The hustle is becoming over the top

avatar for Redbaron12
There have been a few posts about different ways Cascadas is trying to make extra money. Last month I was there and for the first time ever, after 1 hour with a girl they brought a $152 bottle of champaign to my room to keep the girl. I said no thanks and the girl and I were done. I just got back from another trip last week. TWICE this time, right when I took a girl to my room there was a knock knock knock one my door. Both times trying to convince me to buy a bucket of beer and I could keep the girl as long as I wanted. Man, I don't even want a girl in my room over an hour anyway. And I honestly would have said no to the beer if they gave it to me for free. I had just been down in HK buying several drinks for me and the girl. The hustle is becoming overbearing to me. It's getting super annoying.
Next time I go, after the girl agrees to $100 to come to my room, I'm going to tell her I'll pay her $150. I'll also tell her if they come to to my room to ask to buy a bucket, I'll let the girl choose. If she wants a bucket I'll pay her $100. If she says no to the bucket I'll pay her $150. That way she can tell them no so I don't have to. I'd rather pay the girl an extra $50 than say yes to these annoying people which only teaches them to continue this annoying behavior. A year ago, none of this was happening. It gets more aggressive every time I go.
I'll be back (and probably annoyed again) July 3-6 if anyone will be around.


last comment
avatar for Heellover
3 years ago
Sounds like you have a good plan for future visits and handled it well.

Could always go to one of the competitors nearby as well (unless they do the same things now).
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
That's stupid to make the girl choose and push that on her - it's pretty-much a well-known-fact that in most clubs girls shouldn't/aren't-allowed-to turn-down drinks b/c that hurts the club's bottom line - in many clubs where the girl doesn't drink alcohol the girl will either order something non-alcoholic or they have a code where the dancer may order an expensive drink but have no alcohol in-it w/ the PL usually being none-the-wiser and paying full-price for the drink.

One would think this is even more so at HK – i.e. one would doubt the girl would be allowed to get in the way of the club’s/mesero’s hu$tle and fuck-up their $$$.

It’s up to you to handle that; not the girl b/c she’s likely not in that position – pushing overpriced drinks and fichas is how clubs make a lot of their $$$ and a HK girl not playing ball with the hustle would likely suffer consequences.

That's how I see it - perhaps TJ vets have a more educated opinion.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Perhaps staying at Rizo may help - i.e. perhaps the meseros won't wanna make the trek - but I doubt it
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
@Papi_Chulo, fly to TJ every month. I spend a lot of money here. I know many of the girls. I know many of the meseros. I know the people in Cascadas. They know me. They know I spend a lot of money here which I think is why they send guys to me room. So honestly, I couldn't care less if the girl isn't supposed to say no. I'll let her explain to them why she's saying no after the she leaves my room. If the girl knows its coming out of her pocket, I'll let the girl tell them to leave me alone. The more I say yes, the more they're going to come. So I'm going to start giving the girl a choice. I never pay the girls the standard $100. I pay most of these girls $200 sometimes $300 for coming to my room. The guys knocking on my door know that. That's why they come to my door in first place. So it doesn't bother me at all to have the girl say no and I hope she explains to them why she's saying no. My goal is to get them to stop annoying me all the time.

Stay at Rizo and take every girl from HK across the street? I have zero interest in that. Isn't it also a well known fact you have never been to HK? It's interesting how much HK advice you seem to have for someone who has never been. Go check it out. Then give some advice.
avatar for skibum609
3 years ago
None of this sounds like fun.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
3 years ago
Whether I’ve been to HK or not has nothing to do with the approach you are taking w.r.t. putting it on the girl to turn down the drinks – they are selling *you* the drinks and are expecting you to pay, not her; so don’t put it on her and grow a fucking pair and deal with it like a man vs hiding behind the girl’s skirt.
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
For anyone reading this, my experience I’m assuming is not typical. HK is a great time. Ask @Papa_Chulo. He’s never actually been to HK but has some how incredibly acquired knowledge beyond any seasoned TJ monger.
Long story short, I spend money here and after all of my trips they start to catch on. I believe I am approached differently than most customers. So my experience is probably different than most when it comes to constant hounding. Coming to my room every time I take someone up is new. But for me, it’s becoming the norm. Hopefully not for everyone. Thanks for your advice @Papa.
avatar for Liwet
3 years ago
What happens if you don't answer the door?
avatar for TJ Walker
TJ Walker
3 years ago
You're not the only one @Red, I've seen personal trusted waiters came knocking on whales' room while they resting or not even in their room.
avatar for azfriole
3 years ago
@Red it's got to be they know you and the $ you spend. It's unfortunate that they have you targeted in this way. I've only been twice but had 12 girls upto the room and never had this happen, first I've heard of them doing this.

I'll keep July in mind, heading back down next Sunday for a day trip as work has me in the area.

avatar for TheeOSU
3 years ago
Yeah I've never been to TJ either and likely never will but after reading through this thread what pops to me is if you don't want them coming to the door speak up and tell them. Tell them ahead of time if you have to, speak to a manager and forcefully tell him they will lose your future business if that shit continues. Even if it doesn't work and it continues It seems to me that it's worth a try to speak up about it.
You're the man with the money, speak up about it!
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
How is it that all the employees know how much you are tipping? That seems a warning sign the club's being pimpish.

