How far away is the nearest club from your residence?
Per Google Maps: 0.3 miles, 1 minute driving, 7 minutes walking. The club has been Top 100 in the past, but not currently. Despite close proximity, I go maybe once every two months.
Our nearest club is in Elgin and is crappy. Call it about 40 minutes one way. There is also one in Romeoville that is probably the same distance. Based on reviews on TUSCL we have not wasted our time going there. The closest decent club for us is about 70 min away in no traffic.
The nearest one is about 10 to 12 miles away. And it's actually a good club, except for the over-priced lap dances. But that's the case or all the clubs in my area.
Nearest club for me is xcapades and its 2miles away from home and 1 mile from work....and yes I've went on brakes : ) one is the treasure club and its more like 10miles away....and this club is the best club intown.....but for all my realy good and "clean" fun : ) lol I drive 90min I thank its like 80miles to get down.....and then of course my personal meccaa is follies in the ATL and that's 240miles away
My nearest is the Deja Vu, in Lake Forest Park, WA. It's a sixteen mile, 25-minute drive for me. However, I previously had a real "neighborhood" club available to me--Honey's, in Everett, WA, which was only two miles from where I live. It closed in May 2010. However, many of Honey's dancers went to the Lake Forest Park Vu after Honey's closed. So, I still get to see a lot of my long-time faves there.
1.2 miles to the closest club. Lapdances are still 10 bucks!! No VIP area, no extras to speak of. I don't go often, but in a pinch, it beats driving a long ways. My all time favorite club (currently closed for major remodeling) is around 12 miles. I'd gladly drive the extra distance for stellar experiences.
Closest club is approx 3 miles. Only visit once every 3 months or so due to $50 dances. Then again if farmerart is in town the budget goes out the window and all hell breaks loose. Seattle is about 150 miles away but it sucks too. I am in LA on business 3 or 4 times a year so COI is where I prefer to club.
closest one is 0.9 miles (5 mins driving, 15 min walking) i am there 2-3 times a week. next closest is 2.9 miles and i`m there 2-3 times per week also.
The closest strip club (if you want to call it that, it's a bikini bar) is about 7 miles away. The closest strip club that's acceptable is about 12 miles away.
The nearest clubs are about 20 miles. Between the Baltimore clubs, the clubs east and north of DC and DC itsself, there are more than 55 clubs within 30 miles. Did a tally and I've been to 16 of them.
Closest for me is 1.1 miles, 20 min walking. I've never been, based on reviews here. But one day I will try it, probably on of the last nights I'm in the area before I move.
last commentthe nearest good one, or at least the one i call home, is 3500 miles !