
Comments by JupiterHotCakes

  • discussion comment
    3 days ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    The most dangerous demographic in America
    With all due respect, sounds like you have a little bit of Trump Derangement Syndrome. He's the most politically divisive president we've ever had. He thrives on us hating each other and your comment sounds par for the course for the pot calling the kettle black. Trump has used “scum,” “vermin,” “animals” and “enemies of the people" to describe democrats - makes Hillary's "deplorables" sound like Mother Theresa. I've voted for both Democrats and Republicans (Trump's would-be assasin was a registered Republican) and don't consider my neighbors who vote differently to be "vermin". Like the strongmen he identifies with (Orban, Putin, MBS), Trump thrives on division, anger and fear. I still can't believe a guy who wanted to rip up the Constitution because he didn't win an election is still a viable candidate for president.
  • review comment
    5 days ago
    Cheeky, Frisky Happenings at Cheeques
    I forgot to add that Patty also provided a 10 min massage for $20. She’s a Jacqueline of all trades. @Techman, this place is a bikini bar so clothes don’t come off. Hands can go under though if you keep it close and discreet.
  • discussion comment
    6 days ago
    Casino Hotel Recommendations
    Hotels in Vegas and Reno can be pretty affordable since gambling subsidizes it. Grand Sierra in Reno is great. In Vegas I like the off-strip South Point. Always great deals.
  • review comment
    20 days ago
    A Dancer at the Bush is Worth 2 Anywhere Else in Utah
    Not always pasties here. Some have them but large majority either use translucent or glitter paint or none at all. Fuck the TUSCL obsession with extras. Go to an AMP for that.
  • review comment
    a month ago
    Unique club with shower shows
    This location is now Exotic Kitty and by your description, you must have visited the Southern Xposure on Beck St. Is there a way for this review to be submitted under that listing?
  • article comment
    3 months ago
    Why Strip Clubs Don’t Have Good Websites: A Deep Dive into the Digital Mysteries
    Great points. I like a strip club that knows what it is and they can use their website to tell that story. Just a lost opportunity if they don't. Instagram has been the best alternative in my view, but any business who wants to be taken seriously shouldn't be handing over their online identity to a tech company that could have a major server crash or be banned by whatever political winds are blowing.
  • review comment
    3 months ago
    I Can’t Understand Why Anyone Would Choose To Go Here
    Bad luck with the security guy since my dances have always been two-way touch. But I tip them so maybe that helped? This Debbie downer review doesn’t reflect my experiences.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Quick Visit With Jacky
    Jacky is a sweetie. She is from Honduras.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Mark this day
    Wow this thread has really jumped the shark if we’re now comparing Donald J Trump to Jesus H Christ. WTF! The fact that he is still considered a viable political candidate in 2024 means we’re truly living in the upside down, folks. He tried to fucking steal an election and get his VP to rip up the constitution to get it done! The dude can’t even turn a profit on a casino but we’re gonna let him tear our country apart so he doesn’t to go down in the history books as a one-termer? I’m no Biden lover but I’d just as soon vote for the dead corpse of Bill Walton before I let him have the keys to the White House again. Stop crying about it being a dark day for democracy and stick your faces in the tits of a hot and deserving dancer (who most likely ain’t voting for him either).
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Strip Club Connoisseur
    A Vegas Institition: Expensive, Mild Mileage, and Exceptionally Hot Women
    Thorough and thoughtful review, thank you!
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Heaven knows I'm miserable now
    Sounds like you were in the deepest, darkest Morrissey hell!
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    A night out with my wife at Exotic Kitty.
    Two songs for $250? They usually charge $35 per song. If she double charged for the couples dance it shouldn’t be any more than $140 for two dances. Yikes
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    The importance of avatars
    I miss the photos/logos of the clubs. Now it’s just real plain. Even if those logos were outdated, I liked having a visual I could associate with each club.
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Utah Fetish Girl
    My place to get away from work.
    For sure, let's do it! I actually just posted a review of the "rival bar", pending approval so look for that.
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    Indian Dancer in North Boston
    Favorite type of music in the club
    Soft Cell's classic "Non-Stop Erotic Cabaret" album was made to be played at strip clubs. It's got classics like "Seedy Films", "Sex Dwarf" and of course, "Tainted Love".
  • review comment
    4 months ago
    Utah Fetish Girl
    My place to get away from work.
    Thanks for your review MissVicious. I'll have to come watch Christie (she's an OG doll) and sip a cocktail with you (without bothering you too much, although I've become a new fan of yours).
  • discussion comment
    4 months ago
    spend too much on dancers 🤯
    Does anyone just go to strip clubs NOT for extras? Just to watch?
    I definitely think our reviews tend to be extras-centric since that’s the real crack candy of the review- how far did this guy go at the club? We skip ahead to read that part. When in reality, I like all kinds of strip club experiences. There’s a time and place for a real down dirty kind of club, an upscale joint or just a local dive bikini bar. I like being a strip club anthropologist and checking out the vibes. I’m just as happy with a hot, touchy stage show as I am with a lap dance or private room. But I do crave the touch, just don’t need the extras. Head to a massage parlor if you absolutely need to pop.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Need SC recommendations for New York Trip
    I love Flashdancers midtown when I’m in the city but if you want extras in NYC you have to first plunk down $1000+ just to get in a room where that might be possible.
  • review comment
    5 months ago
    Hot ass experience in a small town on a dead night.
    Are you sure you posted to the right club? This is in Utah. This place has no VIP room options. They serve alcohol here so girls only dance with pasties on, no customer contact. You must have visited another Blue Sapphire.
  • discussion comment
    5 months ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    [OT]: “Resident Alien” TV show
    I watched season one of this show when it was on SYFY channel - it's getting Suits-like popularity now that it's on Netflix. I loved it but then didn't get around to watching the rest of the seasons. Alan Tudyk (if you've seen Tucker & Dale Vs Evil, you know) is hilarious. That guy has about a million facial contortions. I'll have to pick it back up.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    First time at carnival
    "where couples bring their girlfriends to have trains ran on them"? - don't choose this sentence to be incoherent, it requires clarity.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    Monthly Scouting Report
    You think $15 is too high for a full nude dance? Seems pretty pretty cheap even if these are floor dances.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    New Jersey
    Is This Typical?
    This is part of the Sopranos tour for sure. I go there once in a while to pay my respects to poor Tracee.
  • review comment
    7 months ago
    2 Step Shuffle
    Tipping just for existing in the club is the NJ way