
State of TUSCL address you know the thing

Wednesday, January 20, 2021 11:38 AM
Hello future serfs, those of you useful idiots who voted for me, or defended the stolen election on behalf our glorious Democrat Party, I would like to thank you. Your hatred stoked by the media propaganda allowed us to clearly steal an election and install me as your Commander in Thief. I stated in my you know the thing, months ago that we had assembled the largest voter fraud organization in history, and we did just that. We were able to use lawyers to change and use unconstitutional voting methods that we knew would help us win and get rid of the bad orange man. Disregard the ballot dumps, and Dominion voting machines, who cares if it slipped out in Antrim County that ballots were counting Biden votes as 1.17 and Trump votes as .83. Yes we changed military votes in GA to 90% for me even though we had to force them to be at my inauguration so it looked like there could be a crowd. You saw with your own eyes I couldn't draw enough people to fill a little league park with my rallies, yet I managed to get more votes than former President Hussein, nothing to see there. I lost black and hispanic support, lost 18 of 19 bellwether counties,Ohio, Florida, Iowa and 27/27 house toss ups, but that means nothing, disregard it, we are democrats we don't need logic when we have emotion. We have 213.8 million registered voters in the US and 66.2% of all voters voted in the 2020 election, that equals 141.5 voters who voted in the 2020 election. If President Trump won 74 million votes, then that leaves only 67.5 million votes remaining for Biden.  This means 13 million duplicate or made up ballots were created and counted for me Cheatin Joe Biden! Wait I mean were not they were all votes for me, nothing to see here. C'mon man.  Look it is totally normal to stop counting in the middle of the night in key swing states, and water pipes break, well I mean it was a leaky toilet on the other side of the arena in GA but that is beside the point. Yes we may have made it impossible for Republican poll watchers to actually do what they were there to do, but hey they wanted the orange man to win so it is justified we break those laws. Also it's not really breaking the laws when you paid off or black mail people that could stop you. No, all those Obama judges in the PA supreme court are not corrupt, give me a break or I will beat you like I did Corn Pop. Yes we Democrats love our Ivy Leaguers but don't try to read Peter Navarro's "Art of the Steal' nothing to see there just believe ole Joe. Which of my policies do you like the best? My $15 minimum wage, sure to crush the small and neighborhood businesses that our country used to enjoy and make our communities up our communities. You see my cabinet is made of big business and big tech so there is no way I could allow them to have competition. We can easily wipe out 4 million jobs in one executive order increasing the minimum [view link] about my plans to remove the Keystone Pipeline. the USA should not be self-sufficient when we can buy conflict oil from the middle east and pay $5 a gallon or maybe $8 in CA. We will rejoin the Paris Climate accord and use our tax payers money to further the global agenda, we don't need those 7 million jobs anyway. So what if our emissions are down and glorious China who is the biggest offender will pay virtually nothing and do nothing to stop their pollution, by the end of my 4 years of 4 months whatever it is you will be subservient to my Chinese masters. Do you like how I will destroy our borders and sovereignty and allow millions to flow in and be paid with your tax payer money, they deserve it more than you, you have white privilege so your low skill workers won't need to work when they can be undercut and we can pay illegal immigrants less. Putting America first for the last years was wrong and my owners in the Chinese CCP did not like it. Now I will make sure they can easily steal our intellectual property while I at the same time involve us in as many middle east conflicts as possible to weaken our army. You will have less and like it, and cheer for it even. I will reverse the Trump tax cuts you don't deserve more of your own money when my administration can give it away to our corporate interests. You will not complain about my mask mandate even if the CDC has revised the numbers of deaths of Covid ONLY to about 10k and we had 200,000 less deaths in 2020 than 2019. Don't be a free thinker, live in fear it is better for you. You will be happy as I let Big Tech and Big Media deplatform and silence any who stray from our progressive doctrine, yes it is actually a majority of the country but that is why we buy polls who  can fudge the numbers and we use the media to just lie to you. I will also I do all I can to crush the 2nd Amendment. If you keep your guns you would be able to fight back when you realize I was allowed to be cheated in and don't give two shits about you. Wait you didn't read that I am a little old my brain is failing so I command you to forget it. I also want to thank our party shills like twentyfive, jimmymcnulty, justintolook, sclvr, jackslas, atacdawg you are proud traitors to your country in the true spirit of the Democratic party. I applaud how you are going to cheer as we burn this country to the ground and you will lead the charge because that is what our media tells you is right. It impresses me how you can be so wrong so often yet boast proudly about it.  I think I have rambled enough, I was told I could have a pudding cup before they lock me down in the basement again.  Yours in Corruption and Fraud, Cheating Joe Biden Commander in Thief


  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    Hail to the Thief!
