Ever Met Marraige Material At A Strip Club?

A good friend of mine met a gorgeous stripper last summer at a strip club in Maryland. It turns out that she was an elementary school teacher, and she was working as a stripper to supplement her income due to the tough economy. Anyway, he got her number, and they started a real relationship.
She went back to her teaching job last Fall, and stopped stripping. Now that summer is approaching, she swears she won't go back to stripping, and my buddy is contemplating getting engaged to her.
On one hand, it sounds great, but on the other hand, I told him that she could always go back to stripping if lean times hit. He said he couldn't deal with that, so I am staying out of it.
Any of you ever had a similar situation?
She went back to her teaching job last Fall, and stopped stripping. Now that summer is approaching, she swears she won't go back to stripping, and my buddy is contemplating getting engaged to her.
On one hand, it sounds great, but on the other hand, I told him that she could always go back to stripping if lean times hit. He said he couldn't deal with that, so I am staying out of it.
Any of you ever had a similar situation?
But the teacher/Dancer could end up an ex-teacher if her Stripping becomes known to her Board of Education. NOT very tolerant people.
Said friend better possibly plan on an unemployed teacher wife if he marries her.
Um, no. Strippers are pre-qualified. For a woman to dance in a strip club is generally an indicator of other stuff going on. Not always, but almost always. Women are generally raised to believe that strippers are ho's. And most women would sooner die than to be seen as a ho.
Of course there are women out there who you should never even consider marrying. But while there might be a likelihood of, say, 10% of the general population that fall into that category, with strippers it's more like 90%. Some would say it's more like 110%.
On the positive side, most dancers are young and attractive.
On the negative side, most dancers are uneducated, dependent on alcohol and drugs, irresponsible, and promiscuous.
I'll take a pass.
You're experience differs from mine. I've met plenty of strippers that don't fit into your stereotype.
Yes MOST are. But the ONE that I would have married was not any of those things.
Honestly though recent xATF had potential before that went sour. The girl who was my ATF before being de-throwned by most recent xATF was also a moonlighting teacher. Got scared off by some of the baggage.
Can it happen, yeh. are the odds good, hell no.
The gene pool breathes a collective sigh of relief.
@GMD - I don't know, even if your wife didn't mind, it would still be bigamy, wouldn't it?
You mean you wouldn't breed the next Einstein or Newton? LOL
If I were to consider a Dancer as possible wife material, then my current ATF is as close as I've come across in 20+ years. BUT I'm not looking to get within 1000 miles of that situation with her. A "Friend with Benefits" scenario is ideal for me.
I just talked to my buddy about this again, and he told me that he loves her, but he always has this gut feeling that she's not being completely honest. I told him to trust his gut, and proceed with caution. By the way, she just asked him for 200 dollars tonight. Guys, all of these stories end up the same way, but I guess we've all been kicked hard in the ass once or twice! Too bad, I can see this train wreck a mile ahead, but a hard head makes for a donkey style ass kicking!!
Of course, any marriage between any 2 persons has its challenges & needs to be worked at.
"Agreed...I have dealt with a few strippers in the past, and every last one of them told lies, so now I take everything they say with a grain of salt"
stenton1 have you ALWAYS told the absolute truth 110% of the time during your life? Unless you have, putting down dancers for being less than 100% truthfully is not being fair.
I've told plenty of lies in my life, some white & some worse.
Before denigrating Dancers for telling lies we should observe this old "Biblical" saying, perhaps a bit paraphrased:
"Let He Who is Without Sin, cast the First Stone!"
How many of you fellow members have never told a lie? Heh...
The problem is that the lies I have been told by strippers have been Whopping, Life Changing lies! I have been lied to about about every topic under the sun by many strippers. That's why I am concerned that my buddy doesn't get jerked around.
Yes, I've told them lies about my money, as to not dump out my bank account, or my whereabouts if I didn't want to go to the club. I guess what I've learned is that many of these women are master manipulators, who will literally craft a different persona that doesn't exist.
So, throw the first stone if you must, it's just that I don't want anyone else to get reeled into a vortex of extreme bs and lies...
Of course, he'll probably have to learn the hard way, like many of us have, until he wises up.
I'm not jaded enough to rule out a SC Marriage Material situation, nor would I go looking for it....
In theory, is there a stripper out there that truly is only dancing for a little extra money, has a real career, and is real relationship material ... sure ... cold fusion is a good theory too.
Just like I'm the real world, you can sit in a club and eliminate about 90% of the dancers. It only takes about 15 minutes to figure them out. The rest have to be filtered, because they have something different and it takes time to.figure out if you can trust them. Even in the real world, they can lie, manipulate and Fuck you over.
"if you can trust them. Even in the real world, they can lie, manipulate and Fuck you over."
With that sort of an attitude toward women, if I were a woman I wouldn't want to be within 100 miles of you & your toxic attitude!
My point "Even in the real world, they can lie, manipulate and Fuck you over." was basically saying don't be so paranoid about strippers, I hear so much negativity on this site but I have seen my friends have some pretty bad experiences with other women.
I think strippers and women in general are pretty awesome. It's the guys at the clubs that are pretty much douchebags.
The rest is just an artificial construct, we have been conditioned to live under.