
2018: My Year of OTC Fun

avatar for MrDeuce

Ever since I started clubbing in earnest in the mid 90s, I have kept a log of every strip club visit and (in recent years) OTC date. In this log I record the date, name of club, and names of dancers that I did dances or otherwise, um, engaged with. As I’ve related before, I was a very slow learner: except for the occasional unsolicited handjob, I never got off from anything besides lap dances until 2013, when I got my first BJ from a stripper at Palace in the Pines near Youngstown, OH. Furthermore, I never saw a dancer OTC until almost the end of 2015 and had a total of about 25 such dates as of the end of 2017.

However, due to a combination of greater affluence and increased confidence, along with lots of useful advice from the TUSCL discussion board, 2018 has most definitely been the Year of OTC for me! I had a grand total of 64 dates with strippers this year, usually for a meal and a BJ, though a surprising number of these dates were completely sexless but nonetheless enjoyable.

For the year, I enjoyed 76 SCOREs (Stripper-Caused Orgasmic Release Events), 59 of which were blowjobs. Most of the remaining 17 were lapgasms. Most of these 59 BJs, in turn, took place on dates in hotel rooms. There were several variations:

  • morning BJ plus lunch

  • afternoon lunch plus BJ

  • evening dinner plus BJ

(all of these were priced at $200-250)

  • overnight including dinner, BJs at bedtime and in the morning, and brunch

(such a date tended to be priced at $500-550)

One unexpected development this year was a total of 22 sexless dates with two different dancers from a non-extras club that I frequent. I have known both of them for several years and finally started seeing them OTC early in the year, but they had no interest in doing anything sexual so I was content to pay them $150 for a three-hour date that usually involved a nice ethnic dinner (Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Thai, Indian, or Mexican) followed by hot tubbing and nude bed dances in my hotel room. However, one of them broke up with a boyfriend and started spending nights with me for $300-400, depending on duration, until she acquired another boyfriend and our dates came to an end.

As it happens, these two companions for sexless dates both moved on by the end of 2018, so going into 2019, I have a “harem” of about six strippers who have sucked my dick in hotel rooms in the past year and are willing to do so again, with two more waiting in the wings. In fact, I have a lunch or dinner + BJ date lined up each week for the next couple of months. Last year I sometimes had two or even three dates in the same week, but I’ve decided that the right pace for my aging body is one date a week.

In general I’m rather slow to move the fun from ITC to OTC. As a matter of fact, in most cases I’ve done lappers or VIPs with a dancer for several months, if not years, before we see each other outside the club. It is also striking that most of the 19 strippers that I’ve seen OTC since 2015 have been the ones to suggest it, sometimes after just one or two VIPs. I hear things like “Do you ever see girls outside the club?” or “If you’d like, we could do the same thing in a hotel room, but with less clothing!” Even so, I usually wait a few months before I make the leap. I want to be sure we can get along for an hour ITC before I commit to 3+ hours OTC!

The ages of my OTC girls over the past three years have varied widely, from 22 to 44, though most of the 19 girls have been 30-33 years old at the time of our first date. The number of dates with any given stripper has also ranged from one date with a few to four girls that I've seen 20, 14, 13, and 10 times, respectively. Some are highly reliable: one in particular (whom I've seen 13 times) always says yes, is always grateful to be asked, never cancels, and always shows up on time. Others are highly unreliable: one is almost always 30-60 minutes late whereas another stood me up six times and showed up only twice -- she was unbelievably hot and skilled but has been culled from the herd!

Becoming rather proficient at identifying prospective OTC girls and closing the deal has changed my attitude toward new strippers that I meet. If her club is in a town that I often stay in and we click during lap dances or in the VIP room, I’m likely to think of her as a possible OTC companion and to steer the conversation accordingly.

As a planner by nature, I try to anticipate at the beginning of each year who I’m likely to see OTC that year, but it really is a crap shoot. Strippers that I thought would be OTC mainstays sometimes fizzle out after a date or two, whereas I unexpectedly see others many times. One chick that I hadn’t even thought about for OTC at the beginning of 2018 ended up blowing me 13 times on dates last year! As we veteran hobbyists know, strippers can be highly unpredictable: they get into relationships, change clubs, or suddenly decide that they’re finished with anything stripper-related, including OTC. Therefore I go to each of my two favorite clubs, where I’ve met almost all of my OTC girls, with the attitude “Recruit! Recruit! Recruit!”

