
A Brief History of The Ultimate Strip Club List

slip a dollar in her g-string for me
The Ultimate Strip Club List started as an exercise to learn how to write a website. I believe this was in early 1993, but it could have been late 1992. I picked strip clubs as my web site subject because they interested me. Good thing I didn't care for books, I may have created amazon.com instead. Sigh. I originally stored the data in an Access Database, and had a Visual Basic program to create all the static pages. Then I uploaded all the pages to my little slice of the web, www.paranoia.com/~express. This space I purchased from an enterprising young man that went by the name of KevinTX. He ran paranoia.com. I didn't know anything about running my own domain at the time. Kevin took care of all those details. At the time, paranoia.com was one of the coolest websites out there. Kevin sold space to all sorts of degenerates like me. If I remember correctly, paranoia.com was also the birthplace of The World Sex Guide.

In the early days, I wrote many of the reviews for the clubs I frequented, and yes, I snatched other reviews off of the alt.sex.strip-clubs newsgroup (ASS-C). There was also another website that dealt with strip clubs; Grimace Nudie Club List, run by Larry D. Grim. I am not sure what happened to that list, or to Larry, but I do remember that we were always very cordial to each other in emails, and often shared information. Soon The Ultimate Strip Club List started eating too much of paranoia.com's bandwidth, so KevinTX helped me set up my own server. This was the birth of tuscl.com. This was 1995, the date you see in the headline. This was also about the time the Internet really started to progress. New web server software was being written that allowed programmers to create web pages dynamically. I remember the first day I saw a beta (or maybe alpha) version of what was to become Microsoft's ASP platform. I knew I could make tuscl.com better. So I created the idea of users, and reviews, and chats and all sorts of other things. Does anyone remember when tuscl.com had a classified ads section?

Now I never really tracked how much bandwidth tuscl.com was using, or how many pages were being served, or any of those advertising metrics that are so important nowadays. I just knew it was fun to make the website do what I wanted, and I think the users appreciated it. But then one day, I was in a bookstore (remember those?) and I picked up an Internet Directory. This was in 1996, pre-google, pre-yahoo. Internet Directories were in book form. I of course looked in the index for strip clubs, and yep, there it was, my site, www.tuscl.com listed in print. Wow. That was pretty cool to see. So know I figured I should be making some money off this little site of mine. So I started taking porn ads. Raise your hand if you remember those charming banners, that so eloquently graced the pages of tuscl.com for 5 or so years. They were disgusting, crude and annoying, but they did pay for my bandwidth costs, but not much more.

So life rolled on for 5 years from 1996 to 2001. I was busy with my job and just sort of babysat tuscl.com for those years. I made some enhancements, and every 18 months or so I would overhaul the whole look of the site. Then September 11, 2001 happened. That shattered me for a month. I remember taking tuscl.com down for a day or two to get myself together. At the request of many users, I put it back on line to let people discuss that day. But it wasn't the same, and I wasn't the same. The porn ads were drying up, no one was clicking on them. I started paying for the bandwidth again out of my own pocket. I started getting emails from people complaining about the amount of ads, and how long it took to load. I had to do something. So I figured out how to charge for tuscl.com. On tax day, April 15, 2002, the membership tuscl.com was launched. I had no idea if people would pay for tuscl.com or not, and frankly, I didn't care. I figured it was either going to pay for itself, or I was going to shelve it. By this time, I had already written 50 websites for different clients. I didn't need to learn from tuscl.com anymore.

Well, I guess since we're now approaching the 5th anniversary of tuscl.com as a membership site, you could say the membership experiment worked out ok. I have been able to work more on tuscl.com, move it to a better server, and add really cool features. And I have more stuff in my mind that I just need to get time to implement that will really make tuscl.com the best strip club site ever.

So that's about it in a nutshell. The Ultimate Strip Club at 15 years old. You may be wondering why I haven't mentioned stripclublist.com in this history. Wonder no more, here are my feelings on that. The guy that owned SCL originally was a prick. He stole tuscl.com's data, all the way down to misspelled street names. Then he sold SCL to some strip club conglomerate. I am not sure how much he made, and I really don't care. SCL has basically become what tuscl.com was in 2001: just one big worthless porn ad.

