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Avatar for Liwet
Joined Sep 2017
Last Seen Jun 2023


If she walks away smiling, you spent too much.


"You don't have money but expect premium pussy..." Kamiliam-Stripperweb.com

"You're a weirdo, but a normal kind of weirdo." Kiki-Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas

"You're the one that likes to negotiate." Brianna-Spearmint Rhino, Las Vegas

"If you want to read some really horrifying stuff, look up the [TUSCL] reviews from Liwet. u/ExoticCamper-Reddit


Banner image girls are what I typically like in the club, fitness models with implants, though a girl with a nice stomach and a good attitude can make money off me. The specific girls from left to right are:

Sveta Grachtchenkova
Daria Shy
Mary Shum
Katerina Kristall Rubinovich (couldn't find any better links to her work)
Sveta Grachtchenkova (same link)
Carlie Jo Howell
Briinic (aka Brianna Agno)