Do auditions really exist?

avatar for shadowcat
From time to time, on here, I hear mentions of dancers having to do auditions prior to be allowed to work at a club but I have never talked to any dancer, in any club that I have ever been to, that has gone through that.

Mostly it is just a matter of a short interview, filling out a form of basic information and showing proof of age. In some clubs, if they are carefull, and the law requires it, they may ask to see their dancer license.

Maybe I just don't go to really upscale clubs.


last comment
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
I've wondered about auditions too. I'm not sure if it is important or not if they exist. Hmm...
avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
My ATF and priors have all said the same thing..proof of age, etc. but no tryout. One did state the manager asked to see the goods....she was very hot and guess he couldn't wait!
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Just see the goods OR perhaps try the goods! LMAO
avatar for Tiredtraveler
13 years ago
I have been in a couple of clubs that had a couple of tryouts. The girl I was sitting with said the manager wanted to see if they would actually strip in front of customers. One place had it on the main stage the others had it on a side stage but still by the customers. All two of the clubs were nude one topless. The funny thing is the topless club was the one that auditioned on they main stage and had 5 girls lined up where the girls would not take her top off and left.
avatar for hard10
13 years ago
Just like traveler, I've seen tryouts with girls either new to stripping or relatively inexperienced. The owners wanted to see if they could handle it. Almost always in these cases, the boyfriend/SO is there for moral support or whatever you call it. Sometimes amusing, sometimes you can't help feeling embarrassed for the girl.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I have been in clubs at times when a prospective dancer came in and was given a chance to audition on stage. Many clubs that have an amateur contest, will push the girls to participate in the contest as a means of auditioning them. I've also known some girls to come into clubs to ask about a job. They're well dressed for the interview; they describe their dancing experience, and often will get hired without an audition. One thing though, about not taking off tops, as traveler mentioned: When a prospective dancer comes into a club, she's usually not licensed in that city, and can't take off her top or bottom until she is. But, I've been told by some dancers, that that hasn't stopped some (unlicensed) prospects from actually stripping. So, it can go a lot of ways.
avatar for JuiceBox69
13 years ago
I don't like newbees and I stay the fuck away.....I love me a good seasoned ho !
avatar for hard10
13 years ago
I don't think a newbie could handle you Juice.
avatar for igloo9999
13 years ago
In this area, I have seen both. One club that I'm a regular at will require a girl 1 song on stage & then decide if they are on the schedule or not. I have taken girls in to audition and based on the girls reputation & my recommendation all she had to do was fill in her schedule. It depends on the girl's history, rep & how she presents herself.
avatar for MADDOG_ROMEO
13 years ago
Just yesterday at a club I frequent, I was outside on the back deck of the club enjoying the late afternoon New England sunshine with a buddy having a few drinks. One of his "sometimes" girls came right over and proceeded to provide a free show - whipping out tits/sucking nipples and dropping panty/proudly showing kitty....does that count as an audition?

Anyway, here's the real point - shortly thereafter a Hot Babe dressed in street clothes comes in with a Douche older guy friend. They sit down next to us and she proceeds to start stripping off an aside - I love this country....I mean, just looking into her eyes you could tell she had the legs of a Dancer. Turns out, she had just been hired and will be starting Days next week at my club....There was no audition....Later when I got her alone inside the club she proceeded to tell me she had until now been Dancing at another club, futher telling me her former stage name....Then she's telling me her schedule, and started putting the moves on me - you know tossing handsome, hot and shit like that around....I told her it was due to the favorable lighting and proceeded to throw it right back at her....Did I mention she's Hot....Anyway, later in asking around I find out her reputation at her previous club was that she was the biggest ho in the whole club....

Now what do I want to do - I'm stuck between wanting to hit it and not wanting to go near it even with my Buddy's dick.....HELP...and I wish there had been an audition....
avatar for jackslash
13 years ago
Some dancers have told me about their auditions, and I've seen a couple. One afternoon in my favorite club a dancer I didn't know came out on stage. She was hot, and when she took off her top, I went up to her, tipped her a dollar, and asked her for a dance when she got off stage. She told me she was auditioning and could not do any lap dances for customers until the manager had hired her. A half-hour later the dancer walked up to my table in her street clothes and said that she had not be hired. Then she handed me a piece of paper with her name and phone number. So everything turned out for the best.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
I remember one club where the dancers told me they had to audition. It was a long time ago but just about every girl in the club looked very hot. Maybe it's just my memory. The major downside was that they only did table side air dances. I liked going when crowds visited so that I could watch other guy's air dances.
avatar for jester214
13 years ago
I occasionally ask when they tell me they're "new". For the most part it kinda sounds like its the whim of the managers.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
When my ATF went to Key West with me, we went to a club and she asked about dancing. The manager just told her to come back that evening ready to work. He did check her ID though.
avatar for lopaw
13 years ago
In the last five years I haven't seen an actual "new" stripper audition anywhere. Every single audition consisted of seasoned dancers trying out a new club to see if they wanted to work there. It was almost as if the dancers were auditioning the club.
avatar for inno123
13 years ago
The thing is if they 'audition' in front of customers while the club was open then they are already working and have to be paid. I can understand perhaps the club manager wanting to see how well the girl looks and moves naked, but honestly if they can't do that then are going to washout pretty darn fast anyhow.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
I know at one club I go to, they have to audition and it's more than just paperwork. They have to come in before the club opens during a week day and do a stage dance for staff. I think the dance part is mostly a formality, to make sure the dancer will strip nude in front of strangers. But if they come in on Wednesday, they won't be allowed to work there til Thursday.

I know of another club that technically has auditions, but they will hire you no questions asked if you participate in their amateur contest. But they have girls all the time who just show up and think they can go straight to work, but that just isn't so. They audition in a room upstairs where customers aren't allowed. I never heard it described further than that, except that that is one of the housemom's duties.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Either what lopaw said or the club has an "amateur" night

avatar for bobvz
13 years ago
Newbie dancers should stick to newbie club goers. Leave the seasoned ones to us seasoned veterans LOL
avatar for canny
13 years ago
I've seen both, and I've seen girls audition and not get hired at one club. I've also been told that a lot of clubs interview the girls by asking to see their ID and their tits.
avatar for dudeanonymous
13 years ago
I've seen it a few times. The last time, I was sitting at the tip rail in a club one slow Sunday night when a girl came on stage who had no idea what she was doing. I gave her a mercy tip because she was cute, and she told me she that this was her audition. She was very, very nervous and said that she didn't think she could ever work up the courage to get on stage again. Never saw her after that.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
13 years ago
Management just making sure the girl isn't going to freak out about being naked, so she does one set to prove she's done it before, and to prove she can get through a whole rock song on stage without running out of movement ideas and/or giggling and/or freaking. It doesn't take much for her to prove the point.

Also, of course, there's the big-bucks clubs where "audition for the bouncer" means "go suck his dick and let him grab hold of your tits or else you won't get to work in the private rooms." And there's "tip out to the DJ" which means "dick in for the DJ." And there's ...
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