Anyway, if you're still reading, I just want to say thanks to all the people that gave input over all the years. And continue to give input, I do read every email. I know sometimes I don't answer, but I do read them. I don't read the discussion board as often as I'd like, but I do have a job, so I can't do this full time.

Have fun, and slip a dollar in her g-string for me


  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Lets add some more history. shadowcat is the only person that has been banned from this site and been stripped of his membership rights extending into 2011. Why? Because I recognized his lack of leadership in knowing what the hell was going on on his own site. What his editors were doing.I called him on it. He did not want to answer. And still won't answer. How many guys have tried to get him to ban RL? And he still exists? I understand that you have another job.
    So do I. It will be 40 years on 3/20/67. But I still answere all email messages.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Oh please just give it a rest would ya! Christ, we've all heard the story of your banning and I for one am sick of hearing about it. The bottom line is, you fucked with the guy who owns the site and you payed for it. You are here, posting again and that alone proves that the founder is a bigger man than you are.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Yoda, just go back to your escorts. That seems to be all that that you know about. My fight with founder is personal and ongoing. Fuck off...
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    If it's personal why are you sharing it here on the boards? is it because Founder refuses to answer your emails and your ego is so F'n huge that you have to come on here and cry for attention? I'm not sure what makes you think that diddling a stripper's pussy and getting a blow job from her at the club is any less a form of paid sex than seeing an escort is but guess what! It's the same damn thing.

    This Founder thing is already old. If you don't like it here go start your own board....
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Founder: Thanks for filling us in and clearing up some questions. I've always been curious about TUSCL history, and I bet others have been, too. I had to laugh at the part about the SCL prick, after reading how indulgent you were with him in an old thread on ASSC, when his extreme prick-ness was obvious to everyone.

    It's good to hear that you remain committed to improving the site. Just yesterday, I noticed that the mapping feature had been added for Canadian clubs, so that's cool.

    A couple of questions. Do you recall when the Discussion Board was added? I know it must have been some time before I even noticed it was here, two or three years ago.

    If the membership began in 2002, how come some User Info pages state membership since an earlier date (e.g., Yoda's says 1999)? Do those dates represent nickname registration, not VIP membership? Any idea how far back they go?

    Now for a suggestion, about suggestions. Occasionally, questions will come up in threads here about why this or that has or hasn't changed on the site. In recent months, a lot having to do with the frequency one can post reviews for a single club. Perhaps if you posted policy changes to the discussion board and responded to suggestions here rather than in individual emails, you could save yourself some time and cut down on the volume of duplicate questions you receive. And I'm not including crybaby complainers in this. Keep on ignoring them for all I care. Anything that could keep us less in the dark without taking you away from working on the site would be appreciated.
    18 years ago
    Let me add a little history too. I originally started writing reviews of strip clubs about 10 years ago, which was when I was visiting clubs on a weekly basis, but I don't remember the name of the site - it was probably stripclublist.com if they existed then. Then much later, probably about 5 years ago, I discovered TUSCL and soon found it to be a better site - reviews were better and more frequent, and club info was more accurate and current. For awhile I submitted my reviews to both sites but eventually lost interest in the other one. I also did some reviews for a cityguide for Washington, DC, for both bars/restaurants and strip clubs but I don't know if that format still exists.

    Anyway, thanks, Founder, for a great site. And thanks for the history, it's very interesting. Now if only you would expand TUSCL to include other forms of live adult entertainment like massage parlors and lingerie modeling studios, both of which compete directly with strip clubs and which are often so similar to strip clubs that it's hard to define which is which ...
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I'm glad to hear this web site is paying for itself. It has been useful to me and I'm glad to hear it'll probably stay here.

