
It's Official,I am a PL

Not that there was ever in doubt, but after my latest experience I have to admit that I am about as pathetic a loser as there is. Simply put, I contacted a dancer I had met the last time ahead of my most recent business trip and arranged to met her at the club the first night in town. I had already planned to pull an allnighter with her and another dancer after having done a champagne booth with them both the previous time, and I let them talk me into the more expensive bottle. I then inquired about another dancer (the one I had wanted to see on the previous visit, but had ended up with the other two because she had left before I arrived). Turns out she was now dancing at another club, but they promised to get her back that next night -- when I spent entire evening with the three of them in the champagne booth -- even went to breakfast after the club closed. So, yes, I spent more those two nights than I would have on a first class vacation -- but this was really a "bucket list" experience and I do not regret it for the moment (perhaps with the passage of time and arrival of my credit card bill, that may change).


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    It's hard for me to appreciate just how much of a PL you are without knowing what it cost you.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    Congratulations – welcome to the club :)
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    High Four figures for the two nights -- The booth with a bottle of Cristal is $1000 for an hour, plus extra for the additional girls -- plus tips to the dancers and both nights I brought gifts -- Major PL $$$$ for me, as I've never spent over $1000 before the visit before this when I spent two hours in the Champagne Booth -- this time it was six hours over two nights.
  • mrrock
    12 years ago
    Ouch!!! Well at least you had a great time and it didn't suck so I guess it's worth it then! ;)
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    Oooof, that one hurts. Could have been one hell of a vacation. Those girls thought the world of you. . .that night. And no doubt will gladly embrace you the next time you stop in. Bucket list, yes, but the problem is that the more you look back on it, the more you'll want to relive it. Not quite like a fantastic trip to, say, Nepal where you cannot easily or realistically replicate it. Here, the next time you walk back in to the club, you'll entertain thoughts of hitting the big score again. Dangerous territory.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    So you spent a lot of money and had an experience that you may remember for all of your life. Does that make you a Loser?? NOT IMO.
  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    OK. You made the list. I just hope it was worth it.
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    If a dancers good at what she does it should take 15 minutes 20 tops...
  • samsung1
    12 years ago
    Work hard play hard ;)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    "If a dancers good at what she does it should take 15 minutes 20 tops..."

    She got a customer to spend 'high four figures'. I was say she is GOOD at what she does. :)
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    Was = would
  • serpentx
    12 years ago
    It entirely depends on how much money you make. If you make several million a year all I can say is good for you and job well done.
  • gawker
    12 years ago
    Welcome to the club. I've been seeing one dancer for 3 years both ITC & OTC. $500 an hour outside, 200 to 400 in the club depending on the choices from the menu. I've dropped just about $150,000 on her and 90% has gone up her nose or in her arm. But, she's drop dead gorgeous, has $6000. boobs, and takes great pride in giving the best blowjobs I've ever had. We've done anal and anything else I've ever dreamed of trying, she only requires condoms when she might get pregnant, and gives the full GFE. I don't regret one penny of the money, have great pictures & memories, but wish I had the $150k too. What a pathetic looser.
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    I believe Art has the BIGGEST Bankroll. LOL
  • jackslash
    12 years ago
    If you can afford it, why not?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    $150k? Well that's got me beat. Most I ever dropped on one girl over the course of time was about $10k.
  • dallas702
    12 years ago
    Jackson, for what you spent you could have flown to the DR, rented the nicest suite in Souza, hired a cook, picked out the three hottest chicas in town - and spent the entire week 24/7 living the champagne room dream. And still had money left over! Just saying! ;)
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    Yeah, I'm with dallas702 on this one. There are decent alternatives to strip clubs. You just need to get a passport and go international. If you are single, this is easily managed. If you are married, you might need to first get a divorce. A small matter. ;-)
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    why are we congratulating this sort of behavior. We should be reprimanding men like him and get back on the right path. Good lord man, 6000 just for the bottle room alone, plus actual dance tips and other liquor plus gifts plus dinner? I don't think its wise to go back to that club. Especially if your trying to cut your stupid spending habits. Those girls will give you the cold shoulder if you tell them you are suddenly trying to avoid spending that kind of green.
  • pabloantonio
    12 years ago

    I'm with Dallas702 on this one. I'm just as big a PL as any man, but Jackson, you blew a valuable wad of cash for little in return. NO woman (and especially dancers) is worth that kind of expense unless you marry them.

    (And even then, I would question my judgement).
  • JuiceBox69
    12 years ago
    If you got it flont it playa
  • Leonard313
    12 years ago
    Now I feel like a pathetic loser...because I dont have nearly $1000 to blow at a strip club.

    That being said, I will admit that after reviewing my finances, I have spent $4,283.44 on sex since February. That doesn't include sex from dating, just sex from strip clubs, massage parlors and escorts. Most in one night was probably just over $400...but still. What makes me more of a loser than the OP is I CAN'T afford it!!
  • Leonard313
    12 years ago
    I remember when I felt bad once leaving the club...actually I feel bad most times I leave the club...but this one time, business trip to Denver, I always like to sample clubs in new areas. Hooked up with one of my favorite strippers EVER...we drank and talked all night...and I actually got to the point where I actually thought she'd go back to my hotel with me.

