
Comments by CommanderinThief

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Who here is rich (or relatively rich)?
    Listen, Jack! All you gotta do is sell access, like my boy Hunter and my brother did. China pays big if you choose them over your own country. You guys are fucked, thanks to Democrat homos like justintolook who voted for me. USA last, bribes and selling out your country first baby, that's the Biden way!
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    3 years ago
    New Jersey
    Meth? My son Hunter smoked it.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    In the wind
    OnlyFans alternative while at work ⁉️
    Sounds like one of us joker44, we know all about illegal surveillance ain't that right Jack! go Democrats!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Sleepy Joe Has Already Given Up On Beating The Coronavirus
    Magats, my followers will be called Bidet's! I am sure my pal Jimmymcnutty here knows all about taking it up the butt, ha look out jack, these dumb fuckers will fight for me even when I make their lives worse each day. Look out Jack, jimmy and bidet boys gonna make low testosterone men the hottest thing in town.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Sleepy Joe Has Already Given Up On Beating The Coronavirus
    For the record I am far worse than Trump. Sure he wrote some mean tweets, I am destroying jobs, national security, energy independence in record time. Hell I already invaded Syria because I don't care if our troops die for no reason. Oh yeah and I gave our biggest threat access to our power grid. thankfully most of you will never wake up because the bad orange man is gone. Shit fellas none of you can eve name a single thing I have done to make the lives of average Americans better. Hahahaha no refunds, you suckers.
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    3 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Sleepy Joe Has Already Given Up On Beating The Coronavirus
    I've done nothing but lie and make myself money for 50 years. I never gave a shit about the people and now the buyers remorse is starting to settle in. Lied about Covid, and jobs, and well just about everything. I thank all you dumb motherfuckers that stick up for me, ha I couldn't care less about you or working Americans, got it Jack!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Gay activists bomb California church
    OHHHHOoohoh Yes georgelittledink the KKK, another hate group that commit acts of terror for out proud Democrat Party, good catch comrade. As you all know Ole Pedo Uncle Joe has long and strong ties to the KKK and segregationists. You probably remember back when I wasn't a stumbling moron, I was just a run of the mill moron and eulogized KKK Grand Master Robert Byrd. I was close friends and worked closely with known segregationists Senator James Eastland of Mississippi and Senator Herman Talmadge of Georgia, I mean I don't want my kids growing in some racial jungle full of super predators. Come on man.
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    3 years ago
    Gay activists bomb California church
    Listen Jack, uh I mean Dave. We on the left and our low testosterone voters like sclvr5005 don't care that we are hypocrites. Yes you may think that we should but we don't, you see our low info mid wit voters eat up all the shit that us in the DNC feed them, and then guys like me get voted in an cause huge damage to the country in record time. No Refunds Jack!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    72 hour update
    Wait I was told I won a fair and safe election why does one of the biggest Democrat donors oppose a mail in vote for his company. An Amazon spokesperson tells CNN the company is seeking a “valid, fair and successful election” and suggests that only in-person voting can ensure that. Hmm, interesting perspective. That's right Jack, we cheated the election and you were ok with it because orange man bad. Here is the secret, we on the Left do not care about being seen as hypocrites we only care about power. See how we treat our funded militant arms BLM and Antifa but condemn anyone who opposes us and our communist masters are terrorist. Just like SCLVR posted in another thread he is cool with LGBT bombing a church. You all got cheated and now many are having buyers remorse, well to bad there will never be a fair election again.
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    3 years ago
    72 hour update
    Listen Jack, we will not touch the NBA they are right on board with and answer to my bosses at the Chinese CCP.
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    3 years ago
    72 hour update
    Yeah she "baked" them, it wasn't a shameful display to try to mitigate the fallout of treating our National Guard like dirt. I hope you didn't see that video of me walking by the Marines and I said "Salute the Marines" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21BU0YK0cO4 1:20) because I am like some guy from movie Ronald Burgundy and just say whatever people tell me. No my brain isn't failing rapidly like my buddies joker44, richardhead, jimmymcnulty, cjkunt and that clique of low testorone homos, I'm no dog faced pony soldier, you got that Jack! Oh yeah and my guys stopped getting kickbacks from big pharma so I cancelled The Bad Orangeman EO, have fun paying more for Insulin, Epenephrine, and other life saving drugs. You still happy I am president, you betcha Jack!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Dipshit is off to a great start at the whitehouse
    Hey fat, we can have a push up contest after they drug me up to seem alive. Here I am working hard https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/062/856/413/original/9762d15ee3ed0e0b.mp4
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    A Brand New Game!!
    oosps wrong thread I thought it was a pdf, ATACdawg us dumb guys gotta stick together. Look out Jack!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    A Brand New Game!!
