
Open Challenge to Rick Dugan

Since Rick has claimed both of the following things:

A) I am a fraud but he is not
B) he greatly respects his wife (despite putting her at risk of stds including HPV which can cause cervical cancer via BBFS with strippers)

I thus challenge Rick to a meeting between the three of us. Me, Rick and rick's wife meet and we let her be the judge of which of the two of us is the fraud. I take it she ought to have fine skills in judging the matter too. ;-)

What do you say Rick? You up to it?


  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Also, after the meeting with his wife, the three of us will go out clubbing and put "the system" to the test versus "just ask". Let's get everything resolved all in one evening! :-)
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    What Douchester really wants is for a group of TUSCL members to meet him and give him a Bukkake.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Well according to you tittyfan if your daughter was doing that for money you would respect her just as much as if she was a policeman or a soldier. Are these strange attitudes about your daughter why your marriage with your wife find' work out tittyfan?
  • txtittyfan
    12 years ago
    Sorry Douchester, I have never been married.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh, I see! Doesn't surprise me with the kinds of attitudes you have about your daughter!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    LOL Fraudster. You are a fraud, of that there is no doubt. All the rest of that nonsense was more smoke and misdirection. ;)

    Wanna' prove differently? How 'bout you give us a little Seattle love. Write an article and give us some original intel about the Seattle scene. And since you are obviously not accustomed to actually providing anything useful to the board members, I have included a few links below to provide you some examples of useful information (all from me of course):


    You can also read some additional comments from me relating to Charleston, SC, in a thread started by someone else, which I probably could have made into an article if I was inclined:


    I know that I have also posted intel on NYC and Vegas in here recently. You also posted in both threads. And all of this, of course, is in addition to 93 decent to very good club reviews.

    Oh, and an honorable mention goes out to Shadowcat with his Atlanta intel:


    So what do you have to offer Fraudster? ;)
  • jabthehut
    12 years ago
    All of these bitch fights add so much to TUSCL. Can't wait for the next one. Who will the contestants be is the only question?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I'm done. I have overfed this troll enough for one day. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    How about the names of some girls that work at Pandora's right now. Jelena, Janika, Bunny, Cody, Athena, Morgan, Lily, Shula, Duchess, Jade. Go see if you can find those mentioned in any review. If not, I would say it counts as "original intel", no? Or do you have a conspiracy theory to explain that? :-)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh, yes, let's bit forget Wednesday who recently transferred over from dreamgirl's at rick's just recently,

    Don't worry Rick I'm sure that if you can explain away all strippers who post on this site as make importers you'll have a conspiracy to explain how I can know things mentioned in no review. Can't wait to hear it!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    This? Seriously? You could have picked up stage names from a 30 minute pop-in, or a single cattle call or even from another website.

    C'mon dude, give the board a little Seattle love. Let us know what it would be like to visit the clubs. Give a little - if you can. ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: " You could have picked up stage names from a 30 minute pop-in, "

    Rick? Srsly? Remember your claim is that I don't go to strip clubs at all. Looks like I've disproved that one. So what you gonna do now? Back off your claim or come up with a conspiracy theory? :-)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    That is what I thought. Nothing. Now we get to watch you tapdance and try to grab onto lint as if it was a safety rope.

    Miserable fraud. You cannot even give us reliable intel about club in your own purported stomping ground. Wow. When finally called upon to give a little back in recompense for all of the entertainment that you obviously derived from here in the form of nonsensical posts, fake usernames and otherwise burnt threads, you've cannot even do that much. LOL.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Looks like your the one with nothing Rick. How did I come up with those names so soon after you asked if I don't visit strip clubs at all? You said "maybe" another website. Well go ahead and google it an tell what you come up with.

    Want more details?

    Jelena - early 30 brunette in nice shape but raspy voice
    Janika - early 40s blond, famous in the area
    Bunny - blond thick early to mid 20s; says she was a military girl

    Cody - early 20s, hard body, brunette
    Athena - early 20s, from sin rock, brunette real everything, average size
    Morgan - mid 20s; famous from honey's lots of tats now
    Lily - early 20s brunette, new, skinny, tame
    Shula - early 20s brunette a but a skinny and a looking but very sweet; use to work at DGs at safeco
    Duchess - early 30s blond curly hair hardbody, used to work at LFP

    again Rick, I can post all the detail you want (e.g. No cattle call at Pandora's) but you'll have a conspiracy theory to explain it

    Wednesday - late 20s or early thirties, dark hair, goth look... Worked at LFP as well...

