Dipshit is off to a great start at the whitehouse

avatar for 48-Cowboy

Biden was stuck outside in the cold and thought Trump locked him out 🤣🤣🤣. Turned out he had the usher that was supposed to open the door fired. 🤣🤣🤣


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avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
avatar for PhredJohnson
4 years ago
Pathetic POS
Very funny. The Simpsons eerily predict the future!
Annnd we're off to the races
posted in rong forum
I didn’t know Lisa Simpson grew up to be a brunette. This site is educational.
Listen Fat, I can't plaigarize every thought and speech, when left to my own devices I do this shit. You wonder why they keep me in basement, come one man. I just you know do the thing.
Hey fat, we can have a push up contest after they drug me up to seem alive. Here I am working hard https://media.gab.com/system/m…
It seems each President ages almost in dog years during his 4 or 8 year term in office. However, the next step for old Joe isn’t gray, it’s dust.
COME ON MAN !!! Hunter had the door locked so no one would walk in on his lap dance in the new COKE room. HE IS A GOOD BOY !!!
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
If that's minor mixup is an example of the gafs in the Biden Presidency in the next 100 days, I am satisfied. It's going to take a lot more for Biden to come even close to the ineptness that occurred in the first week of Trump's Presidency, in Biden's first year.
I think the question isn’t what stupid shit will be done during Biden’s first 100 days in office - it’s whether he will last 100 days in office...
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