    I know...I know...that only happens to the "TUSCL players" in here...but I was kinda drunk and she was really good at "the game". I remember waiting in a parking lot down the street for an hour for her to text me. Finally she does and says she was too drunk to drive so the bouncer was driving her home so her and I couldn't hook up after all. Thats when I suddenly realized....I got PLAYED.

    Then there was the stripper that gave me an amazing dance....I wanted to go VIP with her...she said she'd be right back....then I see her in street clothes heading to the parking lot. Or last time I went and I had to drive back from the club (40 minutes) as drunk as I've ever been driving...shoulda pulled off at a Dennys or something to sober up...but a was a stupid idiot. Or all the times I tell myself Im just gonna go in and watch some gals, stage tip, have a few drinks, spend $80-$120....and I leave out well over $200.

    Strip clubs used to be fun. I'd feel bad about blowing $80 and not getting laid...but I'd just go home and whack it to the memories. Now I usually take care of business at the clubs...no need to go home and whack it...but I'm out over $200 and in addition to not being any "less alone" in real life...I'm feeling inadequate because usually (unless liquored up) these strippers are so damn hot that I'm blowing my load after like 3-4 minutes.

    But...I feel better after a strip club evening than I do after an escort/massage parlor evening/afternoon. There's just something inherently wrong when you're banging some fat/nasty hispanic gal for $60 or some asian sex slave who that the guy running the massage parlor has to wake up from her slumber when you arrive.

    Good times.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Needs to learn the art of OTC better. I have known 9s and 10s who offered me all nighters for as little as $500. (Didn't take them up on it though, since I usually want them out by 2am latest.) So even if you wanted to hang out all day and make a two night, I think lots of girls would be delighted to do it for $2000 or $3000. So does the extra $3000- $4000 you paid make a difference to you? Hard to say without knowing your income, but I think your income would have to be very high (even higher than Richy-Rick-boy-Dugan's) for that not to matter.

    I agree there are times when there is satisfaction in just burning it because you can. e.g. Maybe you did the opposite of what txtittyfuck advised financial and decided to cash out big capital gains from your long treasuries before the Obama tax hikes come in, so why not flaunt it a bit?

    Btw, slight off topic. Does Art have a big bankroll than the Richy-Rich Ricky-boy-Dugan? I bet that one's a real horserace. (*sarcasm ;-) )
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    maybe now, people will stop getting drunk at the club?
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    I would never admit to a money dump like that to anyone, even anonymously here on TUSCL. The PL level of it is off the charts.
  • motorhead
    12 years ago
    You spend several thousand dollars in the VIP and are a PL

    Lil Wayne and others rappers throw $50k on stage and have swag

    Go figure
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    Actually, I plan to hook up with one of the dancers OTC my next visit -- her suggestion that we do so in order to eliminate the club's take from the champagne room. Admittedly, she may be playing me and I will never see her except at the club . . . we shall see.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    "maybe now, people will stop getting drunk at the club"

    Why? I got smashed the other night in the club, had a great time.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Drinking in the clubs? Alutard would not approve.
  • mjx01
    12 years ago
    Shit Jack... for that kind of $ you should be getting more. Where was this at?
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    We all are PL's
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    "I plan to hook up with one of the dancers OTC my next visit -- her suggestion that we do so in order to eliminate the club's take from the champagne room."

    Whether she is playing you or not only time will tell, but either way you have now set her expectations very high. Even if she does see you OTC, after what you have already spent she is going to expect a bundle and trying to bring her down into a reasonable territory is going to be difficult.

    Unless this girl really has your ticket punched and you feel that she is worth a high price tag, you'd probably just be better off hitting the reset button and starting over with someone else.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    That is the truth.
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    @gatorfan - that is the truth
  • Estafador
    12 years ago
    @gatorfan - that is the lie of the day. I don't believe ss. Once you start believing stripper shit (ESPECIALLY when you have a feeling it's ss) then your a PL
  • harrydave
    12 years ago
    @Estafador - the Yin and Yang. Confident and self directed, while at the same time directed by outside forces.

    Embrace your PL side, Grasshopper. It will make you stronger.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @Estafador: LOL. Taking yourself too seriously can be almost as bad as acting like a bonified PL. There are girls out there, particularly the more skilled seductresses in the Manhattan clubs, who can turn that to their advantage as well.

    If you wanna' have fun and see things clear eyed, you can't take what happens in a club too seriously. One important component in doing this is developing a thick skin and not letting your ego fuck up your head. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Ricky-boy: "and not letting your ego fuck up your head. ;)"

    Thus spoke Ricky-boy Dugan who used to brag about having spent 10 years developing a system to get strippers to do OTC. That is until he was shot down in the discussions here when he learned it was less effective than "just ask" and ended up costing him more. These days he's pretty quite about the supposed efficacy now. :-)
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    You only live once :)

    Life is hard enough as it is – if you can afford to let loose and just go with it *every once in a while* then why not – do it while you can – one never knows what tomorrow will bring – are you going to save your $$$ for when you are too old or not in good enough health to enjoy it?

