2 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedFlight Club29709 Michigan Ave Inkster, MI 48141Quick but enjoyable afternoon visit
2 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedDivas Men's Club4134 Felter Ln Austin, TX 78744A pleasant way to spend a Sunday afternoon
2 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onA hot day in Austin well spentOn my weekend afternoon visits in May, cover was $15 and the wristband for the VIP room was $25. The more private room is what costs another $60.
2 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedXTC Cabaret Austin3501 Andtree Blvd Austin, TX 78724Two adequate afternoons at XTC
2 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onTwo hits and a strike-out at the Landing StripPussylicker2, I didn't do any $20 lappers with her. My mistake was to go straight to VIP without any test dances -- I should have held my ground…
2 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedMaximus Club745 Bastrop Hwy Austin, Tx 78741Two hits and a strike-out at the Landing Strip
2 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedHeartbeats Exotic Nightclub182 Avenue A Springfield, MI 49037A Heartbeats Hottie comes through once again!
2 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onEven after 5 months of clubs being closed, this wasn't worth it.I believe the "champagne room" at 6th Avenue is still only $100 for 30 minutes. That's what I paid twice last fall.
2 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onComfortable atmosphere, range of girls, moderate expense.I've been to Rio scores of times. Before COVID I enjoyed dozens of BBBJs in the VIP room -- and occasionally even in the $30 room! Since the…
2 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onLanding Strip is deadThis is sad indeed! I was there thrice last May and got 3 BBBJs in the VIP room for about $200 plus $50 to the house. I'll check…
3 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedMaximus Club745 Bastrop Hwy Austin, Tx 78741Landing Strip is near the airport -- get it?
3 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onIs this even safe?I've visited the Lucky Lady a dozen times, always on a Saturday night after dark, and have never felt unsafe. As for food nearby, the best pizza in…
4 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onAs AdvertisedI don't think he's a shill but he seems to have more dollars than sense. Who tips the door guy $15? Who agrees to $210 for five $30…
4 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onMy first time in the Midwest!Lo, how the mighty have fallen! In its heyday Arnie's was, in my experience, always good for a BJ. I went three times a few years ago and…
5 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedMaximus Club745 Bastrop Hwy Austin, Tx 78741More afternoon delights at the Landing Strip
5 yrs ago •MrDeucecommented onHot Illini ChicksNice review! I *love* the Silver Bullet, having been there hundreds of times over the years. Too bad about the "no titty, no kitty, no ass-crack" rule that…
5 yrs ago•MrDeucereviewedKappa Men's Club906 Dixon Ave Kappa, IL 61738Disappointing Saturday night at Kappa
7 yrs ago •MrDeuceposted inFront RoomWhat are your clubbing "accomplishments" for this year and goals for next year?