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Joined May, 2013
Last Seen Jun, 2013


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12 years ago
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OT:Cars Again
Van family.

Town and Country is my current ride... orz
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12 years ago
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Strippers that "harass" for tips
That's what I thought southernboy. I really wanted to complain about this dancers attitude but apparently I'm in the wrong for not rewarding…
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12 years ago
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Strippers that "harass" for tips
I was tippingI just didn't put down my dollars yet because she wasn't doing anything other then just rolling around(I wouldnt have called it…
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12 years ago
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Bare-to-bare contact
Oh really she came 4 times to 4 songs?

Did you have a vibrator or something... If not I mean I don't want to break…
avatar for lenimph
12 years ago
Strippers that "harass" for tips
So a I went to a Spearmint Rhino (wasn't impressed overall and I really hated the ladies bathroom situation but I'll save that for…
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12 years ago
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First "Official" Mexican-American Playboy Playmate of the Year. Ay!!!!!! Caramb
She's really pretty. Good for her.

Love her real breasts.
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12 years ago
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What would you have done.
Who the hell complains about getting seconds at a strip club. Especially if she's any good?

That's like complaining getting wet when…
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12 years ago
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@SlickSpic Haha that's good one! XD
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12 years ago
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I'm not surprised the Origami crane trick didn't work. She probably felt stereotyped. Plus everyone knows how to make a crane.

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12 years ago
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I hate hooters... I really hate hooters...
The food is bad... and I've never gone to one with girls all that great.
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12 years ago
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A dolphin
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12 years ago
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Fanny Packs
Yeah what crazy Joe said. Personally I keep my singles in my bra but if I was a man I would just use…
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12 years ago
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Fanny Packs
Wait what you seriously wear a fanny pack? Easier access to the singles I guess?
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12 years ago
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What is your type?
I like pretty faces and nice butts. The rest doesn't really matter to me. A girl will get major bonus points w/me if she…
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12 years ago
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Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
Hah ok, thanks for the welcoming Bullwinkle and here I was as an aspiring writer thinking I was being vague. :) But yeah…
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12 years ago
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Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
I am not bragging or trying to titillate I am actually curious about all of this and I have messaged lopaw. I am not…
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12 years ago
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Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
Heh IDK if I spent a lot (I mean it was a lot for me but whatever I could live without one less video…
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12 years ago
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Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
And she let me reciprocate...
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12 years ago
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Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
Err but I did get out of public sight. Generally speaking... and I did get extra.

I'm pretty sure 20$ doesn't cover a…
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12 years ago
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Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
TBH I might have copy pastad that review from yelp to get free VIP pass to read reviews before I went for my first…
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12 years ago
Differences in customer treatment due to gender?
I doubt I will find another woman on this site to discuss this with but whatevs anyway. I just went to strip club for…
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12 years ago
logo for undefined
Xposed Gentlemens Club & WetSpot Bikini Bar
8229 Canoga Ave Canoga Park, CA 91304
This was first trip to...
This was first trip to a club ever so yeah. As a woman I was extremely nervous because almost all of my…
avatar for lenimph
12 years ago
logo for undefined
Xposed Gentlemens Club & WetSpot Bikini Bar
8229 Canoga Ave Canoga Park, CA 91304
For my centennial mark, I would...
For my centennial mark, I would like to honor the ladies of Exposed.

One Friday afternoon, a partner in crime and I decided to visit…