I was in a new town that had several clubs and since I was only there one night, I tried to get as many in as I could while making sure I saw all of the talent while also enjoying some one on on time in a couple of places. I made it to 7 yesterday. Anyone else do this when they're out of town?
I did 4 locally a couple of weeks back and ended up spending less than I usually do at just one club when I want to have a good time.
I was bored w/ my regular/known clubs so decided to check out some new ones.
Did 2 clubs I’d never done before but they were not my type – went to a 3rd club I rarely visit and hadn’t been to in a long time and it was dead – ended up a 4th club I visit every couple of months and did not find too much talent that attracted me on that particular night.
Ended up spending about $200 total (covers; drinks; a couple of dances) which is about the min I spend and below my avg
I spent $600 total. I was in Huntsville, Al and made Fantasias my last stop. From all the reviews, its the best extras club in Al. I spent $350 of the total there and it was well worth it.
Never done that many when out of town. Most was 3 but when I'm out of town working I usually have to be up early so I plan ahead.
In & around town is a different story. When I used to 'hop', hitting my 4 regulars was normal. One night in particular, none of them had much going and I ended up hitting 8 total.
Back in the 70's, my buddy and I hit about 15 of them in Acapulco, Mexico from 9PM to 6AM. I think we both took 5 or 6 girls to their rooms for FS at $10 a pop. All of these clubs were in the Zona Roja within walking distance of each other. Oh to be young again.
I hit all 5 of them in the Des Moines area once, which is a challenge, because while 4 of them are fairly close to each other, there's also Beach Girls in West Des Moines, which is a good 15 miles away from the rest, at least. I can't remember how much I spent, but it probably was close to $1000 altogether. I have since come to the conclusion Beach Girls is the best of that bunch and don't bother with the others.
I'm sure on one of my oldtime Kansas road trips, I probably hit 4 of them in a night, but can't really remember specifics, other than the fact the only places I ever went to on any of those trips are in Lawrence, Topeka, or the Tropicana south of Topeka near Scranton.
Anywhere else within my normal travel is generally impossible to hit 4 in one night. I did do all 4 in the Lincoln, NE area once (the three listed in Lincoln, plus Shakers in Waverly), but that's only something to do if you're in the mood for bad strip clubs and as long as you remember to do Shakers last.
I tried to see how many times I could have FS ITC in an afternoon in ESL about 10 years ago. I shuttled between 3 or 4 clubs for about six hours. Ended up *doing it to completion* 4 times, but the last one I had to pop a little blue pill. Then I went to Waffle House for dinner. When the waitress asked me how I was I almost said "I'm all fucked out". Over there she probably would have understood.
this is kind of unfair i live 40 mins from baltimore which has the block which has about 15-20 strip clubs on 1 street block .. 1 night i visited about 10 cirus,harem,jewel box upstairs. jewel box downstairs (yes 2 different clubs), diamond club,red room , club pussycat, club oasis, lust, norma jeans
5 in one night is the best I have ever done and that was because 3 were dead and I only stayed 15 minutes each in each of the first three. I bow to the master.
My max was 5 on The Block in Baltimore, followed by 4 in Dallas.
I don't really find it worthwhile to visit a large number of clubs in one day. A club visit needs time to breathe in order for all of the opportunities to present themselves, particularly with a club that one has not visited recently. I generally give a new club no less than 2 hours, though I have deviated from this in a few instances where the talent was so atrocious that I could not stand it any longer.
last commentI was bored w/ my regular/known clubs so decided to check out some new ones.
Did 2 clubs I’d never done before but they were not my type – went to a 3rd club I rarely visit and hadn’t been to in a long time and it was dead – ended up a 4th club I visit every couple of months and did not find too much talent that attracted me on that particular night.
Ended up spending about $200 total (covers; drinks; a couple of dances) which is about the min I spend and below my avg
How much did you spend on your Tour De SCs ?
Then my dick fell off and I've been a PL ever since!
(((Can I get an Amen?)))
The most I've been to in one night is 2.
In & around town is a different story. When I used to 'hop', hitting my 4 regulars was normal. One night in particular, none of them had much going and I ended up hitting 8 total.
I'm sure on one of my oldtime Kansas road trips, I probably hit 4 of them in a night, but can't really remember specifics, other than the fact the only places I ever went to on any of those trips are in Lawrence, Topeka, or the Tropicana south of Topeka near Scranton.
Anywhere else within my normal travel is generally impossible to hit 4 in one night. I did do all 4 in the Lincoln, NE area once (the three listed in Lincoln, plus Shakers in Waverly), but that's only something to do if you're in the mood for bad strip clubs and as long as you remember to do Shakers last.
I bow to the master.
I don't really find it worthwhile to visit a large number of clubs in one day. A club visit needs time to breathe in order for all of the opportunities to present themselves, particularly with a club that one has not visited recently. I generally give a new club no less than 2 hours, though I have deviated from this in a few instances where the talent was so atrocious that I could not stand it any longer.