  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    FONDL, what is a lingerie modeling studio? I'm not at all familiar with that. It sounds like something a photographer would use.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    FONDL: Actually I have seen listings on TUSCL for modeling studios. They are not very well reviewed and I've never bothered to check one out. As far as AMPS I agree that they are competition for strip clubs but I don't really see how they belong here on TUSCL. There are national boards that deal with AMPs btw. The problem I see as I read the reviews on AMPs is that you can't schedule an appointment never know if the reviewed ladies are going to be there or be available when you show up.
  • Shekitout
    18 years ago
    Like Shadowcat who has been reincarnated as Igiveup, I lost my memembership but after an apology, it was restored. Igiveup: Your big balls might get you banned again so just keep it up & see. The best thing for you to do is to just let it the fuck go!!
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    No I won't! I don't give a shit about Yoda and his Braziians and escorts. Nor do I give a shit about the 3 guys on here that spend 10 paragraphs discusing the price of rice in China. I nailed the asshole and he knows it. he has not answered any of my emails in the last 6 months. Even the ones that were consilttory. You said that you wound not accept shadowcat (Igo) but that you would not deny my full membership. So why am I expired?
    18 years ago
    Causalguy, I've never been to a stand-alone lingerie modeling studio although I've seen what I think is the same thing offered in strip clubs, which is why I raised the issue. (I've also seen massages offered in strip clubs.) As I understand it, in a lingerie place you go in, choose a girl, and go into a back room where you are allowed to "get comfortable" while she models skimpy outfits or gets naked and dances for you. There isn't supposed to be any mutual touching but my guess is that such rules aren't always strictly enforced. So it's sorta like a strip club except there's no stage where you can sit a watch, it's all done one-on-one in private.

    Founder, just to satisfy my curiouisity, how do you decide what is and is not a strip club for purposes of this list? As Yoda points out, I did once see a lingerie modeling place reviewed here but then the review disappeared shortly thereafter. Seems to me that some of the tiny places whose reviews remain here aren't much different.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I agree, casualguy. I'm glad to hear this site is likely to be around for a while in its present form, or better. Oh how I wish it had been this good 10-12 years ago when I ventured all over the country for the best clubs. Here's hoping Founder hangs in there and doesn't sell it to some SCL-type slimeballs, which must be tempting, or divert a second of his webmaster time to pacify attention seeking whiners.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL: Wouldn't reviews for massage parlors and escorts call for a different format that is oriented towards the individual provider more than the establishment? TUSCL already allows for reviews of other types of businesses (click 'Search' and select from the 'Club Type' popup to find them), but keeps a format and nomenclature that is best for strip clubs, which I think is the right approach. I wouldn't want to see its strip club functionality adulterated (no pun indenderated) by trying to serve all purposes. BTW, as I recall, Founder has answered your question at least twice before. Something to the effect of, "If it involves girls in various states of undress for payment, it gets in."
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Well. I haven't been banned again yet. Just a smart ass remark by chandler. It wasn't his identity and membership that got taken away. You think that I don't know that founder can do it again? Anytime he wants to?. Do you think that I really care? Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe is right. Founder has wronged me. And he knows it. So I get banned again? Maybe it's time I got back to family and friends? Tim and the rest of you, you know my email addresses.
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Founder: I think you should put a link up in the FAQ to a "brief history" somehow.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    IGU: I guess you need to be reminded, while you got to sneak back under a new nickname, the rest of us had all our posts in threads you had started wiped off the board, thanks to your lack of self-control. You never heard us whining, so why don't you quit harping on it already? Be thankful that Founder cuts you as much slack as he does. If you wanted him to continue to correspond, maybe you should have thought about that before you burned your bridges. All your bravado rings hollow now.

    Anyway, this thread is supposed to be about TUSCL, not one person's past dramas, so let's get back to it, shall we? Sorry for the distraction.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Book Guy: I agree, Founder's account should be a permanent link, probably among the 'Special Features' on the home page. If there's any chance he's still following this thread...
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
    If he is following this thread he is probably laughing his ass off at the disfunctional retards that post here. He is on my ignore list but I'm sure Clifbar has chimed in. Can his buddy Funseeker, with his poor grasp of English, be far behind?

    And what about Shadowcat/Igiveup? Jesus Christ we all wish you would give up. Shut the fuck up, and realize that this site does belong to the founder not you. He makes the rules and can ban whoever he chooses. If you want to start being a dictator instead of just a dick, go out and learn how to program your own site. Rent your own server space and see how much you appreciate some cheap old bastard bitching constantly in every thread how he is the only one on planet earth who is right.

