down because of her chosen mode of expression. Expressing herself verbally and in writing is apparently OK, but expressing herself in ink is not. Can't you see that it's all the same person? The ink isn't some separate attribute, like a hat. The images and words she puts down in ink are as much a part of her as the words she puts down on these pages. They're all wrapped up in that person we call "duomaxwell"; if either of them were different, she wouldn't be the same, and might not be nearly as attractive.
She's no more or less throwing her money away just to get tatted up than are those of who are "throwing our money" away just to get a nut.
She's right, you can either accept her for who she is, *all* of who she is, or not. You don't get to choose which parts you want. She can't separate them.
So, keep on rejecting those girls with tats; those of us with no fear of the women who do wear them will be glad to enjoy them. :)
Esta is my dude, he probably didn't know that Duo is half black, Duo kinds of looks Asian in her profile pic. Esta likes his girls thick, and clearly Duo is more on the skinny side. Esta wasn't trying to be harsh.
RE: The above. I will also include, if that is her. For all I know "she" could be some old fat slob in KS sitting in his basement. Now if some here have seen her, then that is another story.
@Eatafador: Yep, that's me Georg "White Knight" Microdong. Champion of strippers everywhere. As if applying a perjorative (as it's intended here) means that I'm wrong.
It's the norm for people from the Caribbean Islands and the Caribbean coast from Belize to Brazil to have at least some African ancestors. So you are talking shit about a sista Staf. There are a lot of (Asian) Indians in Guyana, I think maybe you can see a bit of that is her.
last commentThe other one is awful
Papi, respond to my god damn PM
She's no more or less throwing her money away just to get tatted up than are those of who are "throwing our money" away just to get a nut.
She's right, you can either accept her for who she is, *all* of who she is, or not. You don't get to choose which parts you want. She can't separate them.
So, keep on rejecting those girls with tats; those of us with no fear of the women who do wear them will be glad to enjoy them. :)
And seriously estafador, "she's not black ... YUCK"? I get that we all have our preferences but that comes across harsh...
No matter what duo does, that is her business, just as my preferences are mine! I did state, "Love her here...".
The truth. Duo looks great, and is smart, not much to complain about there.
But yeah, Estafors comment came off as really mean. He probably didn't mean it that way, but that's how it sounds
I think duo's beautiful too, especially in the face. I just don't like her current avatar pic at all
@estafador - I'm half-Guyanese...
@clubber - I've actually met a couple of people from here!
I've met more than a couple and that is always good. Well maybe not vm. :)
Meeting others from here is a good part of being on TUSCL. I've only met one dancer, but there have been a few I'd like to meat.