    Looks like I know the scene pretty well, eh, Rick... Even though you say I never go to strip clubs at all. :-)

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    So, Rick, I rose to your challenge. If you want you can get a neutral third party like club_goer to verify the information. :-) can you PM him and make the request an tell me what he says? ;-)
  • tenisbum1776
    12 years ago
    My first internet fight on TUSCL. I expected it to happen sooner or later as I participate and even moderate other discussion groups and it always happens there are well. My advice, try not to take things too seriously. It's nothing but electrons floating in cyberspace.

    We're here to help each other and learn a thing or two in the process.
  • gatorfan
    12 years ago
    HPV is cured by fucking 2000 times
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    How about cervical cancer? How come Rick doesn't care he putting her at risk for that? I hope Rick takes up my challenge (since I took up his) and I can him explain it to her in person.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Let's also invite txtittyfan and his daughter to the dinner. Would love to hear him tell her, "don't worry, dear, if you ever become a stripper and suck guys off strangers in strip clubs for money" i will still respect you as much as I you were a policeman or a soldier. And then Rick will chime in "yeah, it's better than collects social assistance". Then rick's wife will slap him, and tittyfuck' daughter will get up and leave...

    Still calling you out Rick! I met your challenge, now meet mine!
  • Doc_Holliday
    12 years ago
    Hey Doug, I'm long overdue for a trip to Seattle. When I come, you wanna pick me up at the Green Tortoise and go hit up whatever nipple bar Stiletto works at?
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Hmmm... I don't if you have the wealth Ricky-boy does and could wine and dine me like he could in the big city. And aSeattle ain't NYC either. Maybe we just go smoke some legal mj together?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Seriously? Wow, you manage to cobble a the names and (very) brief descriptions of a few dancers at one club and this is supposed to mean something?

    C'mon Fraudster, share some of that Seattle love. The gauntlet has been thrown poseur. I'm guessing that you simply can't. Imagine a purported strip club hound who cannot even speak about the clubs in his own city - LMAO. You, sir, are a pathetic fraud.

    Which clubs do you like the best and why? How do they compare on the pricing/mileage/quality fronts? What were some ofthe other quirks that you noticed in each club? Inquiring minds want to know!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: " this is supposed to mean something?"

    Means I've been in the club, Rick. Something you say I haven't.

    See if you can match me Rick. Post the names of 10 girls and brief description of any of the clubs you visited in KS or AL. Kay? ;-)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Unless I have blown a load in her, I don't remember the stage name of any girl I saw last week, nevermind a few months ago. Why would I?

    The real gauntlet has been thrown. Duck, twirl, tapdance, bob, etc., all you want, but if you cannot even provide us with intel regarding your own local club scene then you are a joke. I never said that you have never, ever visited a club, but it is quite clear that it is not a routine practice for you. Go ahead and prove me wrong - I real club junkie is well aware of the clubs in his local area.

    Give us some of that Seattle love! Help us non-Seattle types understand how it has come to pass that, in Seattle, 9s and 10s are giving it up on the cheap when that is not the experience of junkie's in other areas. Tell us what "OTC'ing" (too fucking funny - LOL) is like in Seattle or how one so readily pick up lots of "OTC numbers" (another LOL - I am giggling as I type this :)) in a city reputed to be a mixed bag on the mileage front. C'mon man - educate us! ;)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick: " I never said that you have never, ever visited a club"

    Holy fuck! What a blatant lie this is!

    Rick this is how you operate. You test the waters by telling the biggest lie you think you can get away with. If it looks you are doing well, then you keep pressing. If it is not working then you back off, but just as little as possible. An inch back, an inch back, until it looks like you've found the biggest lie you can get away with. Then later on if you get confident again, you'll try for a bigger lie without any memory of what you said before. Now I don't think you are a pscyhopath, but I have read Hare and this is exactly what psychopaths. Plus when caught in their lies they will try to act charming, and joke and see if the wiggle their way out.

