Economic Downturn Theory?
I had lunch with a dancer friend of mine and during the conversation I asked her how business was. She replied that it was very slow then she offered this pearl of insight..."I think that internet porn is partly to blame afterall if guys can get their rocks off for free why would they go to a club and drop a couple hundred bucks for me to entertain then."
Now first off she ain't no fucking economist (as a matter of fact I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have any college education at all) and for that matter neither am I so tirades on the basis of the current ecnomic climate are off topic IMO because what I'm interested in is whether or not porn has impacted your SC experience in any way (good, bad or indifferent.)
Now first off she ain't no fucking economist (as a matter of fact I'm pretty sure that she doesn't have any college education at all) and for that matter neither am I so tirades on the basis of the current ecnomic climate are off topic IMO because what I'm interested in is whether or not porn has impacted your SC experience in any way (good, bad or indifferent.)
Also, see my comments in the related thread, posted May 2nd, by stenton1,
"Attendance Down Extras Up?"…
NO impact IMO. Watching Porn doesn't allow for the touching of the woman of your interest & Lust. You SIMPLY cannot get the ALL important experience of touch by watching Porn. I believe the major aspect of Porn in relation to the Strip club experience, is to help get you aroused to some degree prior to going to the club.
That's NOT a dancer I'd want to spend time with or $$$ on. Doesn't have the SLIGHTEST clue. LOL
Another stripper texted me last night begging me to come in. She works 6:30pm to 2:00am and by 10:00 pm she had gotten $14.00 in stage tips and had not yet had a dance. She has never offered extras, but in last night's text she promised to make it worth my while. I declined due to the fact that I'd spent all my money at the club that afternoon.
How do you know she was being "Truthful" with you Sir. Have you seen her bank account info, assuming she has a bank account.
I know clubs outside of the Metro Detroit area that used to do a huge amount of business prior to 2008/2009. Things have drastically fallen off. Michigan, in my opinion, has seen a decent recovery but clubs in places like Lansing and Kalamazoo are still doing poorly.
Now here is the question: Is it still the economy? Is it internet porn as was suggested? Is it the availability of extras (cheap extras, I made add) in Detroit an hour or two away?
I guess we can get into a discussion of whether or not the country has made an economic recovery. It's my opinion that when low cost extras became common place, the Lansing customers abandoned their no-extras club and the drive to Detroit became very worthwhile. I don't think it's porn.
"hey alucard. why do you automatically ASSUME she is a lying thieving whore?"
I made NO such assumption Asshole!!! It is vile creatures like you that SHOUT that out constantly on this forum. Read the posts of your fellow Assholes! It is there in B & W.
I was asking the other gentleman what he knew about the veracity of his ATF.
It does for many people.
Shadowcat's first sentence is also very true. If the club is dead: "It's been dead for a week". If the club is full: "Nobody is really spending!".
But IMO, you can’t substitute for the real thing (i.e. having a nice pair of breasts in your hands to squeeze vs. just seeing them on the screen).
I would have to say that I’ve used porn to take the edge off when I haven’t felt like spending the $$$ to go SCing.
But more often than not, I have gone to the SC super-horny after having watched some internet porn (even if I hadn’t planned on going to a SC on that particular day to begin with).
- The demographics are changing. The baby boomers of the 80's and 90's are heading into retirement. While some are still reaching out, they are definitely in the minority of that group. The following generations are smaller by comparison.
- The millennial are a variation back upwards, but they are made up of a more culturally diverse group (1). American born and familiar with that culture is shrinking.
- Unemployment in the millennial group is crazy larger(2) - and under-reported because many are hiding out in school instead of looking for a job in this horrible market.
- I think this says it all "The youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year olds specifically for September 2012 is 11.8%. The youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year old African-Americans for September 2012 is 21%; the youth unemployment rate for 18-29 year old Hispanics for September 2012 is 12.1%; and the youth unemployment rate for 18–29 year old women for September 2012 is 11.6%." (3)
- So, in addition to free porn on the net, one is fighting a large group of people who can't afford dancers and another large population who is past dancers.