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    Great post! Not sure how much of it is true, much the same as how much the Commander in Thief will lead us to is truth. Media is corrupt and can’t be believed, which is why the Democrats are in favor of censorship.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Love this! Day 1 of salty, Trumpy tears, 1459 to go! And thanks for the props! I’m actually looking forward to being republican again if they could return to conservative agenda.
  • twentyfive
    3 years ago
  • HunterBiden
    3 years ago
    My tenure of unofficial sex tourism ambassador to the Ukraine has begun! It’s going to be a good 4 years of fucking hoes and collecting money!
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Hunter no more fucking your 14 year old niece at least don't film it, and then forget to pick up your laptop after smoking crack. You can go and really cash in on my name now but don't forget 10% for the Big Guy.
  • HunterBiden
    3 years ago
    My bad big daddy - the laptop keys get sticky when I skype my niece at boarding school. 10% is a small token of my appreciation. When we land in Kiev on Air Farce One - I will make sure you get all the Ukraine pussy you can handle. No need to worry about your erectile problems - I’ve got a supply of viagra that would give Bob Dole a stiffy!
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Wait until you see my team's economic plan. We will the first presidential administration ever to create economic policy around identity-based issues like race and gender equality, in addition to climate change. Now like Cornpop use to say Joe what are you some fucking cracka ass moron. Well when you see how us Democrats plan the economy you know that answer. Yes. Baby Sniffin showering with Daughter Joe Biden gonna run this country into the ground baby. You know Jack you guys let us steal this election and we are gonna ruin the economy so your children and their children will be equal, poor as shit, while us Politicians and our families and lobbyist, sit back and rake in your money through higher taxes. YOu should have out cheated me if you wanted to keep your country, well good luck we are gonna be a Chinese owned territory soon.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Hunter anytime you want to get some pussy let me know. Don JR and Eric could never keep up when I brought the 8balls out for me and Rick.
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Listen Fat, Bidens don' snort coke, we smoke crack and meth. Here is one of our favorite pictures of my boy Hunter. I don't know this might be a PDF, I can't understand for sure what it means when people say open the PDF. 
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    If you ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin', eh Joe?
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    We put together the largest and most comprehensive voter fraud organization in history!
  • JamesSD
    3 years ago
    Salty MAGA tears really are delicious.
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Hey Jack, you voted for me, you are going to be stuck with consequences. I see you are in CA my first gift is going to be your $8 a gallon gas, hope your happy fat.
  • HunterBiden
    3 years ago
    Where did you get that photo? That’s a deep fake made by Putin! I got veneers - that’s all.
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Remember when I said that I wasn't going to touch fracking, haha well you all knew that was lie. Fuck your jobs, and being energy independent and even exporting it. Yes I lied of course I did I been a politician for 50 years, fuck you working class if you need me I will be with my big tech and pharmacy buddies.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    Just a question Mr President. Weren’t you born in Scranton? There are many folks in that area who could benefit from fracking and development of the Keystone pipeline? Wouldn’t a gradual movement away from fossil fuel be less painful for many coal and oil dependent areas?
