avatar for mf92802

Comments by mf92802

discussion comment
a year ago
avatar for RonJax2
Strip Club Connoisseur
Is an FMM still necesary to cross into Mexico?
I cross a couple times a week and for at least the past three months, they have not asked for FMM. My most recent trip was last night. They will simply check your passport and once they asked where I was going. Also be aware that they are having drug dogs at the checkpoint by the x-ray machine. They are also in the process of installing magnetometers and last Friday, they were patting everybody down. It is something different every time!
review comment
2 years ago
avatar for Ninjalust1
Great alternative to Hong Kong!
Always off shift to Cascadas and have never been disappointed. I have found that off shift they will generally stay longer if they are enjoying themselves.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Not for me
I hope that all on this board realize that my previous comment was "tongue in cheek". I have worked hard throughout life and am now reaping the rewords of that labor. Although I have not prostituted myself, I have worked many grungy grimy jobs from shoveling livestock stalls to working in fast food to owning my own company. Over my years partaking in the pleasures offered south of the border, I have come to know many of the participants. I may even hazard to call many of them my friends. I can state unequivocally that the ladies working in the four main establishments in ZN do not have pimps and do not split their tips or room money with anyone. With this said, they may tip other workers for service. For example: the waiter assisting with a dancer or bringing food. I have also seen them tip room stewards for services rendered. The only fees that the house takes a "cut" of are fees that are collected by the bar. These include drinks, private room rental etc. Although most of the ladies are working in ZN to support their young children, I have met more than a few that simply enjoy sex and find this an easy way to generate income. Some of the young mothers there are working there to pay for higher education or job training. I have met ladies training for flight attendant, law school, beauty school etc. I have even met one young lady saving her money to open a bar in Mexico City. I have also met some that truly regretted their decision and were quick to return home. I still keep in touch with many of these friends that I have met and occasionally visit them. Each and every one of my friends had relayed that they keep all of their tip and room money. Most of them are proud of making a legal (yes in Mexico it is legal) wage and of being able to support their family or further their education. I am grateful for the relationships made in ZN and will continue to partake in the pleasure that is south of the border with a clear conscious.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Not for me
I'm with 2Icee. The utility companies and my landlord are robbing me too. Somebody better start paying me better
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for Greanbeans
Ké lo ké?!?!?!!
Guadalajara…any intel?
There is a swinger club called "Luxor Louvre" there in GDL that may be fun
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for MaxMaxima
Seeking spinners without inhibitions
Border Crossing
Next time I go I will show my Global Entry card just to see how they respond
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for busterb
When I stay at Hotel Cascadas, I always get a room with a Jacuzzi tub. It makes for a lot of fun before the event and you know that you are both squeaky clean for the main event. Plus the rooms are nicer. I find that most ladies will stay for an hour plus for $120 to $150
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for MaxMaxima
Seeking spinners without inhibitions
Border Crossing
putatester, When they are in a cycle where they stamp regularly, I purchase a 180 visa to reduce the stamping. They always stamped at the time the visa was purchased but after that I simply walked through the Mexican National line flashing the valid visa and my passport and was waived through.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for ilbbaicnl
Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
Not for me
I'm sorry but I must respectfully disagree with ibbaicnl on his premise. I cannot speak for all the clubs but I can speak on Bar Tropical. I have known some of the dancers at Tropical for quite some time and either they have all coordinated the same fabrication or what they all tell me is accurate. The bar makes their money on the drinks and private dances. The money for these transactions is paid to the bar through the waiter and the lady gets a receipt for the transaction that she is able to "cash out" at the end of her shift. She is making only a couple of dollars per beer and a few more for a private dance. Any funds that she collects in tips or upstairs services goes directly to her and she will keep it all. As to the actual dancers. If they are simply dancing on a bar or on the side, the tips go directly to them and they keep it all. If they are a scheduled dancer, the house pays the a small additional stipend per shift and they must dance their scheduled time slot; even if they are with a customer. If they are not a scheduled dancer but wish to dance on one of the main stages, they must pay the house a $10 fee for the privilege of dancing. They keep their tips but they "tip out" the waiter that is assisting them through their set and gathering the tips from the stage for them. Additionally, scheduled dancers at Tropical will be taken around the bar following their set for additional tips. Unscheduled dancers simply get what is thrown onto the stage during their set.
