2 yrs ago•mgkrebreviewedCowboys Showgirls1515 Russell Cave Rd Lexington, KY 40505Return Trip After Long Hiatus
3 yrs ago•mgkrebreviewedLust216 Transit Dr Greenville, SC 29607“Open” at noon, but open is relative. Try nights.
5 yrs ago•mgkrebreviewedOasis Goodtime Emporium6363 Peachtree Industrial Blvd Atlanta, GA 30360Good times are available to be had at Good Times
5 yrs ago•mgkrebreviewedThe Ball Gentleman's Club3005 Alcoa Hwy Knoxville, TN 37920Some things never change...
9 yrs ago•mgkrebreviewedOasis Goodtime Emporium6363 Peachtree Industrial Blvd Atlanta, GA 30360It Depends
9 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented onLocated off I40. This club is...shameless plug by a dancer to visit her club.
14 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented onI'm studing to be a pharmacist...My ATF back in the day actually was in the Masters Program in Education and now is a high school teacher.
14 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented onHow Did You Find TUSCL?Back in about 2000, my AT-ATF (that's all-time, all-time favorite, who's no longer in the biz, by the way) at a local club turned me on to TUSCL…
15 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented onDancer won't give you a danceShe knows she won't be able to control herself around you, which would lead to her losing this gig from breaking the house rules. Seriously, same thing has…
15 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented on2 fersIn my experience, both at Shadow's favorite club and others, if the club offers announced 2-fers, the dancers are ready and willing to do unannounced 2-fers. The experienced…
16 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented onStrip Club Tour of USA, Help me pick!!!!!!!I would recommend Oasis Goodtimes Emporium in Atlanta, just off the 285 bypass and a straight shot over from Columbia. Afternoons seem to be best. A lot like…
17 yrs ago •mgkrebcommented onLiquor, Girls and OTCTry chilled Drambuie. It's a liqueur made from Scotch. Even if you don't like scotch (I don't see how ANYONE can't like scotch) this may be the ticket.…