    Having said this – perhaps the old saying “moderation is the key” may apply – as long as this type of behavior doesn’t become the norm; then enjoy what *your* money can afford/offer you – “life is for living” I’ve heard it say.

    Most likely you will be able to make up the $$$ you spent and you will have had enjoyed yourself at the same time.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    “… all the times I tell myself Im just gonna go in and watch some gals, stage tip, have a few drinks, spend $80-$120....and I leave out well over $200 …”

    I used to tell myself the same thing LOL and it was during these types of visits that I would end up spending more that I usually would.

    I realized a while back that it was futile for me to tell myself this LOL. If I am tight on $$$, most likely I will not go to the club.

    Sometimes I will go with a cheap escort to blow my load and get me by while I steer away from the SC (since I usually tend to spend more $$$ in my SC visits than w/ an escort).
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    Moderation is for monks.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @Fraudster: Your capacity to make shit up about what other people said is surpassed only by the shamlessness you display by posting fraudulent reviews and experiences. :)

    Btw, you have been bird-dogging me for several threads now. Is this some man-love thing? Did you like being manhandled by me and are trying to goad me into abusing you yet again? Is that nonsense you keep posting about me "greasing the bouncer at the Outhouse" actually wishful thinking? ;)

  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    Wow! A couple of guys in this thread seem to be able to outspend me. I always thought that my $8k evening was tuscl's worst but perhaps there is another contender for that title. And....$150k on one dancer? That beats me all to smithereens.

    For those curious comments about the size of my bankroll? Let me tell you that it is shrinking by the second. I have three rigs drilling 24/7 at the moment up here in NWT.

  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Gee, I thought you had unlimited money Art! LOL

    POUR it on Rick!!! LOL
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Rick it still follows me around making comments even though it knows I've got it on ignore. Bit obsessed imo.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick totally embarrased about things he said in the past. Trying to deny it all now! Come on, dude! The old Ricky-boy would have had the confidence to defend his beliefs if there was a chance that anyone on this board would even pretedn to agree with him. I am sure total cock-suckers like FAGDOG_ROMEO still will pretend to agree with you Rick, so why not keep going? Is your swag completely RIP? Just gonna say things so benign now that even alutard sucks on your dick?
  • chimark
    12 years ago
    As long as you can afford it and you know the ultimate outcome I wouldn't worry about being a PL. I've spend a fair amount of cash when I go, but I plan that I'm going to spend that amount of $. On some occasions, I don't spend the amount I establish but on other occasions I've spent more, however over a course of 4 or 5 trips I break even with my expected spendings.

    I think the PL is defined when there is an expectation that you will get more on the next trip and the same outcome keeps occurring. If OTC is your goal, make it happen and don't keep doing the same thing expecting a different outcome.

    I'm not looking for OTC so I have different goals in mind when I am at the SC, that being said, some people may think I'm a PL because I spend $ and am not looking for OTC.

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    That's some really great logic, jestie. He knows the comments I make are about him even though he doesn't read them. Just amazing how guys on the other side here think they can say anything they wish were true and think people will beleive it, even if the logical inconsistencies can be spotted in with about 10 seconds of thought.
  • JacksonEsskay
    12 years ago
    I think one thing may have gotten lost in the original telling . . . there were three dancers that were the principal recipients of my largess (and a few others who got lesser $$$). I actually came in below the budget I set (by a few 100 dollars). The second night with three dancers in the booth was quite an experience, but I doubt I will ever repeat it . . . instead I will looking for new experiences :-)
  • Alucard
    12 years ago
    Enjoying it is the important thing.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    AS long as you've got it to spend, I don't see an issue. I've won (and lost) thousands gambling in a day, arguably that was a considerably worse choice.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    You should get a real job, jestie. Sounds like your gambling ups and downs (mostly downs?) contribute to your perpetual grouchiness.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    Still not as expensive as a WIFE
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    @Fraudster: Yup, I am now thoroughly convinced that this is some perverse man-love fixation. Kinda' creepy actually.

    You do realize that there are strip clubs in Seattle, no? This site can even give you addresses and map locations. Just thought you might find this useful should you ever decide to leave your mother's basement and collect a little something relevant to share with other members of this site. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Yep, your reviews never include any mention of ITC or lining up OTC (despite your claims on this board) and never even mention the names of any the girls working in the clubs. (Mine, however, do include all these things.)

    The only sexual reference I've seen in any reviews is that you did mention greasing a bouncer in the outhouse. Yet, I'm the one with the man fixation, not you. Got it!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    My suspension of disbelief over this screen name character has now officially been shot. :) Nobody who has posted on this board for any period of time, even as blatant a fraud as Fraudster, could be this clueless.

    Of course I don't post names and specifics about activities ITC or OTC, nor does anyone else with a lick of sense.

  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Still waiting for a little of that Seattle love btw, though I know better than to hold my breath. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    "Of course I don't post names and specifics about activities ITC or OTC, nor does anyone else with a lick of sense."

    Maybe because your reviews are fake? Or maybe because your interest in the women in the strip clubs, but the bouncers? Hey, why not have a coming out party with tittyfan?
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