
Uptight towns

I don't really want to stir the pot too much, but this recent talk about the availability of contraceptives in health care plans offered by Catholic hospitals and universities and the outcry and recent news has got me thinking.

We have all been able to locate parts of the country that have put the pinch on exotic entertainment and other areas that are more free wheeling. It has seemed to me that some of those restrictive areas have been areas with high concentrations of Catholics. I'm not bashing Catholics. I'm just saying that St. Louis is a Catholic town and Cincinnati is a Catholic town and Omaha is a Catholic town and their SCs are lame. That's not to say that talent is not nearby across the river in all those locations. And there are probably a good share of Catholics who drive over the bridge to get their freak on. So, in your experience, are the lame clubbing towns in the country often Catholic towns, or is there no correlation?


  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    NOT having any religion, I would not know about Catholic population distribution nor that of any other religion that FROWNS on Strip Clubs. There are a variety of factors that play into the tolerance or lack thereof for Strip Clubs in any particular city or town or State.
  • rickdugan
    13 years ago
    Providence is a Catholic town and it's strip clubs are off the hook.

    The state of Coonecticut is full of Catholics, yet many a good SC can be found.

    Miami is, if not dominated by Catholics of the Latin variety, at least heavily influenced by them and it is one of the best SC cities in the country.

    Places like VA and AK, which have some of the shittiest and most controlled strip clubs in the country, are anything but Catholic. And for that matter, I always thought that the cities in the Midwest had a variety of different religious influences and I'm not so sure that Ohaha, Cincinnati and St. Louis are quite as Catholic as places like Boston and Providence.

  • lopaw
    13 years ago
    Look at the "stripclubs" in Utah. Nuff said.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Down here in the bible belt, I so no correlation. Birmingham sucka while Huntsville is good. Atlanta is good while Augusta sucks. Tampa is good while Orlando sucks. etc.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I go to church on Saturday night, Then I go out to party at strip clubs. Just because Catholics are upset about Obama acting like the constitution means nothing, doesn't mean Catholics don't like to party.

    I believe some other religions don't believe in drinking at all but Catholics serve wine as part of the religious service. If you don't believe in defending the constitution, then you don't defend religious freedom, then you won't have a leg to stand on when they come to confiscate your guns and your other rights.

    I really don't care that much about the debate about the use of contraceptives but I do care about Obama thinking he can trample on the constitution with impunity. Someone needs to take a stand.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    I believe I read a quote stating that Obama thought the Founding Fathers were wrong about limiting government. Obviously he's not too interested in upholding the constitution. Only about if it might affect his chances for re-election. Most Americans are sedentary and are ignoring the fact that our rights are slowly being taken away.

    Just recently it became legal via a new law to detain any American without trial indefinitely. This is in defiance of the constitution and current elected officials in power aren't defending it. It's getting trampled on left and right.
  • sharkhunter
    13 years ago
    France is mostly Catholic and they have topless public beaches. Maybe that answers your question.
  • DandyDan
    13 years ago
    Considering Mexico is a Catholic country, maybe we should ask why their cities like Tijuana and Nogales allow their strip clubs to be brothels.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Gotta say that you are blowin' wind out of a certain orifice with this one, looneylarry.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    I like to go to mass cuz I get a lot of de azz !
  • bang69
    13 years ago
    You can put Xcapades & the treasure club in the catorgy of lame sc. They are located in Asheville NC
    13 years ago
    RickD, spot on about Providence....Even though I'm a Massachusetts guy, Providence is just 20 minutes away....So that's where i go....

    Read your reviews of the Providence clubs, and you nailed it....Club Desire may very well be the hottest club in New England right now...."Desire's" has a second and third floor that you might not have even seen...2nd Floor is "Members Only" and has an awesome pristine bar and damn near a 5 star restaurant, beyond that it has THE BEST CR rooms I've ever seen....The whole 2nd floor level and layout is first class, and awesome to "entertain" the girls up there....The third floor has a whiskey bar, game tables, smoking area and billiard tables and offers a great view of the Providence skyline....Again awesome to bring the girls up to shoot some stick, and to hang out and spend time with em....Also, don't know if you saw it, but off the far end of the first floor, they have an extended outdoor patio and deck....In the good weather, nice area to break out into with an atf day or night....
    13 years ago
    All, if anyone (even juice) ever comes up to the Northeast and wants to check out Providence, and Club Desire in particular - let me know. As a member at Club Desire, I can get you access to all the exclusive areas of the club....
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    I have doubts the relationship is between Catholicism and conservative. I am sure, however, most places that are so restrictive have religion as an underlying cause. Politicians who are uber conservative or want to force us all to live according to their rules are, IME, usually claiming to be strongly religious, be it catholicism or some other protestant devotion. Muslims are even worse when it comes to OFFICIALLY restricting the world of adult entertainment.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    I wonder if the pedophile Catholic priests ever preach about the sinful strip clubs. :) It isn't only a Catholic problem, I have no doubts pedophilia has no religious preferenc. Church leaders serve a useful purpose, and I don't doubt there are more than a few church leaders that entertain themselves going to strip clubs like us, so all in all I wouldn't say that the Catholic religion doesn't oppress our hobby. Wayne County here in Michigan which has a huge Catholic population has some of the country's most out of bounds strip clubs.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    As a person who was raised Catholic, I don't think you were stirring the point. I loved your question. I have always enjoyed demographics and statistics so your question was interesting.

