
72 hour update

Saturday, January 23, 2021 3:01 PM
In less than 72 hours me and my administration have had these great successes. I thank you midwits who voted for me and ignored the blatant cheating that occurred, thanks Jack! —Killed 70,000+ jobs —Eliminated women's sports —Invaded Syria —Left the National Guard to freeze in a garage —No plan to fight COVID —Broke my own mask mandate EO —Ended US energy independence and allow our biggest enemy access to our power grid It's all down here form here folks, hahahaha you are stupid bastards like what I actually said and it is on the record about our military years ago. I also made them sleep in a parking garage late. Thank you my fellow traitor Democrats we hate American and we are gonna destroy it in no time!


  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    Didn’t your wife bake the national guard some cookies?
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Yeah she "baked" them, it wasn't a shameful display to try to mitigate the fallout of treating our National Guard like dirt. I hope you didn't see that video of me walking by the Marines and I said "Salute the Marines" ([view link] 1:20) because I am like some guy from movie Ronald Burgundy and just say whatever people tell me. No my brain isn't failing rapidly like my buddies joker44, richardhead, jimmymcnulty, cjkunt and that clique of low testorone homos, I'm no dog faced pony soldier, you got that Jack! Oh yeah and my guys stopped getting kickbacks from big pharma so I cancelled The Bad Orangeman EO, have fun paying more for Insulin, Epenephrine, and other life saving drugs. You still happy I am president, you betcha Jack!
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    eliminated women's sports. aww c'mon man!!!! and deny them the chance to bridge the pay gap between lebron james and the best player from the wnba?
  • rattdog
    3 years ago
    say are there any more cookies leftover at the garage?
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Listen Jack, we will not touch the NBA they are right on board with and answer to my bosses at the Chinese CCP.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    The saddest part of this fake Biden account is that this troll has much better answers and is much more aware than our current President!
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    This guy got Mamisan to come out of retirement! That’s impressive!
  • bdirect
    3 years ago
    we know you dont know what your signing and never read it, they just tell you to sign it, and you do it
  • CommanderinThief
    3 years ago
    Wait I was told I won a fair and safe election why does one of the biggest Democrat donors oppose a mail in vote for his company. An Amazon spokesperson tells CNN the company is seeking a “valid, fair and successful election” and suggests that only in-person voting can ensure that. Hmm, interesting perspective. That's right Jack, we cheated the election and you were ok with it because orange man bad. Here is the secret, we on the Left do not care about being seen as hypocrites we only care about power. See how we treat our funded militant arms BLM and Antifa but condemn anyone who opposes us and our communist masters are terrorist. Just like SCLVR posted in another thread he is cool with LGBT bombing a church. You all got cheated and now many are having buyers remorse, well to bad there will never be a fair election again.
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    CIT, congrats. Your comments apply equally to both sides.
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