
Street Smarts

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I read numerous reviews where guys have been ripped off at a strip club. However, all of these guys have done some bone headed stuff and acted really naive. Seriously, guys, y'all have to have a bit of street smarts, man.

  1. NEVER use a credit card in a strip club. These places are often mafia money laundering operations. It's often run by CRIMINALS. What the heck did you expect...? You expect them to be honest when charging your credit card? Lol.

  2. Do NOT allow a girl to immediately start dancing for you because she probably started dancing in the middle of a song. At $20 per song, you wanna get every second that you paid for. Wait until the current song ends, then have her start the lap dance at the beginning of a new song.

  3. If you're in Mexico, Las Vegas or Miami, ask for a bottle beer with the cap on. Failure to do so may result in your waking up with a missing kidney. Other things that may be missing; your Rolex, your wallet and/or your liver. Bring a bottle opener.

  4. Don't jump straight into VIP and pay $100+. Have 1 regular lap dance with the girl first to see if she's any good before shelling out big money. A girl who won't let your hands wander and gives you an air dance will probably NOT allow extras in VIP. Don't listen to her innuendos that suggest she will allow extras if you pay for VIP. She won't.

  5. Don't tell the girl it's your first time here. Tell her that you're a regular. If she says she's never seen you, then tell her that you were a regular before she started dancing there and you're came back after a hiatus. The dancers have a high turnover rate so it's believable. Dancers usually won't fleece regulars because they're the bread and butter of day shift.

  6. DO go during day shift. The end of the month when rent is due is also a great time to go. The girls are usually willing to do more in order to hustle up cash to make rent.

  7. DO keep your budgeted strip club money in a separate pocket to avoid overspending. Secure your wallet in a secret compartment or a buttoned pocket or on a chain to avoid loss to theives. Bring condom, lube with you, just in case. Bring wet wipes and paper towels to clean up. If you plan on cumming inside your pants, then walk in with a condom already on your cock. That way, you don't wet your pants.

  8. DO count out the songs out loud as you go to avoid being overbilled for dances that you did not receive.

  9. Drink nonalcoholic drinks or avoid driving and use a Taxi, Uber or Lyft to avoid a DWI.

  10. Tip the waitress well. Sometimes, they have intel, like which girls are scammers and which girls have lots of regular customers. The girls with lots of regulars are usually the high mileage girls that allow you lots of liberties.

  11. Tip the girls on stage and talk to them to get a feel for what liberties they are willing to offer you. For example, ask the girls how long they've worked there. If they've worked at the club for a long time, then the girl is probably not a scammer, especially if she works day shift.

  12. Be polite to the girls. Don't talk smack or the girl will falsely accuse of something to the bouncers and you'll get thrown out.

Have fun!


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