Seeing strippers OTC has undoubtedly postponed the age at which I retire from clubbing into the indefinite future. Lapgasms, which provided essentially all of my SCOREs for almost 20 years, are no longer a reliable source of orgasmic pleasure, but blowjobs almost always do the trick! Furthermore, since most of my visits to the cities of my two favorite clubs now include an OTC date (or two), I now dine alone much less often than I used to in those cities. I've even taken three different strippers to a comedy club and one to a movie.

As you can tell, I'm a big fan of OTC dates with strippers and plan to continue with them for as long as my health and finances allow.


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avatar for JAprufrock
6 yrs ago

Great read. And kudos for working "earnest" into the lead.

Interesting concept to keep meticulous statistics like this. You must be well off financially to indulge in so many encounters in a year at those prices. I sometimes picture this kind of lifestyle if I ever become wealthy.

A few questions, if you don't mind, for those of us who live vicariously through others or dream of a life with more pussy.

  1. How old are you?

  2. Do you work or are you retired?

  3. Why only BJs? Are they BBBJs? Do you ever fuck these women or perform oral on them?

  4. Hot tubbing and nude bed dances sound fantastic. How much contact takes place in these sessions?

  5. What percentage of dancers would you estimate are open to OTC?

  6. I can understand not wanting to bring an unfamiliar woman to your home, but have you ever taken home someone you know well from many encounters, to save on a hotel night?

Thanks for the details. Articles and posts like this are why I enjoy this site.

avatar for clubdude
6 yrs ago

I've learned something from your article. I've also kept a log on the clubs I visit. However, I believe keeping a visible tab on the "dancers" will also be helpful. Thank you MrDeuce.

Interesting read!

I envy your success in OTC experiences.

My personal circumstances (wife & young kids who have deeply held convictions about what time “Daddy is supposed to come back home”) make it difficult for me me to engage in OTC activities.

This was not always the case. Many years (and several marriages ago) when I was still a young man, I had numerous OTC experiences with strippers. Probably because I was young and buff in those days, my OTC escapades back then were not undertaken on a “paying” basis. They were all more in the nature of a date with a woman whom I had met while she was grinding her butt or pussy on my hard dick in a strip club.

That’s the ideal way to meet women if you ask me (but I digress)!

Every one of my OTC dating experiences back then turned out to be a disaster. It wasn’t the lack of sex. If that was the only measure of success, then most of my OTC antics were rousing success stories. It was the caliber of the women involved.

One of them, Carol, immediately sought to attach herself to me in a permanent way. She pretended that she had fallen head over heels for me but, even though I was only in my 30s at the time, I realized Carol had really only fallen in love with my pay stub. I think it was love at first sight for Carol where my paystub was concerned.

Carol had no shame (no surprise there, I guess) and did not easily take “no” for an answer. She kept returning, teary-eyed, tissue in hand, for another dramatic attempt to insinuate herself into my life.

What a pain she was!

The next one was Dana. I remember Dana as one of the most physically attractive women I have ever dated.

I dated Dana exactly once. That turned out to be more than enough.

We went to eat at an upscale Houston restaurant for dinner. We were still working on our salads when I realized Dana was a big mistake. Although she was drop dead gorgeous, Dana had absolutely nothing to say. She just sat there grinning at me with all the wit, warmth and intelligence of a Barbie Doll.

I couldn’t wait to finish dinner and take Dana home. It’s not that I wanted to take her home and bang her. I wanted to take her back to HER home, drop her off and be on my merry way. Going home to sort my sock drawer would have been more exhilarating than an evening with Dana!

Then there was another dancer whose name I don’t recall. She was so much fun in the club. Our hands were flying all over each other with no limitations whatsoever. We’re talking routinely going 3-knuckles deep and spooge flying everywhere. So going out on a date with her seemed a no-brainer.

There is a reason some clubs are very dark on the inside. In the dark, this girl looked pretty good. In all honesty, I couldn’t see much. It was that dark. But she FELT really good.

In the harsh light of day, it wasn’t that she was ugly, but she wasn’t great looking either. Worst of all, she looked SO YOUNG! I felt embarrassed being out in public with her. I don’t think she was under-aged but she certainly looked like she could be.