discussion comment
2 years ago
avatar for MaxMaxima
Seeking spinners without inhibitions
Border Crossing
Max, It is hit or miss on having your passport stamped. There will be periods where they will insist on you completing a customs report and having your passport stamped and other times where they simply glance at the book and waive you through. Currently, we are in a period where they simply waive you through. It has been that way for several months now with my last crossing being Saturday October 22nd. The only guarantee is to have the passport card. And yes, as Jascoi said, the global entry card is "gold". That little gem has saved me countless hours of line time at the border.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for PutaTester
West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
Great Hunting Ground
Thank you Tester for the review. I too like the laid back vibe of CC or BT. Generally I will take a CC lady off shift back to my room mainly due to the poor quality of the rooms at Jalos.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for PutaTester
West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
Broke My New Rules
Thank you for this review. I appreciate the information. In my travels to ZN I quickly discovered that I do much better taking ladies off shift from other establishments to party at HK and session in Hotel Cascades. Like you, I enjoy a longer session or TLN with a lady rather than 30 minutes or an hour. Hell, we typically spend 30 to 45 minutes just enjoying the jacuzzi. I think that this has resulted in my never being hassled for a bar fine. The only exception was my last visit to Chicago Bar where I paid to take a lady out of the bar three hours before the end of her shift. It was well worth the money spent.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Redbaron12
The hustle is becoming over the top
I also spend a substantial amount of money purchasing lady drinks and enjoying the party in the bar. I also always have a Jacuzzi room and when I take a lady upstairs, I pay her $120 to $150 and tell her she can leave whenever she wishes. We usually stay for a couple of hours. I will usually walk them back downstairs and have a couple more drinks with them. When the doorman complains to them about the time they usually state that they also used their lunch or some other BS. I sometimes will tip the doorman $20. A couple years ago, my regular waiter told me that he was being pressured to have me purchase a bucket of beer to take a lady upstairs because I always take them for an extended time. I had him bring his manager and I explained to both of them that I understand their position but I will not be purchasing a bucket. I then stated that I would start patronizing other bars and left. The rest of that trip and my next trip I went to the other bars. I was eventually contacted by my waiter telling me that if I come back, I will not need to purchase a bucket to take a lady upstairs. Bottom line: They will push the limit until as long as it continues to work. Once it hurts the bottom line, they will back off.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for OPIllini96
Pleasant Surprise
Thanks for the review. I keep meaning to check this place out but I am easily distracted. I will make it a priority on my next trip. In your review you note that you payed $100 for the VIP room. Was there an fee to the lady or only the $20 tip?
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for mf92802
TJ Trip 5/14 to 5/21
Reaching the end of a mostly wonderful trip. Had the opportunity to meet PutaTester this trip. He is the consummate with impeccable taste in ladies. Just a great person to "hang" with. Always wonderful to meet others from here. I will attempt to get reviews posted. The first is up on Tropical Bar.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Pointofklean
Are the maseros getting worse at Hong Kong?
I have found that if you have a particular waiter that you use consistently, it is easier. I try to have one for each bar that I go to. My pet peeve is the "waiter bottle shake" where they come around every 2 minutes to shake the girl's beer. My regular waiter simply makes himself available and knows I will call him when we want to order. The other waiters will leave you alone once they realize you "belong to another".
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for mf92802
Tropical Fun
The food was adequate but I prefer Azul
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for mf92802
TJ Trip 5/14 to 5/21
Fear not. I am only in ZN each night for the night time activities. During the day I am in the states working and visiting family. I look forward to meeting those who have reached out.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for Don't think twice
Don't think twice
22 Visits in 3 months
I admire your positive attitude. Although I cannot boast a 100% positive I have definitely had many more good than bad. Even with the bad ones the ladies were polite and honest. They even ask permission before taking a drink from the mini bar. Thank you for your "review". Some day I hope that I grow up to be just like you!
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for havenfan
Suggestions on Times and Date to Go - 1st Time
Glad to hear that you are getting a room. I find sessions in my own room are rarely rushed. Once in a while a BG will set a timer on her phone. Generally that is a bad sign. As to "lesbian stuff"; I am assuming you are talking about a threesome. It rarely works like you see in the movies where you go from doing one and simply switch to the other. At a minimum they will insist on a condom change and often there is no chemistry. Now with that said, I have had some very good experiences with two ladies in the room when the conditions are right. One time was when two BGs approached me for the threesome. They had chemistry together but I only actually did one of them. Another time I went with a lady friend and the two of us chose a lady to take up. I did not know it at the time but she was one of the BGs who did the shave cream show so she was more than ok having full sex with me or my lady. As said previously, go without expectations and enjoy the moment. You never know where the night might lead. If you really have your heart set on a lesbian show, watch the shave cream show for a couple bucks of tipping, it is fully interactive. For the right tip ($5) they have dulce you can lick off of any part you wish. If you want a full private lesbian experience, ask the two performers to go upstairs with you. They will be happy to accommodate you but you will be paying both of them. HAVE FUN!
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for peter321
New Jersey
A Diamond
Was in bar tropical last night and some of the talent in there was simply amazing. Then there was also what you expect to find at bar tropical. They have a new third floor that they’ve built out now with staging bar. Last night my regular mentioned that management is going to start weeding out the fat and ugly ladies. Whether this is true or not I have no idea. Thank you for the review.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for madmoneyg
Border crossing during covid
When I go it is always for 4 or 5 nights in a row and I always have a room in TJ and in SD. Due to logistical reasons I am there each night from 9pm to 5am. I always use the HK shuttle when available but be aware that in the morning if it is not actually there when you get there, they will tell you it will be five minutes and those will be five "Mexican minutes". I have waited over 30 minutes at times. Now if the shuttle is not actually there when I get there, I use a cab. Either way it is never an issue. Also note that most weekday mornings the line to return to the U.S. will get quite long starting at around 4am. If you have Global Entry you can simply skip the line.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Mitty831
Anyone going tonight
All clubs require mask to enter with the exception of Chicago Bar. Many have electronic temperature checking at the entrance but they were rarely used. None of the PLs in the clubs kept the masks on. Waiters all wore masks and BGs were hit and miss. Mostly miss. There were also no new COVID restrictions entering Mexico or returning to the states.
discussion comment
3 years ago
avatar for Mitty831
Anyone going tonight
Same goes here. I'll be in TJ 10:00 pm to 6:00 am Tonight through Saturday morning if anyone wishes to join me for a drink. Send a PM and we can see what works out.
review comment
3 years ago
avatar for PutaTester
West Coast. He who dies with the most memories wins.
Failed Plan, but Good Times Anyway
I too will be there next week and will look for this "lady in white". Do you have a name? Feel free to PM me.