    Here is some live action of me working hard for everyone but America! https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/062/856/413/original/9762d15ee3ed0e0b.mp4
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Forcing Baby Boomers To Stop Being Babies
    Dipshit is off to a great start at the whitehouse
    Listen Fat, I can't plaigarize every thought and speech, when left to my own devices I do this shit. You wonder why they keep me in basement, come one man. I just you know do the thing.
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    3 years ago
    State of TUSCL address you know the thing
    Here is another one of my administrations good ideas. I am having Pete Bouuttiig, bututigoo, buggooit, er uh Pete Buttboy float an idea of a taxing you on the amount of miles you drive each year. That's right Jack, I am cutting our energy dependence so we can buy expensive oil from the middle east and pay extra to have it transported across the world no you can pay at least $5 a gallon and pay for the miles you drive. This is what is best for our workers, we Democrats love the American people so we will make you pay more for everything. I promise you wait so all my promises I made during my campaign were a lie, oh well I been the kind of the swamp for 50 years, come on man.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    Thank God Trump is FIRED!!! Lock him up!
    A Brand New Game!!
    I knew you were my kind of voter Atacdog, stupid people love me. Get back Jack!
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    3 years ago
    State of TUSCL address you know the thing
    I know I said I will do everything to stop Covid, and the orange man is wrong about he did. Well Jack, I am going to get dosages up to 1 million a day er uh. Oh, (unintelligible mumbling) I have been informed I have plagiarized again, Trump already achieved that. My new plan for covid is "nothing we can do to change pandemic 'trajectory' in coming months". Listen fat stop ignorning my blatant lies about things like covid, or fracking, or killing american jobs. Hey I recently decided to let the CCP our biggest threat have access to our power grid. I promise you one thing America Last.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    FUCK Joe Biden
    Yes, I think you CAN judge a book by it's cover...
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    McConnell: Mob was ‘fed lies,’ ‘provoked by the president and other powerful peo
    Ok Jack, yes we paid Antifa to dress up as MAGA to keep up the show and try to pull another fast one. We kind of fucked that one up to since all the people arrested are tied to our Democrat Party and Antifa, oh well, you know what they say Democrats go low then lower. No morals and abuse whatever we can for political gain. Hopefully we stay out of jail but it's not looking good. I need more pudding.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
    "He seems like a very happy old man looking forward to a bright and wonderful fu
    CJ you are some kind of dogfacedpony soldier even for a Democrat you are annoying, go vote green even our worst people don't want you in the party. Got it jack!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    State of TUSCL address you know the thing
    Nina you remind me of Tara Reade or even my daughter they both got to know Papa Joe in more ways than they expected, come sit on my lap. Sure you may not have voted for me but that doesn't mean it didn't get counted as one mine. We set up the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in history baby and we got votes all over the place so don't feel disillusioned, we had to win and we did. You can get paid to be on the team next election Rachel Rodriguez will be away for a long time. Get on the winning team jack!
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    3 years ago
    State of TUSCL address you know the thing
    Come on man, I just hold that phone so the people think I understand technology. If you saw yesterday I was signing blank pages but that wasn't weird I can even color within the lines sometimes. Lets celebrate my killing thousands of US and Canadian jobs with my EO, we can all get behind that. America Last jack! When is someone going to show me how to open a PDF?
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    State of TUSCL address you know the thing
    Listen Fat, I don't work for the people. The last guy didn't get us in any unnecessary wars for the last 4 years, so we need to get back to the middle east and get us more of that conflict oil. My part doesn't believe in America first we strive to undermine the American worker every chance we get. I am going to waste billions if not trillions putting us back into the Paris Climate accord. WE can spend that and make a .0015 or less reduction in emissions, it is a waste of tax payer money but our virtue signal will shine brightly. My bosses in the CCP will continue to pollute at record levels but ole Creepy Joe you see is bought and paid for. If America stays strong it will be harder for me to give the country to China. Got it Jack!
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    State of TUSCL address you know the thing
    Remember when I said that I wasn't going to touch fracking, haha well you all knew that was lie. Fuck your jobs, and being energy independent and even exporting it. Yes I lied of course I did I been a politician for 50 years, fuck you working class if you need me I will be with my big tech and pharmacy buddies.