    Okay, Rick, so let's get this in writing. You used to say I never visited strip clubs, but now your claim is that I do, but I merely do not share as much useful info as I should?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    You're gonna' keep dodging, aren't you? Do you have Seattle intel to share or don't you? If yes, then why don't you share it? :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    I do have intel to share, Rick. I will. But first you openly acknowledge this:

    a) in the past you said I never visited strip clubs and all my reviews are phony
    b) you are now backing off this claim.

    Do that, and I share the intel. (And I have already shown my good will by sharing the names and description of 10 girls at Pandora's. Something you can't do in an of your reviews that I am supposed to hold as exemplarly.)
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    I'll tell you what - in the interest of removing any excuses you may have, I'll acknowledge that you MAY have visited one strip club once. And I never said that all of your reviews were phony per se, but rather that I suspected that most, if not all were. But if you can find a post where I did say that every single one is phony then I will acknowledge that perhaps one of your reviews might be genuine.

    Now prove me wrong if you dare...
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    One more thing:

    "Unless I have blown a load in her, I don't remember the stage name of any girl I saw last week, nevermind a few months ago. Why would I?"

    This is the way a guy who respects dancers talks? Ok, your legitimately respect them, but I don't, but you make comments like that. Got it!

    As to the question of "why would I?" well I would think your supposed "respect" would be one reason. Another might be so you can write higher quality reviews. Guys love it when you name nams in reviews even if you don't link them with services. Lots of guys read reviews to find out where their favs have gone. How since your low quality reviews don't include names (maybe because they are fake?) this is not something you would know.
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    or I should have said, more accurately, IF YOU CAN.

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Nope, too many weasel words, Rick. I have the upper hand here so we play by my rules.

    You want intel, you drop the weasel words, and say you acknowledge that I have posted legitimate reviews and that it is clear that I do visit strip clubs. You also admit that you denied this in the past, but are backing off that claim now. You keep the weasel words in and no deal. Sorry, Mack, you seem to think you have the stronger negotiating position here, but I just made your little plan backfire when I named those ten names didn't I? Ha! Ya' fuckin' loser!
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Oh wait, last minute addition since I am the one with the stronger negotiating position. You also admit that have BBFS with strippers is wrong when you are married, and acknowledge that the risk of STDs is real, and your wife could have gotten cervical cancer because of your selfish adventures.

    Ready to play Rick?
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Yup, I knew you would try to squirm out. The simple answer is that you can't. You could never have the upper hand in any discussion with someone who actually contributes to this board because you have no credibility. You are a joke who a fair number of participants have wisely placed on IGNORE. There are many posters here who have contributed more in a single, solitary post than you have in you entire 4 years on this thing, and I include your reviews in that comment.

    You, sir, have been exposed - yet again. You either don't get how obvious your ignorance is or are too shameless to care, but there it is.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Man, am I mopping the floor with him tonight.

    (Psychoanalysis break: This is always happens with Rick due to his narcissistic personality disorder. txtittyfan backed him up on something in another thread (like it's hard to get tittyfan to speak badly of me), so that built up Rick's confidence. Now for most people they still stay in tune with reality, but Rick is narcissist, so it went from 0 to 60 in about 2 microseconds flat. Flush with confidence he went for the grand slam and thought "if I can convince tittyfan of a lie" I can convince anyone, so I will now prove that Dougster has never visited a strip club even in his own area". Well, of course, when you overstretched that much you are going to get seriously knocked down and now the thread has blown up in Rick's face. This ain't the first time his overconfidence has caused him problems and I guarentee it won't be the last.)

    Thanks for playing, Ricky-boy!