As our date wore on, I started making excuses about why our date would have to be cut short. As she gradually understood that she would not be invited to my home for any further intimacies of any kind she became increasingly annoyed. I thought she was going to pitch a fit right there in the restaurant. Fortunately, she relented and just stormed off in a huff when I dropped her off back at the the club where she had parked her car.

In more recent times I have had only one true OTC experience. I was on my way out of a club where I had sat and waited and failed to see any women who floated my boat when I encountered a gorgeous young dancer whose company I had recently enjoyed inside the club. She recognized me and suggested that she could just forget about going into the club that evening and join me for some OTC fun instead. This was a “pay-as-you-go date.” It was my best OTC club experience for sure!

These experiences seem to validate a viewpoint expressed by a late, great friend of mine: “Why get it for free when you can pay for it?”

avatar for MrDeuce
6 yrs ago

@JAprufrock: Good questions!

  1. How old are you?


  1. Do you work or are you retired?

I still work as a college teacher but could have retired years ago.

  1. Why only BJs? Are they BBBJs? Do you ever fuck these women or perform oral on them?

I have a rather old-fashioned attitude that associates actual sex (as opposed to oral) with love: if I don't love a woman, I can't/won't fuck her. I said for years that I would never fuck a stripper, but unfortunately I fell in love with one about 2.5 years ago and had about 10 dates with her, mostly overnight at her place. We fucked twice on one of those dates, but then she acquired a boyfriend and that was the end of that. Now almost all of my dates with strippers include BJs, always uncovered, and sometimes DATY. Actually my favorite sexual activity with strippers is 69.

  1. Hot tubbing and nude bed dances sound fantastic. How much contact takes place in these sessions?

They are fantastic! We touch each other everywhere except the naughty bits. My hot tub + bed dance dates are really a replacement for my BBBJ/DATY dates when the girl doesn't want a sexual relationship of any kind but is still willing to hang out with me.

  1. What percentage of dancers would you estimate are open to OTC?

I have two regular clubs that are the source of almost all of my OTC companions. At one of them, with its extremely extras-friendly VIP room, I have the impression that the vast majority of the girls (maybe 90%) are open to OTC, and I've seen 12 of them. At the other, which features low-touch lappers only and doesn't even have a VIP room, I would estimate that only 10-20% are OTC-friendly. I've seen 4 of them, but only one provides BJs.

  1. I can understand not wanting to bring an unfamiliar woman to your home, but have you ever taken home someone you know well from many encounters, to save on a hotel night?

I would probably never take a stripper home, but my dates with two of my 20 OTC girls have been in their apartments.

avatar for TJ Lee
TJ Lee
6 yrs ago

Ever consider taking it another level, visit TJHK? It's an OTC paradise.

avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 yrs ago

"... In general I’m rather slow to move the fun from ITC to OTC ..."

One would assume that is the more prudent way to go - w/ time one gets a better-feel-for-her/gut-feeling and her for you - also a custy that has invested a large-amount of time and $$$ in her she may want to take better care of that goose than some random custy - her feeling comfortable w/ you one would assume would lead to better QoS from her - not foolproof by any means but def helpful much of the time.

"... It is also striking that most of the 19 strippers that I’ve seen OTC since 2015 have been the ones to suggest it ..."

I would assume there's a pretty-good chance word has gotten around amongst the dancers that you are a good custy and a reliable source of income, thus their overtures.

"... My personal circumstances (wife & young kids who have deeply held convictions about what time “Daddy is supposed to come back home”) make it difficult for me me to engage in OTC activities ..."

Yes - that is a tough workaround - but one would think you could substitute your ITC time for OTC - although lining-up your perhaps random available ITC time and lining that up w/ OTC will add difficulty - but can be done w the right dancer w/ the right work-ethic - assuming you have a strong desire for OTC o/w the overhead may not be worth-it.

"... One of them, Carol, immediately sought to attach herself to me in a permanent way. She pretended that she had fallen head over heels for me ..."

That is why paying for it vs "dating" is often "cheaper"/preferable - it stays mostly as business although some will still see you as their $avior and wanna attach themselves to you - but keeping it busine$$ should mitigate a good amount of attachers.

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