    If I were the Founder I'd say "Fuck all of you unapreciative mother fuckers", shut TUSCL down and go get drunk.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Thanks, Founder for creating the best SC review system out there in an imperfect/subjective world. I'd also like to thank the reviewers out there for posting- some are shills, or otherwise phony, but theres a lot of useful ones out there. As for SCL, besides 1 big porn ad, the club comments section is 1 big chat board for idle flamers.
  • ArtCollege
    18 years ago
    Founder, thanks for the history.
    Before I found TUSCL, I'd eagerly await the new edition of the yellow pages--you know, the book of phone numbers--to see if there were any new strip clubs around. I'd hit a city on business, check into my hotel room, and go straight to the yellow pages. Some cheap hotels didn't have phone books, so I'd take some scratch paper down to the lobby, and hope that I could go through a phone book without someone peaking over my shoulder. TUSCL is a great improvement. Thanks.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Yes, thanks for the history. I think I read some of the other thread that discussed this topic as well.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    Chandler, this was interesting. "TUSCL already allows for reviews of other types of businesses (click 'Search' and select from the 'Club Type' popup to find them)"

    I never knew that anything other than strip clubs could be reviewed here. Apparently neither do most other people. I did a search out of curiosity for massage parlor and didn't find any in the US. Found one for Scotland. I'm wondering if I could give a review for Hooters. I had a waitress dance for me at one. Very nice looking girl in short shorts. Seemed extremely happy. I can only hope to think that it was because I sat at one of her tables.
  • jimmyblong
    18 years ago
    Founder: Thanks for providing a legitimate tool for the strip club hobbyist. My travel plans always include reviewing the area I'll be visiting. TUSCl has saved me a ton of time and money by giving me information previously unavailable. The improvements along the way have been great. The mapquest link is way cool. Keep up the outstanding work. Thanks.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, you said, "If it involves girls in various states of undress for payment, it gets in." That can't be right because lingerie modeling and massage parlors both involve that and they don't normally get in. And I agree with your point about the importance of individual performers (except that I didn't mention escorts, who are adequately reviewed elsewhere), but isn't that equally true of strip clubs? Seems to me that most reviews focus on specific girls at least as much as the club itself. In fact several people here have criticized me for suggesting that reviews should not be based on a particular experience that one has on a particular evening with a particular girl.

    I'd still like to know Founder's definition of a strip club, which I've never seen written here.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL: What cases do you know of where lingerie modeling or massage parlors did not get in?

    I'll look through past threads for Founder's previously stated definition. I know you must have seen it, because it was in reply to your query. You just didn't like the answer.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    I believe someone would have to first request a club such as a massage parlor be added to the list first and then they could review it. I haven't heard of anyone saying yeah or neah that a club was not added.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, I remember maybe a year or so ago reading a review here of a lingerie modeling studio that was just off of I-95 at the NC-SC border. The next day I looked for it again and it was gone. That's the only one I recall ever seeing here, and I've never seen a massage parlor or spa reviewed here. From that evidence I assume that reviews of such places aren't accepted. And I find that puzzling, since I've been to clubs that provide both of those services that are reviewed here, the only difference being that such places have public stage danceing and the others don't. So I assume that stage dancing is the main criteria, but I'd like to verify that.
  • ThisOldManPlayed1
    18 years ago
    Founder: Many many thanks for the history and continuing success of TUSCL. I do believe you should add a link titled "History of TUSCL". It was an interesting read.

    As you know, I have proudly contributed many reviews and photographs and updates. I thoroughly enjoy this website and its improvements. I'll certainly continue to help keep this site a favorite for all.

    Keep up the good work, as you have one hell of a bunch of fans on your side!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL: Below, I've quoted what Founder posted in reply to a thread that you started about a year and a half ago. As I recall, you had asked the same question in some other threads just prior to that. Since Founder replied, you've asked the same question at least a couple more times, saying you never got an answer, and I tried to remind you that you did get a very direct answer. I hope this clears it up for you once and for all.

    >What does a club have to have to be included on TUSCL? Fri, Oct 7, 2005 @ 2:18 pm
    Posted by: founder
    we pretty much post any review, as long as it meets the criteria stated on the add review page. As for what type of club, well, again, we pretty much take anything that has anything to do with scantily clad women hanging out...

