The People Who Get The Most Out Of Strip Clubs

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I'd live this way again

Strip club patrons and strippers are cast by people outside it in a few stock archetypes. The men are romantically inept, sexist, desperate or dangerous. The women are victims, feminazis, needing validation or gyrating through broken hearts and dreams.

And those stock archetypes are bullshit. Hardcore clubbers and club staff know that if they’re smart and honest. This little #NoDiddy is about people who are smart and honest. It’s about dancers to an extent but mostly PLs looking for things in the club does provide.

The Stock PL Archetype

But let’s go into what these stock characters are, what happens to the few that do exist, and the real mindset of most PLs as opposed to the perception. Let’s start with the PLs because let’s be real, there’s a slightly greater chance that the stock character that the mainstream world paints of PLs is true of someone one. I also think there are more types.

You got guys going there looking for love and appreciation. They just end up more bitter after they leave than they were when they came in, even if Riley Reid herself give them the ride of a lifetime. In reality people want to be wanted for who they are spend time finding someone who wants them for them. The club is the opposite of that and most PL know it. I’m very much down to just pay to be felt up and I’m not looking for strippers to care about me.

You got guys that think they are running game/have game/can use game in the club. Guys who think they can work a dancer with demeanor, personality, or anything other money, consent and cleanliness.These guys end up getting less for more because dancers can just play to there ego, and they’ll possibly discover that the only think that talks in the club is money, not assaulting dancers and not smelling bad.

Dealing with strippers means I don’t have to have wit or charm. She doesn’t have to pretend to be interested in me or attracted to me. Strippers do the inverse of the game playing in bar hoping or even dating. There is no hiding. You pay her X amount and she'll do stuff for a certain amount of time. I don’t need feel like a player. Not playing is the whole point. Treating it like you have to frame her and get her to chase you defeats the point for most.

But this segues into the guy who wants to get to the real her beyond the fantasy. That guy gets played like an Xbox, taken for a ride and mocked. In the worse case he gets actively enraged at a dancer and dangerous.

Fact is though most guys know their interactions with strippers are transactions. They want don’t fantasy a to come true. The PLs just want dances and extras. And dances and extras are very much real and not anymore hollow emotionally than any other form of entertainment.

Sure 1 in 1 million PLs might be the exception and get to the real her but I have no desire to be and neither do most guys in the club. Have you ever gotten to know a stripper? I’ll tell some OTC stories about someone other than my ATF one day but the bottom line is this: you'll probably wish you'd keep the fantasy once you do.

And the last is the defeated failure that crawls to the titty bar to escape his life. That guy just becomes more of a failure. It’s crazy though how many people think a multi million buck industry can be propped up by brokie incels. Many of us like our life, the club isn't an escape it’s just fun. Again for many of us a fantasy isn’t what we are after. A fantasy is rooted in something we can’t have. But I can have a dime going bananas in the VIP. That’s what the club offers and what I’m looking for.

The Stock Dancer Archetype

I think the dancer archetypes are really loud now. You see it more online. The weird PLs types are more likely to get warned/educated/insulted mostly by other PLs who don’t want to see these guys burn. The dancer archetype is more likely to get validation. But that validation isn’t going to help a dancer make 1000 bucks per shift.

Which goes to the first group of dancers who see themselves as nut cutting checkers of the male ego who get paid by those same men to do so. These dancers end up going home negative, and possibly with a drink and drug issue from striking out all the time. And that’s if they’re telling the truth.

Dancers lie to each other to hurt their comp all the time, and do exactly what they swear they don’t all the time. Don’t buy into these games. Most dancers do what they are cool with doing, take the money and don’t attempt to or delight in so called putting men in their place.

Smart dancers understand spenders know exactly what they’re coming for and the start antics have a hard ceiling and a short life. Also most dancers know the nut cutters work way harder trying to scam newbies than the chicks who cultivate regulars, work the pole and the room and do a good job with dances and VIP.

The next type of dancer is the one full of promise that ended up swinging around that pole. That kind of dancers tends to end up like the bitter nut cutter. But the truth is most of these girls come for the money and are fine with the money. Broken dreams? You know how much good strippers make? Some people dream about getting paid.

The last character is the lowly hoe driven to the pole by emotional damage, a hard life and being left unprotected. Those are the types that really should stop dancing and go get some therapy instead of re - traumatizing yourself. But the typical case is dancers know they can use their body for quick money and didn’t have to be violated to be comfortable with that. Much of that narrative is patronizing frankly and tons of strippers roll their eyes at it.

If you understand clubs you get these archetypes fail in 2 main ways. The archetypes suggest most folks in the club are morons. Somehow a multi billion dollar industry is built around 2 of the 3 parties going home unsatisfied and that only the house wins. The problem is most strippers really just want cream and some PLs really just want uh cream. There is no mind game, there is no tug of war. Neither of us are unsatisfied because we both did get what we really did want.

These stock archetypes also imply more people in clubs are interested in/capable of more concern for others, intimacy, and emotional depth than is reality. Yes that goes for the women haters and man haters in clubs as well: tons of people check their bias at the door to enjoy themselves or to make bank. If you don’t you may go home broke or go home broken up.

I get what I wrote here might cast people in strips clubs as heartless. This is why so many people find the strip club (or claim to find the strip club) degrading and dehumanizing. Men find it vapid that these strippers all just want men’s money and women find it gross that these men just want a woman's body. Fundamentally most of the people there do not care who you are as a person. Whether any of that is even the point is beyond the scope of this article but the point stands: most people are there for the actual reason to be there and don’t stray outside of that.

The point is the people who get the most out of clubs are those who take it for what is actually available there. Some of us PLs really just want to get laid. Some of us strippers really just want the money. Really for real. We don’t need to be better than or get over on anyone. There’s no resentment there, we are all sincerely getting what we want. We aren’t looking for something deeper. Those who turn the club into algebra have lost the plot and are in the minority. But to that minority hear this: if you’re looking for something that isn't in the club don't go.


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8 hrs ago

It was worth attempting to read this just to see the downvote comments lol

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Not an Article. Should be posted on Discussion Board
You're saying that there is only one valid way to enjoy one's interactions at a club, which itself is as stereotyped as the stereotypes you outline.

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