I doubt I will find another woman on this site to discuss this with but whatevs anyway. I just went to strip club for the first time yesterday and was treated like a queen compared to everyone there, especially the guys. I think they generally found me odd because I was there on my own, (even the dyke dressed like Bieber in the corner dragged some friend along) and I'm attractive apparently (can't believe a lick they say after all) so they talked to me without me having to buy them drinks for long whiles and such and did the whole pulling me up from the stage thing and letting me touch them multiple times. I thought it was odd that it was me repeatedly and not the other girls there (as there were quite a few). As I mentioned earlier there were other women there, a dyke and her gf, and two other drunk women who just looked like they were there for the heck of it. They didn't buy dances so I'm assuming they were mostly straight. I guess it had something to do with the amounts of tips they were getting but I don't remember tipping all so well.
Oh and the dances... mind you I didn't get to see much of other people receiving dances because this place has private booths for each dance but from the peeks I took I didn't see the same amount of touching I was allowed to do... and well my second dance was pretty much sex for a basic lap dance charge (but that girl told me she was a lesbian so...)
My big question is how much of this was because it was my first visit to my establishment and they want me to come back, or how much of this was because I was a woman? What kind of differences do you guys normally see in treatment when you go?
From my "guy" experience, the first time I've been to a club was usually the least mileage that I get. The more often I go, the better mileage, so I'm not sure they were doing this to get you to come back.
I have female friends that have gotten extre treatment that makes me jealous, just because they have vaginas. Her guy friends love taking her bc the overall experience seems to be better. It seems as though you're one of those lucky ones! Do you need a wingman?!
You appear to be new to TUSCL, so welcome to the group!
As the others above have alluded to:
1. I sense that you were a different type of customer, you gave off a very good vibe, and the dancers warmed up to you. That lead to a very enjoyable experience for you.
2. By all means, contact lopaw. Send her a PM to let her know about you, if she doesn't respond to this thread soon. She is a female customer, clubs regularly and is a frequent contributor on TUSCL. See her profile at:
From the lone club you have reviewed, it appears that you might be from L.A., the San Fernando Valley, in particular. Lopaw clubs mostly in the LAX/west side areas, but goes to clubs in the valley, also. I sense that the two of you might have a lot in common.
TBH I might have copy pastad that review from yelp to get free VIP pass to read reviews before I went for my first visit because I was very very nervous (chickened out over 3 times). But Xposed is the place I visited so I'm going to upchuck my real review... blar blar mods do what you will.
I was really nervous and that club is closest to my house and my mother(parents are bikers so she gets dragged along to places like this... plus I think she's bi and doesn't tell me but I'm rambling) had made remarks about how she didn't like that place (saying it was gross) and stuff so you know wanted to know as much as I could before going into that mysterious place next door to my post office. You can only drive by a place so many times before you need to see whats going on.
I have had the opportunity to actually club with lopaw and she definitely received extra special treatment from the dancers from what I could see. Unfortunately I didn't have access to see what happened during her lapdances but if they were anything like what I witnessed on the main floor they must have been off the hook. Like others have recommended you should PM her directly.
Females, lesbians or straight, have always been give the green light to do things that males cannot in strip clubs. I guess it is an interpretation of the law. It is not at all unusual to see a female customer get dragged up on stage but if a male tries it, he is liable to get thrown out.
Now once you get out of the public sight, VIP rooms etc, this does not hold true IME.
I don't know but I'm getting the impression that the OP really doesn't want another woman's opinion but is posting simply to brag or to try and titillate.
Heh IDK if I spent a lot (I mean it was a lot for me but whatever I could live without one less video game). About 65... 40 on lap dances (they were having 2 for 1 specials) and rest spread around in tips.
I am not bragging or trying to titillate I am actually curious about all of this and I have messaged lopaw. I am not here get you all excited but I didn't say I only wanted another woman's opinion exclusively I wanted to compare experiences.
Hah ok, thanks for the welcoming Bullwinkle and here I was as an aspiring writer thinking I was being vague. :) But yeah I can't exactly go on facebook and say, "Thanks for all the birthday money friends and family! It got me some awesome titty time at the nude bar!"
Oh and umm what does SS mean exactly? I see multiple definitions on urban dictionary. :P
I think many bouncers will let female customers get away with stuff male customers might get warned about or even asked to leave a club. For instance recently I saw a female running her hands on another dancer while tipping at the stage. However this might be a bad example because I thought she was a customer but then found out she was a dancer dressed up a bit more than most of the other dancers. She surprised me.
Sometimes female customers get asked to lie down on the stage or come up to the stage. I've seen dancers help them strip their top off while tipping at the stage. This might depend on the club whether this is acceptable.
One time I saw a female customer go up on stage by herself, take off her top, then the dancer showed up and watched not going on stage. Then a bunch of bouncers chased the female customer all around the club before she got kicked out. There is a limit to bending rules. A few times I've heard the DJ in one club say to a female customer, if you go on stage, you have to take your top off. Every club may enforce the rules different. I think usually more lenient towards the females.
I was a bit nervous when a feature entertainer asked me to go up on stage.
I understand about not wanting to go on Facebook and saying anything adult oriented entertainment.
last commentI have female friends that have gotten extre treatment that makes me jealous, just because they have vaginas. Her guy friends love taking her bc the overall experience seems to be better. It seems as though you're one of those lucky ones! Do you need a wingman?!
As the others above have alluded to:
1. I sense that you were a different type of customer, you gave off a very good vibe, and the dancers warmed up to you. That lead to a very enjoyable experience for you.
2. By all means, contact lopaw. Send her a PM to let her know about you, if she doesn't respond to this thread soon. She is a female customer, clubs regularly and is a frequent contributor on TUSCL. See her profile at:
From the lone club you have reviewed, it appears that you might be from L.A., the San Fernando Valley, in particular. Lopaw clubs mostly in the LAX/west side areas, but goes to clubs in the valley, also. I sense that the two of you might have a lot in common.
I was really nervous and that club is closest to my house and my mother(parents are bikers so she gets dragged along to places like this... plus I think she's bi and doesn't tell me but I'm rambling) had made remarks about how she didn't like that place (saying it was gross) and stuff so you know wanted to know as much as I could before going into that mysterious place next door to my post office. You can only drive by a place so many times before you need to see whats going on.
Now once you get out of the public sight, VIP rooms etc, this does not hold true IME.
I'm pretty sure 20$ doesn't cover a handjob usually, especially one I didn't ask for?
Oh and umm what does SS mean exactly? I see multiple definitions on urban dictionary. :P
Apology accepted sclvr5005
He thinks strippers lie! It is to laugh. :)
Sometimes female customers get asked to lie down on the stage or come up to the stage. I've seen dancers help them strip their top off while tipping at the stage. This might depend on the club whether this is acceptable.
One time I saw a female customer go up on stage by herself, take off her top, then the dancer showed up and watched not going on stage. Then a bunch of bouncers chased the female customer all around the club before she got kicked out. There is a limit to bending rules. A few times I've heard the DJ in one club say to a female customer, if you go on stage, you have to take your top off. Every club may enforce the rules different. I think usually more lenient towards the females.
I was a bit nervous when a feature entertainer asked me to go up on stage.
I understand about not wanting to go on Facebook and saying anything adult oriented entertainment.