Las Vegas

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What is the best priced club in Vegas for a Private VIP Room?


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avatar for whodey
2 yrs ago

Try reading reviews of the various Vegas clubs. They should give you the pricing info you are looking for.

avatar for Liwet
2 yrs ago

Don't do VIP in Vegas, just don't. Even if we told you the cheapest room, it wouldn't be worth it.

avatar for psycho_trick
2 yrs ago

couple of vegas-y questions.

what's the appeal of SCs with legal brothels in the same driving distance?

what do you see happening if brothels were made legal in every state starting tomorrow?

if we had em in iowa i sure as fuck would be done with clubs.

avatar for MaxMaxima
2 yrs ago

AMPs are everywhere, but that isn't everyone's cup of tea. So long live the SC.

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

If you're looking for bargain pussy Las Vegas isn't for you.

avatar for ‘
2 yrs ago

When i worked in Peppermint Hippo, the cover was $50 to get in the club. and that was standard price for EVERY CLUB at the door. and extras weren’t allowed either. 😭

avatar for chiefwiggum
2 yrs ago

If you're just talking cost of the room, probably Palomino is best bet. The factory places all have private-ish lap dance areas where you can get drinks, but it's not like a room per se, but cheaper than Palomino. What actual mileage you get, well you're going to have to discuss that with the dancer.

avatar for londonguy
2 yrs ago

@ psycho - be careful what you wish for. From what I’ve seen and heard from reliable sources the quality of girls in legal brothels in Vegas is terrible. The prices are outrageous as well.

avatar for bang69
2 yrs ago

Sc's and legal brothels are always hit or miss.

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