  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Bottom line, Rick. You used to be so confident you said I never visited strip clubs and all my reviews are fake, but now you are backing off that. Direct quote:

    " I never said that you have never, ever visited a club"

    I am chipping you down bit by bit, Ricky-boy! Like I say got the book on you. Face it - I own you, bitch!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Yup, shameless indeed. :)
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    One more time! We gonna celebrate! Celebrate, and dance for free! One more time! Music got me feeling so free. We gonna celebrate. Celebrate and dance for free! One more time!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    You really should never give advice to anyone again, ever. A guy that doesn't even know the clubs in his own area has nothing useful to say to anybody.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Rick, I'm content to let others decide for themselves who won this particular battle in our flame war. Have a good night!
  • rickdugan
    12 years ago
    Flame war? LOL, this was just light entertainment for me. Exposing you for what you are - a paper screen name - isn't exactly heavy lifting. ;)

    But you have a good night as well!
  • staxwell
    12 years ago
    This is the stuff that makes TUSCL worth visiting. Just Beautiful. Please continue.
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    I have a couple of points/questions.

    1] Do these "reviews" in question get posted in the reviews section. I have not read reviews of Topeka or Mobile as I have no plans to visit either place in the near furture and both places have had terrible clubs in past experience. As I have visited both and been clubbing there in the past. If I had plans to visit I would read the latest 8-10 reviews before I went to see if things had changed.

    2] Why would you ever put names in a public post and risk LE on these girls.

    3] What does it cost to afford dancers a little courtesy. I realize that many of these girls like abuse but I have always seen little value in treating people like shit.

    4] The point about STD's is very valid. I cover even though single and you have an 8 of 10 chance of already having HPV if you have had BBFS and one of you had EVER had BBFS before.

    5] I have been clubbing for as long if not longer than any of you and one club may be a shit hole to one guy it may the best in the world to another. I like to read multiple reviews for trends to see if worth a trip. A prime example of club relativity is Brad's in Indy. I have been in there and consider it an average club with average or below mileage yet is is a top ranked club simple because the rest of the clubs in Indy are no better.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    HPV comes in multiple strains. Some strains are higher risk of cancer than others. If you already "have HPV" (maybe strains that are low risk for cancer) you can still acquire new strains.

    Regarding 2) it's only a problem if you link the girls to their activities, just posting their stage names with no mention of what they do puts them at no LE risk. As I say above, guys like to know the stage names of girls working at club even if you don't mention what they do, since they know where a girl they like is working now.

    12 years ago
    Down goes Fraudster...Rick wins by TKO (again)....
  • sclvr5005
    12 years ago
    rick- I've always enjoyed your TR posts over on SW blue. I got banned there a long time ago (big surprise), but still lurk occasionally to check out whats posted in the PL side of the house.
  • Dougster
    12 years ago
    Does Rick's cock ever leave MADDOG_ROMEO's mouth?
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    I regret I spent any time out of my life reading this strain of crap. Dougster, I'm sorry for all of the times you got wedgies and swirls when you were a kid. But I can certainly see why they are still happening to you now.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago

    A wedgy is when the underwear is pulled out of the pants from behind with such force that it painfully binds one's genitals within their pants.

    A swirly is when a person's head is dunked into a public toilet and the toilet is then flushed.
  • JimGassagain
    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    Quite a thread!

  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    3 years ago
    No one.
  • docsavage
    3 years ago
    So this is the infamous Dougster who I've heard so much about. I have no memory of him from when he was here. Nineteen thousand comments. Unbelievable. It looks like he left in 2018 after throwing some sort of temper tantrum and threatening to leave. I don't care enough to look at the details. If I ever get pissed off enough to stop posting here I might mention I was leaving. I would never threaten to leave because why would anyone care enough to alter their behavior to keep me from leaving?
  • rickthelion
    3 years ago
    “Who won?”


    ricks always win.

    Only room for doubt is when it is rick vs rick. The question “who would win if the lion arm wrestled the dugan?” is one of those questions like “can God microwave a 7-11 burrito so hot that it would burn the inside of his mouth?”

    Actually, I’d beat the dugan at arm wrestling. The claws provide an advantage. But could I microwave a 7-11 burrito so hot it would burn the dugan’s mouth? Only rickthedeity knows. ROAR!!!
  • MackTruck
    3 years ago
    Mackie won! I da kang of da trolls!
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    The Follies Girls are living with Juice. He has rented an entire motel complex, on his Vitamin V expense account


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