    As for a review disappearing, that usually does not happen unless there is a legal threat (we just dont want to deal with it)<
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL, all I meant is this: The way TUSCL is set up now, it allows for reviewers to focus on particular strippers if that's what they want to do, or to write about the club in general. I believe that its loose, flexible format is important to its successs. What I've seen of successful review sites for escort/massage places, they are more structured to focus on various aspects the individual girl and her services, as opposed to saying anything you care to about the business in general. (I know you didn't mention escorts, but they're usually grouped with massage parlors. I don't recall seeing much about lingerie studios on any sites.)
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Oops! FONDL, I meant to include your quote from upthread that I was responding to in my latest post:

    >And I agree with your point about the importance of individual performers (except that I didn't mention escorts, who are adequately reviewed elsewhere), but isn't that equally true of strip clubs? Seems to me that most reviews focus on specific girls at least as much as the club itself. In fact several people here have criticized me for suggesting that reviews should not be based on a particular experience that one has on a particular evening with a particular girl.<
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Regardless of the venue;strip club, AMP, Hooters or a donut shop my feeling has always been the same. A review should focus on the club; Layout, charges, drink prices, overall quality of entertainers, and staff etc. The venue's discussion board is the place to talk about and or recommend individual entertainers or highlights of a particular visit.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Yoda: Are you saying that's how clubs, etc, should be treated to satisfy what you look for in a review, or that you think TUSCL would be more successful if your reviewing standards were followed by everyone?

    You've said you use sites that review escorts and massage parlors, haven't you? Don't they focus on the provider and info on her attributes and services, with the establishment secondary?
    18 years ago
    Chandler, thanks fo the info. I do recall asking the question many times before but I don't remember ever getting a response from Founder. I guess I missed it. Either that or I didn't believe it.

    And I agree with your point that other sites where places like massage parlors and lingerie modeling are reviewed tend to focus on the individual performer rather than the place itself. Which is why I'd like to see such places reviewed here. But I still don't think such reviews would pass muster - I've only ever seen one such place reviewed here and that review was pulled within days. And I wonder why.
  • minnow
    18 years ago
    Lets keep the reviews STRIPCLUB, there's enough clutter already. One could argue that the dividing line between types of services is getting more blurred , but 1 feature I like about true stripclubs is the ability to preview a dancer in action, no cost & unlimited time prior to buying lapdance. MS & MP's are a cursory lineup, fish or cut bait.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    I don't know if this is a fuck up or not. Apparently I have been reinstated. If this is for real, Thank you founder and I will try to be a better user. For those who emailed me. Thanks for the support.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL: The last part of Founder's quote was in reply to your question about why a particular lingerie place's listing disappeared, so it should be fair to deduce that there was some legal threat in that case. I think the reason you don't see more of these other types of businesses on TUSCL is that they don't get submitted, not that the site rejects them. I bet the name of the site has no small part to play in that.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    I have to agree. This is a site about strip clubs. While agree that there may be some cross-over interest I simply don't think there is nearly enough to generate a large amount of reviews for places other than strip clubs. There are sites that exist primarily for guys looking for info on buying sex. Coincidently, talk of strip clubs does filter in to those sites, but it is minimal.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    FONDL, Yoda: I don't think most reviews here that describe an experience with a specific girl are intended as advice to literally go seek out that girl. I take them more as illustration of what can happen at that club. I had always thought your objection was to *rating* clubs on the basis of a single night with a particular girl, not to including them in reviews. In my opinion, if all reviews left out that kind of description, they would be far less informative, not to mention making for impossibly dull reading.
    18 years ago
    Chandler, you are correct, I have no objection to including a general description of some interesting activity that took place with a particular girl, as long as the girl isn't mentioned by name and as long as there is no mention of any illegal activities that might get the place raided. And as long as descriptive information is given about the club too. The only thing I object to is when a review only describes a specific encounter with some girl and tells us nothing about the club itself.

