
McConnell: Mob was ‘fed lies,’ ‘provoked by the president and other powerful peo

The truth hurts, but if you accept it, it will set you free
Title couldn’t say it all.

McConnell: Mob was ‘fed lies,’ ‘provoked by the president and other powerful people’

Who are those “powerful people”? They all should be indicted for sedition.

“Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organisation, that tends toward rebellion against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or rebellion against, established authority.”


  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    "Who shot ya?
    Seperate the weak from the ob-solete
    Hard to creep them Brooklyn streets
    It's on nigga, fuck all that bickering beef
    I can hear sweat trickling down your cheek
    Your heartbeat sound like Sasquatch feet
    Thundering, shaking the concrete"

    ~ Notorious BIG, "Who Shot Ya"
  • TJ Walker
    4 years ago
    The mob were hoping he would pardon them :-(
  • datinman
    4 years ago
    McConnell is the consummate political strategist. Trump served his purpose, but now is a liability. Would not surprise me if behind the scene he offers 17 - 20 guilty votes in exchange for an agreement to maintain the filibuster. I seriously doubt any other elected official will see any ramifications.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Sedition, protest and insurrection can now be added to words that have lost their meaning.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    There’s an article from yesterday’s NYT that says the Proud Boys abandoned Trump after the failed attack on the capitol. It’s still on the front page of the website, though further down. After his speech saying there was no room for violence, condemning the insurrectionists and giving up on the revolution, they say he was ‘flaccid’ ‘weak’ and ‘a total failure.’ Several of them were arrested and not pardoned. Oath Keepers, America First and Three Percenters are also criticizing him. I had no idea who all of these groups were but sounds like they took him literally when he lied that they were going to overturn the electoral college.
  • CommanderinThief
    4 years ago
    Ok Jack, yes we paid Antifa to dress up as MAGA to keep up the show and try to pull another fast one. We kind of fucked that one up to since all the people arrested are tied to our Democrat Party and Antifa, oh well, you know what they say Democrats go low then lower. No morals and abuse whatever we can for political gain. Hopefully we stay out of jail but it's not looking good. I need more pudding.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    One of the powerful people was Rudy Giuliani - as he was getting the crowd worked up.

    It is sad to see how far Rudy has fallen. He was so important to see after 9-11. His presence and leadership after that day helped so many. Now he’s become almost a cartoon character.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The NYT as a source was last valid in 1991. Only the simplistic except what they read about the right on left wing news.
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    In some ways, it was a lot easier to be a leader during the aftermath of 9/11. As horrific as that event was, it instantly united the country in both shared grief and a determination to defend America and all it stands for.

    Sadly, in the 20 years since 9/11, we've become a divided nation. Dishonesty in journalism has had a tremendous impact on this. Reporting opinion as if it were fact, neglecting to report some stories at all... investigative journalism is dead. Hell, some people read a post on social media and accept it as if Walter Cronkite were resurrected from the grave and reported it.

    I don't disagree with you that Rudy's image suffered as of late, but in his defense, we're all living in a bizarro world. I would argue that most Democrats are more cartoonish than Rudy, but in a much more destructive (non-funny) way. Remember in the old cartoons, whenever someone got in trouble they'd magically pull a club out of thin air and bash the other guy over the head? I'd compare that to the fake dossier, fake Russia collusion, and fake impeachment (twice).

    And those old cartoon characters would always do something so blatantly self-destructive (blow themselves up, fall off a cliff...) and yet they'd bounce right back like it never happened. One thing that comes to mind: Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy, and he not only won't be questioned or investigated, he maintains his positions on the Intelligence Committee and Homeland Security.

    Rudy looking like a cartoon character is like the Roger Rabbit movie where real people try to operate within a cartoon world, playing by cartoon rules.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    A country where the President violates the Constitution with executive orders isn't a democracy. The only difference between Trump and Biden is their name. Same with the two prior Presidents. This country was founded by immigrants and subsequently murdered by them. We ever get immigrants from successful lands any longer? Of course not.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    @Mr. O “Sadly, in the 20 years since 9/11, we've become a divided nation. Dishonesty in journalism has had a tremendous impact on this. Reporting opinion as if it were fact, neglecting to report some stories at all... investigative journalism is dead. Hell, some people read a post on social media and accept it as if Walter Cronkite were resurrected from the grave and reported it.“

    This is a good paragraph O. No doubt you and I disagree on which side is the side of right, but I agree with this paragraph (on both sides). I would modify it a bit to say that investigative journalism isn’t dead. It’s still out there. It’s just obscured by the tidal wave of mainstream opinion programming plus all the blogs. Anyone with a cell phone is a media personality now, especially through the sites that just aggregate user content. This has also caused mainstream media to promote more sensational stories and exaggerate the aspects of stories that are the most controversial and, well here we are.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    What the media of today is engaged in is called "yellow journalism". Our last experience with this type of dishonesty in media caused the Spanish-American war.
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