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Listen Fat, I don't work for the people. The last guy didn't get us in any unnecessary wars for the last 4 years, so we need to get back to the middle east and get us more of that conflict oil. My part doesn't believe in America first we strive to undermine the American worker every chance we get. I am going to waste billions if not trillions putting us back into the Paris Climate accord. WE can spend that and make a .0015 or less reduction in emissions, it is a waste of tax payer money but our virtue signal will shine brightly. My bosses in the CCP will continue to pollute at record levels but ole Creepy Joe you see is bought and paid for. If America stays strong it will be harder for me to give the country to China. Got it Jack!
  • TheeOSU
    3 years ago
    I had doubts that joe would join TUSCL but no doubt now. That's the real deal prez posting above.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    If I turn on cspan and Biden is sitting at his desk with a smart phone in hand - I’m guessing he’s posting here! LOL!
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Come on man, I just hold that phone so the people think I understand technology. If you saw yesterday I was signing blank pages but that wasn't weird I can even color within the lines sometimes. Lets celebrate my killing thousands of US and Canadian jobs with my EO, we can all get behind that. America Last jack! When is someone going to show me how to open a PDF?
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    This is really pathetic.
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Nina you remind me of Tara Reade or even my daughter they both got to know Papa Joe in more ways than they expected, come sit on my lap. Sure you may not have voted for me but that doesn't mean it didn't get counted as one mine. We set up the most comprehensive voter fraud organization in history baby and we got votes all over the place so don't feel disillusioned, we had to win and we did. You can get paid to be on the team next election Rachel Rodriguez will be away for a long time. Get on the winning team jack!
  • NinaBambina
    3 years ago
    Oh. Ok.
  • Mate27
    3 years ago
    W. Bush just said that Joe was the only person that could beat Trump. They say if you ain’t cheating you ain’t trying. The Dems have it their best shot!
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Newsflash: the election wasn’t stolen. Take some of that cynicism and turn it on the repubs who claimed all of the shenanigans in the press with Dominion, GA, mail in votes and ask why they didn’t bother to allege fraud in their lawsuits and then went 1-60 anyway. Or why the refund said that Jan 6 was something other than congress counting to 270 on their fingers and toes. You want the libs to be fair? You’ll have more credibility if you ask those questions of your own side.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    Not refund. Repubs
  • skibum609
    3 years ago
    No one expects Libs to be anything other than weak, useless, lazy, lying leeches. All I want is this country to be a fun place to live until I die. After that who fucking cares. Mail in voting = cheating. Show up in person with a valid id or its cheating.
  • Hank Moody
    3 years ago
    50 states and the US military disagree with you Ski. Don’t like, change it before the election, don’t just complain after you lose.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    Hay cocksucker Joe, why are you such an idiot that you locked yourself out of the whitehouse and blamed it on Trump?
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    [view link] You can leave your answer there ^ Pedotus
    3 years ago
    I will give it to you guys. Biden is not the gangster Trump is. Trump is still breaking records even after his presidency is over! This cock sucking whore is about to be tried by the senate and he's not even president anymore. It's within inches of being a felony just to like this dude at this point. You know because he tried to subvert democracy and overthrow the government and all.
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    I know I said I will do everything to stop Covid, and the orange man is wrong about he did. Well Jack, I am going to get dosages up to 1 million a day er uh. Oh, (unintelligible mumbling) I have been informed I have plagiarized again, Trump already achieved that. My new plan for covid is "nothing we can do to change pandemic 'trajectory' in coming months". Listen fat stop ignorning my blatant lies about things like covid, or fracking, or killing american jobs. Hey I recently decided to let the CCP our biggest threat have access to our power grid. I promise you one thing America Last.
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Here is another one of my administrations good ideas. I am having Pete Bouuttiig, bututigoo, buggooit, er uh Pete Buttboy float an idea of a taxing you on the amount of miles you drive each year. That's right Jack, I am cutting our energy dependence so we can buy expensive oil from the middle east and pay extra to have it transported across the world no you can pay at least $5 a gallon and pay for the miles you drive. This is what is best for our workers, we Democrats love the American people so we will make you pay more for everything. I promise you wait so all my promises I made during my campaign were a lie, oh well I been the kind of the swamp for 50 years, come on man.
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