
What's the most you spent on tips (excluding tips for dances) in a single night

I'm thinking this group here is not the typical group of strip club visitors.

I'll start. In between 2 to 3 clubs in one night I have spent north of $60 at times in tips, one dollar per dancer at a time. Plus sometimes a dollar or dollar and change to the waitress. It's easy to spend $60 in tips in a single night if 60 dancers ask for a tip and you're sitting at the stage.

The most I tipped any one dancer (not for dances done well) was probably anywhere from $3 to $4 across 2 to 3 stages tipping one dollar at a time. It's likely I accidentally tipped a dancer as much as $5 or $10 due to not checking my change very carefully but that would be rare.

Oh, forgot to add a few extra dollars to tip the bathroom troll. Every time I go to wash my hands I often leave a dollar. Seems like highway robbery but stops me from feeling cheap.


  • HB13
    13 years ago
    Tips alone? ~$60. Most of my dinero goes to VIP rooms. Most in a single night $500.
  • GoVikings
    13 years ago
    I'm not a big stage tipper. Honestly, the most I've ever given one dancer in a single night is 5-6 bucks. And if I give her that much, she's a fav or one of the most attractive dancers I see on the stage.

    I'd much rather spend my money on a dancer thru lap dances, not a truckload of stage tips.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    I've ALREADY addressed this subject in another thread about tipping.
  • Joe from NJ
    13 years ago
    There are Clubs in northern NJ that the girls do a walk around after they dances on stage (usually 2) and beg for tips. One can drop $30 in a half hour. These clubs are heavily eastern European and Brazilian.
    I now do not go to them. Not worth the money, and the private dances are lame.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    The most in just stage tips ! At once to one girl $20........the most over the night $200.....and yes I still got plenty for lappers and otc fun : )
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    I used to tip $1 at one each....then one day I tried $2 and noticed that I got more contact ! Before I new it I was tipping on avg $7 a song and was damn near getting road on stage ! Lol.

    This is what has slowly chanched my whole why at clubbing ! Now if I tip a girl $5 and she does not increase her contact then fuck her and that vip room lol ! But it has now rolled over in the vip room...if she is doing good in the vip I will increase her money per song just to incourege her to do more risky shit ! And if she does then we go to the CR ! But of course this is some of my non extras club game on leveling up to get xtras !

    We all know how cheap and easy extras clubs are lol !
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Somewhere on another thread (too tired to find it) someone commented that one of the most annoying thing in clubs is patrons on the tip rule that tip too much (i.e. More than a dollar or two).

    To quote Arthur on Michigan TwoSheds board:
    "Money rules. Especially in strip clubs. Those that can't compete eat shit"

    Having said they I rarely tip on stage. All my money goes to VIPs. But there has to be a happy medium between the buck tippers and the rainmakers.
  • Ermita_Nights
    13 years ago
    I hardly ever sit at the stage. When I do, I don't tip, so the rest of you will look good.
  • bang69
    13 years ago
  • Blue42TX
    13 years ago
    30 here. When she came down....she immediately grabbed me and went to vip. No vip charge. :) Normally $2 on stage....more if she is good or if i know her. Also....when she is done and walks by me...i will tip her if she is a hottie. I dont have as much mojo as juice....but i know money talks. ;)
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Che I do that for my atf as well !

    Blue42 lol thanks man ! "Mojo" :p
  • bobvz
    13 years ago
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Bobvz shuuuuuuuueeeeeeeeeet !!!!!!!
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    Like many here, I don't like to sit by the stage and continously tip. I do it occasionally when I don't want to spend too much $$$ (ie. not getting LDs) and thus get a cheap fix. When I do do it, I normally tip $1 if the girl is just going thru the motions, $2 if she does a bit better job, and maybe $4 or $5 if she does a really good job.

    Like many probably, I will go towards the stage when I see a girl I like in order to "introduce" myself via my tips - in this case I tip ~$5 in singles to let her know I am interested in her.
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    Stage tipping alone? Have to think about that one....

    Well, one night I did 3 club and would guess about $50 in sigles at the stages. Didn't do any LDs due to lack of mileage.

    On a differnt trip, in about 30 hrs (evening-afternoon-evening) hit 5 clubs. I'd guess $80 in singles at the stages, but really not sure. Total damages including LDs was around $300 with somewhere around $220 on glorious hand-roaming LDs.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    Papi spot on how I do it ! I agree man !
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Not a clue.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I was merely trying to make a point that the posters here are not the typical strip club patrons. We tip money. Many people in the clubs just sit and watch hardly ever approaching the stage. I guess at times I have taken some pride in being cheap in only tipping a dollar when everyone else is tipping more. However if I like them I sometimes tip again and I often draw others to tip the dancer on stage since some guys seem to want to wait to see if she's worth tipping.
  • JacksonEsskay
    13 years ago
    Probably $100 to $150 in single dollar tips (including several in a row when the dancer smiled at me) at the stage when I was young and foolish.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    I try to stay away from the stage. But if I see "that girl" I will swoop in and let her know that I have her under surveillance. It is rare that I sit at the stage for the night, but sometimes those are the only seats left. Then I try to spread the ones out so that I'm only tipping one or two for each dancer. Still, that pace can start to pinch if they dance quick 2 or 3 song sets and you are there for hours. And sometimes your plan is to go at a snail's pace and the dancer starts pushing all the right buttons and you end up tipping her 10 or 15 in ones just to mark your territory. haven't found a girl yet who does a great lapper that does have game on the stage. there have been several who had a great stage show that were busts in VIP, though. Let the buyer beware.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Shit, where's the editor around here?

    "Haven't found a girl yet who does a great lapper that doesn't have game on the stage. But there have been several who had a great stage show that were busts in VIP. Let the buyer beware."
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    I can't definitely say for sure, but I know one time, I went to one of the clubs near me and sat at perv row for hours and had to have spent at least $100 in stage tips, always $1 per girl, but often at least $2. They used to have a lot of high quality girls, but their quality has slipped recently.
  • Papi_Chulo
    13 years ago
    I commented w.r.t. this thread before; but one thing I forgot to mention w.r.t. tipping is how I HATE when girls come around the club after they get off stage and ask (often demand) a tip.

    If I wanted to tip every girl that has gone on stage, then I would be sitting by the stage or going up there for every different dancer.

    Some girls will even interrupt you while your are getting a LD to ask (demand) a tip - so rude - pisses me off!!!!
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I agree Pai_Chulo, I don't like dancers going around a club asking for tips when I would have tipped if I went to the stage. I've never had a dancer interrupt a lap dance to ask for a tip though. I'd tell her to get lost. The dancer who was dancing for me would likely be pissed off at her too. Fortunately I haven't encountered too many dancers going around asking for tips. That just smacks of desperation in my opinion. Unless they are doing one dollar dances and you're holding a dollar in your hand or agree to get the one dollar dance. I haven't been a club that did that in some time though.
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