When Actual PLs “Thought She Was Gonna”

avatar for IWantHerOnMe
There is steak house close to the local arena in my city where I am a regular. Before games/shows/events me, possibly some friends and possibly a young lady who shakes her bum bum for blue bills tip the hostess, file in and get our usual seat. Most of the time, I’m getting a chop salad with blue cheese crumbles to open, an American Waygu strip loin medium rare, mashed potatoes and asparagus and a water. And if I’m with my friends and or a dancer, you can probably keep the Hennessy flowing.

Except this time, I didn’t grab a menu (no pun intended). I just sat there and waited. Why should I have to order? Don’t they serve steaks here? I ordered it last time don’t they know that? I’m a regular! That’s what I get all the time! What poor customer service! Clearly they don’t value my business!

Do you see how silly that sounds? Well PLs, actual PLs and not the self deprecating shorthands we use on this site, do that in strip clubs all the time. These guys assume that because of the venue all the dancers will do or must do the exact thing the same way at the bar, on the floor, in the dance area and in VIP. And that is bullcrap.

A stripper not doing something isn’t a ROB act. She’s isn’t required by law to grind, motorboat or touch you. A stripper wanting certain money to do something isn’t a ROB act. I don’t give a damn what a dancer charges for anything, that’s her prerogative. When a dancer doesn’t do what some guy “thought they were gonna” do, suddenly the ROB terms starts flying around. The truth is probably that you as as customer is either negligent, a rookie, or pussy.

Before you call a dancer a ROB, run down this checklist:

Did You Ask Exactly For (insert gripe)?
If you didn’t ask her to grind, face or whatever else on the floor or in VIP and she doesn’t, that’s not a ROB act. I don’t care if they advertise lap dances and she gave you an air dance. Management isn’t going to, probably cannot and shouldn’t have to get at a dancer because she didn’t do something for you. It’s your job to get that information before you spend a cent.

Did You Ask Exactly For (insert gripe) At A Certain Price?

I tired of dudes grumbling in a review, discussion, or in the PMs about a dancer not doing XYZ for the house dance price because thats what the dude expected. It’s a strip club. You don’t get what you “expect” you should get what you pay for. If you see me get extra, I paid extra. To assume she’ll do the same for you when you didn’t nail down what that would cost isn’t a ROB act.

Did You Ask Exactly For (insert gripe) At A Certain Price For A Certain Amount Of Time? Especially In VIP?

This usually comes up around assumed extras but it can even get sillier/more predatory than that. At a club that is now closed I did VIP with 2 main dancers who are also 2 different types of dancers. One was a late 20s black chick from an older school of stripper, a teaser who was coy about extras and got repeat business by doing a complete 30 minute set in VIP. Another was a mid 20s Cuban with developing English who bobbed for apples, moaned, laid on my chest for a bit and asked if I liked it. Sometimes we were back in VIP less than 10 minutes.

Some people might call the Cuban a ROB for leaving after 10 minutes when technically I did pay for 30. Which madness to me but communication is key. Some dancers and even PLs might not know what goes on back there (I have a story about a PL not getting how VIP worked so yes there are people that naive).

You need to detail everything: what we’re doing to do, how we’re going to do it, how long you want certain acts, where your body can go and where hers can go, what to do if you or her (LOL. Dude her pussy probably isn’t wet but OK) have climaxed etc. If you want her to stay after you’ve completed the act, tell her what you expect before you pay her. Because why wouldn’t she assumed you were another satisfied customer if we are going on assumptions? There’s a difference between a sure thing and a certain thing.

Do You Make Clear You Want (insert gripe) Every Time?

Just because she did it last time at one price for a certain amount of time doesn’t mean she’ll do it again. Trust me, sometimes when you spend on a dancer she might think she’s breaking you down and can stop treating you like a customer. You have to set the standard every time.

Did She Agree To Doing (insert gripe)?

Not “You’ll have a good time” but “yes”. Not “you’ll find out”, but “yes”. Not some other phycology, game, attempt to start a back and forth, whatever. Only “yes”. Anything other than “yes” is “no”. By the way, some clubs have different rules. Sometimes she has to lead you on or be fired.

Some guys think if they just pay up the dancer will loosen up soon. That’s at best simpish and at worse rapey. She gets to say no. One of the appeals of the strip club is the black and white nature of it. Yes just means yes. No just means no. Every time, all the time.

The Nature Of The Thot:
I don’t profess to know what dancers think but I do know what I’ve observed. So much of this should be obvious. Clearly it isn’t because I see too many reviews and Reddit posts of dues missing these things and ending up crying ROB. So keep this in mind when a dancer is trying to get something out if you without you making clear what it’ll take to get it.

It’s Her Job To Sell A Fantasy

You assumed because she’s supposed draw you in. You must use your big head and if you failed to she didn’t use you.

