Suppose a dancer who has always been square with you tells you that a group of dancers is trying to get better working conditions and a bigger piece of the club's take. She asks you to temporarily boycott the club to help them in their effort. Would you consider doing it?
Well, since the only dancer, "C", that falls into the "square" with me category at this time isn't currently dancing (in school), I wouldn't. If she were, and since I know many of the dancers, most of the staff, as well as management, I would talk to them and see what happens. I wouldn't boycott as I think that would be a relatively childish response.
I would consider it. My boycotting would depend on the circumstances. I think strip club owners in general do not treat dancers well, but dancers have little leverage.
I'd have to consider it, but I don't think it is realistically going to happen at any club I ever regularly visit. Most strip clubs I've ever been to are too cliquish to ever unify on one single issue.
unfortunately there is always some other dancer to take their place. dancers need an industry wide union. clubs certainly take advantage of them because they can.
I'm with shadowcat. Leave me out of it. It *might* be different is said "square with [me]" dancer was already taking care of me OTC, but I like going to clubs too much to actually stay away for very long.
If the dancer were one of my favorites, and I had another reliable venue in which we could still meet (e.g., OTC), then I would probably do it, mainly to stay on her good side. If it's just a girl I like but who could be interchanged with any other, then probably not. Then again, I live in Detroit, so there's no shortage of clubs either way.
Fuck no. If the dancers want better working conditions they can seek out employment elsewhere where conditions are better. If no place offers suitable conditions find a new line of work.
I wouldn't expect anyone to boycott my employer to help me get better working conditions either. I've got to demonstrate my value to them and convince them to pay me more when I want it.
From a selfish perspective, I'd refuse to help too. IMO the only way dancers are going to get more money is going to be from customers like me. Club owners take a lot of risk and expect high rewards - they aren't going to take lower profits lightly.
I might. I'm lucky enough to have a ton of decent clubs close to where I live, so I'd just hit up another club or two until the dancers got their demands met .Or they all got fired. Whichever came first.
I would seriously consider supporting them if they seemed to have a chance of winning. One of the bigger clubs in my area takes a third of the price of each dance, on top of a pretty high cover charge and very high house fees and drink prices. Ultimately what makes a lap dance good is the dancer, it has almost nothing to do with the club. The more money the dancer gets, the more motivation she has. The club just needs to make enough to provide good security and make a decent profit for the investors. I've seen clubs that take no money from the price of a dance and they seem to do just fine.
Dolfan is pretty much spot on. If ANYONE doesn't like their job, working conditions, whatever, they are free to move on. Can they endeavor to change those conditions, well of course. Do they do so at their own peril, also of course. Life is chock full of choices, So far, we are pretty much free to go about our daily lives.
NO ONE, repeat, NO ONE has a right to have a job. They need to be deserved, and done well to survive or progress. That is unless a union is involved, then little is required to remain an employee.
last commentYou know what would be cool to see - a Stripper Picket Line.
What are you NUTS??? "...dancers need an industry wide union."
I can see it now, a $50 dance, each song 1.5 minutes on the nose. She works 15 minutes out of every hour...
I wouldn't expect anyone to boycott my employer to help me get better working conditions either. I've got to demonstrate my value to them and convince them to pay me more when I want it.
From a selfish perspective, I'd refuse to help too. IMO the only way dancers are going to get more money is going to be from customers like me. Club owners take a lot of risk and expect high rewards - they aren't going to take lower profits lightly.
I'm lucky enough to have a ton of decent clubs close to where I live, so I'd just hit up another club or two until the dancers got their demands met .Or they all got fired. Whichever came first.
...........with my lap.
NO ONE, repeat, NO ONE has a right to have a job. They need to be deserved, and done well to survive or progress. That is unless a union is involved, then little is required to remain an employee.