Thanks Be to God

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Detroit strip clubs
"Pastor Scott Lively thanked God for the massive explosion that leveled a Worthington Street strip club and called for "further cleansing" in the city."…


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avatar for JuiceBox69
12 years ago
That Is not a true man of god ......the bible honestly says Jesus loved them hoes.....yes not in those words but it does say so
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
Sounds terroristic to me... bombs solve religion problems...
avatar for carolynne
12 years ago
avatar for sclvr5005
12 years ago
fuck that asshole.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
Lunatic Fringe. If he was a true man of the cloth he would try to convert them sinners. Prayer meetin in the Champagne Room!!! There will laying on of hands to make all feel better!!
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
That is religion for you. I am an atheist and proud. Don't let delusional and psychopathic religious extremist like this Pastor Scott guy get to you. Haters like him are fearful because society is becoming more and more secular.
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
There are plenty of haters that are atheist. Just sayin.
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Geez, pastor. Don't say you have not bought a few lappers in your life, what a hypocrite.
avatar for shadowcat
12 years ago
Yeah this guy is a real winner.

"Holy Grounds Coffee HousePolice arrest manager of Holy Grounds Coffee House -- operated by anti-gay pastor Scott Lively -- as unregistered sex offender."…
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
What the pastor really need is a hot blonde sitting on his face to shut him up. His ole-lady prolly has a beehive hairdo, weighs 500lbs and thinks sex is dirty.
avatar for georgmicrodong
12 years ago
@deogol: "There are plenty of haters that are atheist. Just sayin."

True, but as a group, atheists of my acquaintance don't tend to *institutionalize* hate. I hate things like bad food, stinky cooter and people who are trying to impose their beliefs on me. I don't hate people who aren't harming me at all...
avatar for deogol
12 years ago
GMD: That is not the experience I have encountered and I am no church going man. However, atheists tend harp on shit from 200 years ago and overlook people turned by religion to feeding the poor, helping with medical conditions, clothing the poor, providing places to sleep in winter, etc.

I am not going to apologize for examples like this fuck mentioned in the article, but I do think it's ok for people to whisper "God help me get out of this shit!"

I have noticed the people who need God are usually the kind looking for some kind of check on their own behavior. Then, they are liked reformed alcoholics telling everyone, whether appropriate to the message or not, how they should not drink.
avatar for sharkhunter
12 years ago
The pastor is an obvious idiot or a fool.
avatar for crazyjoe
12 years ago
Maybe the dumbass pastor set the bomb off and plans more...He is jelous because he only fucks little boys
avatar for vincemichaels
12 years ago
Probably, crazyjoe.
avatar for DandyDan
12 years ago
deogol- "However, atheists tend harp on shit from 200 years ago...."

Religious people harp on shit that allegedly happened 1400 years ago (if you're Muslim), 2000 years ago (if you're Christian), or even longer than that (Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.) Of course, it's reasonable to doubt any of it happened (like Scientology, to name one example). Of course, none of them can get their alleged holy books straight, or even approaching modern ethical standards. It's why I don't participate in any of it anymore.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
12 years ago
There are zealots in every sect. In todays world the vast majority of zealots are muslim nut jobs trying to get at them 57 virgins in the after life. (notice it does not say what those virgins look like or if they are even human, I personally think that there is a special place in hell for people that persecute and murder in the name of religion) The second is the atheists who at every turn try to jam their beliefs down your throat in the courts. Then you have few Christian zealots that preach hate. All are wrong headed assholes.

A muslim can prosper in a Christian society as can an atheist. A Christians in a muslim society are tortured murdered. Christians in an atheist society (reference Soviet oppression of religion) will be forced to practice their beliefs in secret. Make no mistake muslimism (guns and bombs) and atheistism (courts and press ridicule) are more violent and intolerant than CURRENT Christians. Yes there are dipshits that claim to be Christians but mass murder and religious oppression are not on the Christian agenda. Where as murder is promoted by muslimism and oppression the watchword of atheism.

The first line of the first amendment states:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,"

The US Constitution is the only one in the world that prohibits an official state religion.

The muslims by their own admission feel obligated to force their religion on the world "at the point of a sword".

The atheists, by twisting this right to suit their new relgion, are forcing their religion on the rest of the country through the courts.

This is very dangerous because the backlash may be worse than what they claim as a problem.

Just sayin
avatar for Omega22
12 years ago
I didn't mean to start a religious debate but I want to add on that the majority of Christians in this country are laid back when it comes to religion, don't preach hate, and let people live the way they want. I have plenty of Christian friends that live the same way I do. Also I have never met an atheist that does force their beliefs on others, but have met some Christians that do.

Everyone on this site is pretty much non-religious. I learned back in my Sociology classes non-religious people can be Christian but they are Christians in which religion has little to no influence on their lives, such as pretty much all my Christian friends.

We shouldn't be arguing religion since we are pretty much all living secular lives by going to strip clubs. This Pastor Scott guy is a zealot however his kind of people are small in number and are despised by most Christians, and most non-religious people.
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