    And I agree with everything else you've said too, except that I'm still puzzled by the question of what is and what isn't a strip club. For example, one of the clubs listed that I'm familiar with is basically a XXX-bookstore which has a small room in back where a girl sometimes dances on a tiny stage in an attempt to sell other private activities. To me that's not a strip club. And some of the other places listed are simply brothels.
  • parodyman-->
    18 years ago
  • Thanks for the history lesson, and thanks for the site. It's clean, uncluttered and, best of all, informative. And it lets me flex my writing chops just in case someone wants to hire me, maybe. Thanks again for TUSCL!
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    FONDL: I don't really look for a Pulitzer contender when I read strip club reviews. I want o know the layout, price structure, over all quality of dancers and whatever other general information is relevant. I don't really care to hear about a guys night in the private dance area with his fav. You are correct that I have a fundamental issue with the numbering system as well.
  • To each his own. I want info too, but do it in an entertaining way so I won't fall asleep before I get to the end. Same goes for your conversation with your ATF in the VIP. Thanks again, Founder.
  • To each his own. I want info too, but do it in an entertaining way so I won't fall asleep before I get to the end. Same goes for your conversation with your ATF in the VIP. Thanks again, Founder.
    18 years ago
    Yoda, you and I are in complete agreement on what a review should be like.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    I take it Yoda was responding to my post. I think a review that only describes an encounter with a particular dancer tells as much about the club as general comments would. It's not a question of literary merit. It's about the cumulative impression gained from several reviewers, each telling what he wants to about his experience rather than what somebody thinks he should. Occasionally, a review will cover general info, so what would be gained from everybody repeating it? Whether you care or not, people like to tell stories and hear other people's stories. Without that, TUSCL would be less used and less useful.
  • Sparkz40
    18 years ago
    Founder- Thanks for the memories! Originally I think I signed up around 1996, because I just got Windows95... I remember you also thought about selling this site too; I remember trying to get up to speed coding because I was considering buying it! This site is by far the best of this kind- and even better since you added the ability to personally ignore specific reviewers! Way Cool!! I have been coming back here more often lately because of this. Keep up the good work!
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Another history question: Somebody here once wrote something about a poster a few years ago getting in trouble with Founder for posting pictures. Was it formerly possible to do that on the board? How did it work? Using HTML, or what?
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    That was shadowcat and about 6 others doing it on the Columbia Plarinum Plus message board. At the time the club was ranked about #4 on the clubs with the most messages. Founder deleted everypost on the message board. No warning or explanation. He just did it. It took me 3 emails to find out that he was concerned about copyright issues. If would have told us we would have stopped. That was step one in shadowcat getting banned. Step two was when all of the posts got deleted a second time (no pictures). His explanation, "I don't know why". It has been so long ago now, that I have forgotten how to do it.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    IGU: Damn, Shadowcat sure is a big trouble maker! [grin]
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Chandler: I completely understand that people like to tell stories. That is what the club's message board is for.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    Btw the pictures were not pornographic. Sexy and or funny. I pull up the same or worse every day. I guess not all site owners are worried about copyright isues.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    IGU: Was something changed to the site technically to prevent posting pictures, or could it still be possible for all you know. The way it is now, I don't see any way that anything but plain text can be posted.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Yoda: If you don't care for what the rest of us include in reviews, skip over them. Why do you keep suggesting we post our reviews on chat pages?
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    chandler: I wish I could answer that question but the simple truth is, I don't know. One of the other posters had to tell me how and that could all be changed by now. It's too bad that we do not have some place to post pictures. I have 15-20 cartoons/pictures that I would love to share with you guys but I don't have the authority to even attempt it.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    There is a picture hosting site that people can post pics too and possibly provide a link here to look at them. I forgot which ones are the most popular though.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    If it's not pornographic, webshots.com is one site and I believe another site is webimage or something like that.
  • casualguy
    18 years ago
    What would be a nice addition to this site would be clickable links within discussions. Right now we have to copy and repost the link instead of just clicking on a link.
  • shadowcat
    18 years ago
    casualguy: I agree. This is about the only place that I cannot click on a URL and be wisked there.
  • JuiceBox69
    13 years ago
    This was a kool read....and ya maybee you should have a tuscl history button
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    Excellent post. And to think, I've been on here almost from the beginning.

    I remember 9/11/01 all to well and the TUSCL "shutdown". I was up in Ohio at the time and being out of my home turf, TUSCL was an important research tool. At that time I needed comforting, and TUSCL was a tool I used.

    Anyway, all I can say is THANKS!
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    When I started reading I didn't notice this was a very old thread. The old names, parodyman, Chandler, yoda, shekitout, DougS, were all frequent posters who have disappeared.