    But I agree with Rick D and others that I don't think there is much of a correlation. I looked up percent Catholics by state and Rhode Island is #1 at 53 to 63 percent depending on the source. And as others have said, Providence has some good clubs.

    And some southern states like South Carolina, which have a very low percentage of Catholics, around 10%, seem to have good clubs.

    Florida, Texas, and California all have a fairly high percentage of Cathloics, and have good clubs, but those percentages come from large Hispanic populations. A mitigating factor?

    And although Detroit is one of the best cities for clubs, they do have a strict - though mostly unenforced- anti club ordinance. And this came about mostly from the non-Cathlolic black pastors

  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Location, location, location...

    sc mentions Orlando. There was a time when two clubs were across the street from each other. One fully nude and the other bikini. Why, two municipalities.
    13 years ago
    Clubba, even if I OWNED the Bikini club - I'd spend all my time and money at the fully nude club across the street.....
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    "defending the constitution"

    I have to chuckle at all this hullabaloo concerning the Constitution by politicians & others.

    There is something called the United States Code which is the collection of laws passed recently & in the past. The Code governs the running of the country. (In addition to the State, County & City laws in place) I VERY, VERY seriously doubt that the United States in this year of 2012 could be successfully governed & run if the ONLY document for governing & running the country was SOLELY what was written in the Constitution. Conditions in the World & in this Country are NOT the SAME as they were in 1789! Wake up.

  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    What was amazing to me is that both were busy in the evenings.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Read the Constitution! It is not about what we can and can not do, rather what the Federal government can and can not do. Everything else would left to the states, local government, whatever. Sort of what you implied, but the Constitution would work just fine, were it followed.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    2 of the 3 bikini clubs in the Atlanta metro area are now closed. Can the last one be far behind when all of the other clubs are full nude with alcohol?
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    13 years ago
    Here in Seattle a local news story a while back mentioned that Seattle ranks very low among the major U.S. cities in the number of churches and church-goers. Despite that, the strip clubs here still suck!
  • mjx01
    13 years ago
    OT, but wanted to comment on sharkhunter's posts...

    I'd say that most people (elected official/lobbiests) in DC believe that the Constitution is irrelavent. Obama is part of the ruling class problem in this country, but the problem is way bigger than just Obama. Both sides of the isle are to blame.

    However, this thing with the Church/birth control thing is mind boggling. The 1st admendment protects a citizen's individual right to practice religion freely. (The rights of the people.) The 1st admenment does not give the leadership of a religion/church the ability to ditcate how individual citizens go about their lives. For example, if a Catholic person FREELY CHOOSES to follow church doctrine on birth control so be it. If most Catholics happen to FREELY CHOOSE to make up their own damn minds, awesome.

    The whole this is upside down. The government should be telling these organizations that they can't restric a women's access to birth control. It's the individual's choice to use/not use.
  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Thanks, all. Points well taken about high concentrations of Catholics in certain towns with great SCs. I'll accept that the consensus is that there is no real correlation between Catholicism and lame strip clubs. I'll just chuckle next time, thinking about the St. Louis Catholics driving over to ESL after Saturday night Mass.

    @Club_Goer, I second your assessment. I would expect Seattle to have some great SCs based on its demographics, but it doesn't. Baltimore just came to mind--it's Block would be considered a good spot for a TUSCLer, no? And I think it is a Catholic town, at least historically. And with all the Baptist preachers in the Bible Belt, it is a wonder there are any SCs down South, but there are, and many of them great ones. There are probably plenty of examples to prove any generalization, I guess.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Sorry my friend, but in your response, you showed your ignorance of the United States Constitution. My suggestion to you, and any others that do not understand the greatest document of human history, is to visit the following link and educate yourself.

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