She’s Hot Enough/Entertaining Enough To Get Away With Less

Many of us have paid more for a hotter/better actress of a dancer. Many of us have had experiences that are better than extras with the right dancer. She didn’t ROB you because she didn’t do what her less hot peers do. That’s what she’s used to. You need to make it clear that’s you aren’t what she’s used to.

There’s A PL Born Every Minute

Dancers lead on customers and let them assume at some point something is going to happen that isn’t going to happen even day. If you’re a wuss to that extent you didn’t get ROB you just a shoot PL and your daddy was too. Less for more is just how business works of you can get by with it.

Bottom line is to get what you want you must ask for what you want. What works for me?

Be Direct

Frankly many of the IThotSheWasGonna guys are bitches. No ability to tell a woman what to do even if he’s paying her. If you leave something in the grey your food, so be clear.

Avoid Haggling

Met her price or pick someone else. And if she haggles she’s probably a real ROB.

Don’t Debate

If she doesn’t want to do what you want don’t let her try to tell you why you should pay her anyway. I walk away. If need be get the bouncer. I don’t respond to insults, negs, threats, accusations or typical stripper questions.

Leave That Club

Different clubs foster different vibes. If you can’t get straight answers and/or what you want find another club.

Do real ROBs exist? Yes. And if you read my reviews, I call them out by name for lying about the house dance price (this is rare in my experience), how many songs we did (happens all the time), if she tipped the bartender when I sent her for her drink (also happens all the time) or literally anything else. VIP/OTC are private experiences where it could be her word against mine. If she lies about anything being alone with her is unwise and I’ll never tip her on stage or get dances from her again. Same goes for flaking in VIP but that’s why I scout girls out first.

If you didn’t actually talk to the dancer she isn’t a ROB because you assumed she’d do something. If you “thought she was gonna” you should’ve known she was gonna. And if you think she has to, your a prick.


last comment
This started out as a discussion and ended up running too long for that
You make good points but it is annoying If you got to spell it all out to the girl time after time.
@Jascoi I get what your saying. Maybe not spell it all the way out but make sure your on the same page, never assume.
avatar for Cravemybbc
a month ago
This was funny, informative and factual all in one! I agree you shouldn't have to always spell it out but like you stated you can’t assume either! I made this mistake, assuming, because I did something with a dancer last time she automatically knew I wanted the same thing. $100 in, she asked if I was good i asked her when she was going to do xyz. She said you didnt tell me you wanted that. I didnt want to assume of disrespect you. I told her everytime I enter the club and get dances from you, this is what I would like! To which she replied I got you! Lesson learned!
@crave What a screenname my man LOLOLOLOLOL
avatar for tin man
tin man
a month ago
I agree with about 70% of what you're saying. Some dancers imply there more on the table just to get you to pony up your cash and then nothing or they suddenly claim the cameras work. The women know to play the game, some dont because they are in it to actually deliver on what is expected. IMO keep your money unless you know its a sure thing. Dont be afraid to call out bad behavior or get management involved when the girl is obviously trying to scam you.
@tin man You totally missed the point. Your comment is the exact kind of thing I wrote this article to warn against. I don't look at it as "women" knowing how to play the game, I look at it as us not knowing shit.

If she implies there's more on the table instead of flat out saying what she will do, how she'll do it, for what price and for how long, she didn't ROB you. The issue is "expected". There is no such thing as "expected". You get what you ask for and what's shes explicitly said she would do. A stripper not doing what you "expected" isn't bad behavior and a manager will laugh at you.
I like your checklist and your advice for negotiating. I strongly agree on not haggling, I think it's much better to negotiate services than haggle on price.

The only time I've ever dealt with a ROB, I had kind of the inverse problem you are aiming at with this article.

I was biding time at Flight Club, and dancer I wasn't thrilled with wanted to give me dances. I said OK, but that I was only interested in a few dances. Fast forward a few minutes and she suddenly had me in a very compromising position, I stopped the dance, but then she wanted an obscene amount to have gone that far.
@RonJax2 Thats why I don't buy pity dances. Maybe if nobody wants dances from a dancer she should get another job instead of breaking her back to borderline assault the guys during dances and then lie. Those types might have a pimp or another issue.
avatar for caseyx
a month ago
A stripper who strongly implies that more will be provided and then doesn't deliver is exhibiting bad behavior. She's not an ROB for doing that because she didn't say she would. But it's still a good reason to never spend a dime on her again. This happens to everyone at some point. Learn the lesson and move on.
@caseyx Seeing how “more” is highly vague, means different things to different people, different clubs have different rules etc “not delivering” could literally mean anything. A PLs failure to get something direct or bounce isn’t bad behavior on the part of the dancers.
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