    In Alan Markovitz's book, he says he owns TUSCL. Is this still true? And what about mention I saw on here about Mark Zuckerberg. I can't find any stories on the web.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    Perhaps founder can update this post
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    I still see shekitout and he PMs me occasionally but now only does a rare review. Yoda is still doing reviews.
  • motorhead
    13 years ago

    Yes. I looked at Yoda's profile. He visited recently. Do you know what happened to FONDL. I see has not visited in some time. If I recall he was an older gentleman so I'm ho
  • motorhead
    13 years ago
    ...someting happened. To continue:

    So I am hoping his health is good. I remember him because he would PM me to offer encouragement in my weight loss. Good man.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Thanks for resurrecting this discussion, Founder. It was good to read how things transpired from everyone's viewpoint.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    motorhead - I have a photo of FONDL & his ATF sailing on Tampa Bay. He was in his early 70's and I fear that he may have passed away. Scary, since I will be 70 in a couple of weeks.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago

    You're to oneris to die! :)
  • HungryGiraffe
    12 years ago
    Very cool post. Hope this is easily accessible by new members. Discovered in by searching for the oldest discussion threads. Oldest found so far is Jan 1, 2004.
  • Papi_Chulo
    12 years ago
    One of the more interesting threads I’ve read.

    Interesting to see shadowcat was one of the bad-boys/rebels of TUSCL back in the day and really mixed it up w/ other TUSCLers :)

    Makes one wonder what has happened to many regular TUSCL contributors when they stop posting – passed away – given up the game – who knows – such is life.

    The thread was an interesting trip back in time.

    Perhaps Founder should produce a new thread based on TUSCL’s 20th anniversary with updates from the last 5 years.
  • sharkhunter
    10 years ago
    Yes, I wonder what happened to all the old posters? Mysteries are everywhere.
    By the way RL did get banned.
  • SlickSpic
    10 years ago
    So, Yoda was a douchebag even back then. Geez, what a creep.
  • RickyBoyDugan
    10 years ago
    My discovery and publication of The System was certainly the most important development in the history of TUSCL. Also one of the most significant events in the history of the world.
  • zipman68
    10 years ago
    Damn right it was Rick!
  • crazyjoe
    10 years ago
    Good info founder

    Ban that yoda fucker
  • Ironcat
    10 years ago
    Thanks Founder - I find this site entertaining and informative. I appreciate the history lesson as well.
  • BartleJoe
    9 years ago
    Love the site and the historical insight.

    My request: could you please reverse the order of these posts so the newest are on top?

    At one time, I seem to recall, you had burlesque and brothel categories. We have a couple of burlesque houses in my town. And I'm planning on visiting some brothels in Nevada - I can find those reviews elsewhere, however.

    Thanks for all your work on this, the most perfect strip club review list!

    I'd like to hear from more women whether dancers or customers or bartenders or....?
  • twentyfive
    8 years ago
    I found this article this afternoon it is informative and interesting maybe an update could be in the works it seems like the time might be right for an update and maybe some comments about the newest crop of posters and how you relate to them. I personally would be interested in your opinions.
  • Jascoi
    8 years ago
    good interesting read of the history and thank you for this great site. :)
  • Longball300
    7 years ago
    Thank You Founder for TUSCL..... that is all.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    7 years ago
    Long may she reign
  • Pizza (hiatus)
    6 years ago
    Thank you for the history lesson. I hope you will someday write a sequel that covers the period from 2008 to present.
  • san_jose_guy
    6 years ago
    An excellent site which founder has created for us. May founder and this site live on and on.


    Lifeboat Forum, in case there are ever any disruptions:


    Save the above info some safe places, like in emails to yourself and on paper.

    Like harmonic notes?
    Joe Bonamassa - "Midnight Blues" - Beacon Theatre - Live From New York
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    So did u name the site to outdo "The strip Club List (SCL)" - i.e. is the TUSCL name based on SCL?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    Would be interesting to see a list of the first 10 everTUSCL users.

    But I thought I'd read that user names were not required at first on TUSCL - if so when were TUSCL names required?
  • Papi_Chulo
    6 years ago
    And what happened to reviews pre-2004 - I think I asked you once and you said you didn't know but I can't quite remember.
  • 3LeggedMan
    6 years ago
    Founder, Shadowcat, and Others, Thanks for the trip down Memory Lane. I remember lurking on ASS-C back in the 1980s. TUSCL proved to be a Great Leap Forward from those early days of SC mongering, and fortunately was not limited to California venues. Thanks for all your time and efforts.
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