Has anyone ever tried getting a room at an independent hotel, then going to wherever the bar girls go for tacos?
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
I don’t think they all know what I tip. I try to tip everyone is Cascadas. There was one time they came to my room to try to get me to buy a drink and I chewed them out. I told the girl to put on her clothes. We were finished. I gave her $300 and I know that got around because management from HK came and found me in the club to apologize. They gave me a fee room for the following trip. But I throw money around the club also. Every time the guy goes on stage blowing the whistle if he knows I’m there he seeks me out. The girls that pull guys up on stage point to me when they go up. They just know I spend money here. I start to realize it backfires after a while because I get harassed for it. And honestly, I’d never stay anywhere but HK. It’s by far the most convenient.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
I assume there's a head mesero. Maybe it would work to complain to him (I'm guessing it's a him) about all this, and then tip him. And say hello and tip him every time you go.
avatar for CJKent_band
3 years ago

I will play along and comment on your discussion.

“You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce.”

The hustle becoming over the top is a sign of the bad economic situation all over the world.

You are a big spender, that is why people want to offer you additional services to get money from you. Just find the right balance that works for you, the customer.l, and buy only what you want.

In any case people go to the Happiest Place on Earth (according to Krusty) to have fun.…

Remember you are visiting a different country with a different culture a different language, but very nice people and really good food, an interesting “experiences” that you should be able and happy to afford.

If I do not wish to be disturbed, I speak to the front desk and or the manager in charge and tell them that I don’t want to be disturbed/distracted, and if necessary tip a couple of dollars, in addition I would place the “Do NOT Disturb”, notice on the room door handle.

I have never ever been bothered or disturbed by anyone, when I am with a woman.

If anyone, by error/mistake knocks at the door, I would just holler out "occupied, I don’t want anything go away" or ("ocupado, no necesito nada, vayase") to make them go away.

If they insist or there is a “real emergency” I always keep a robe handy and if I open the door and they are still bothering me all I would have to do is stand in front of him and open my robe to let him see my FN Browning Hi-Power Nickel plated 9x19mm tucked in my custom made black leather appendix carry holster, and say, “I don’t need anything and don’t want to be disturbed, do you understand?” (“No necesito nada y no quiero que me molesten, ¿entiendes?")

I have never had to open my robe so far so good.

So don’t let these minor issues ruin your fun, take these situations as lessons in life and learn to deal with people and situations with a smile on your face and laugh about how ridiculous some of these things are sometimes.

Despite of all the negative events that often happen in our lives, we can always maintain our happiness by learning to look with calm and understanding whatever circumstances we deal with in a positive light.

“Being happy is something that each of us determines, it is not something that we find outside of yourself, it is within us and our choice.”

– Catherine Pulsifer

Keep up with the Good Times.

And remember Pics and Vids or it didn’t happen
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
One time at rizo I had to buy a ficha bucket because the girl stayed much longer than an hour. It is annoying.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
3 years ago

This is a very rare thing for me, and over the past few years I've had quite a few sessions stretch to a couple of hours. Rather than get pissy at Papi Chulo you should maybe pay more attention to what he's saying. This is happening to you either because the girl is in on it or the management and/or the meseros are targeting you. I suspect it's the latter.

Rather than bitching at the girls you should be getting into the grills of the HK and Cascadas managers who are working that night. If it's the girls starting this you should especially let them know because it's bad for business.


Going to Rizo instead doesn't help -- it's directly above Tropical Bar (run by the same people) so you get a mesero from TB instead of HK. :-)
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
There is so much wrong here, starting with the HK/Cascades management trying to squeeze more dollars out of their clients. If you haven’t read it already, I wrote and posted here an article on this topic, New Rules. The staff is not doing this; including the girls. They hate it as much as anyone.

Short Version: The management wanted a $300 bar fine to have an OFF-SHIFT HK BG in my Cascades room overnight. I have been having overnights with HJ BGs every visit for the past six years. Never before had management asked for anything extra. And management is insulated by staff; the decision makers never show in person. And now they are requiring a bucket when I take a BG to my own room. Your experience is not unique, but represents a shift in management’s efforts to squeeze more money from the Gringos.

And Papi et al are on target with with their comments that putting it on the girls is a bad idea. I spend time with some trusted vets and meseros who tell me stories about how they are berated and threatened with suspension and fines for almost any perceived infraction. They are never praised or rewarded for good work. And they cannot push back, because they cannot afford to.

Either tell them yourself that you are displeased or if you don’t want to confront them, write it on the comments card. I am sure that any remarks delivered in person or on the card will be ignored, but putting it on the staff isn’t going to work and could get them grief.

Until recently, like you I stayed at Cascades for the convenience for over six years. Always got one of the nicer, more expensive rooms. And I was also generous with tips (although I am nowhere near your category). Now I do my hunting in the Zona and keep a room at a nearby hotel, spending as few dollars as possible at HK, BT, Cascades, and Rizzo as possible; voting with my dollars. I am mad as Hell and I am not going to take it anymore! I am posting articles about this BS on all the forums I subscribe to. We should not be treated this way and fellow mongers should be alerted.

RedBaron I have read and enjoyed many of your posts; you have my respect. I hope that we can meet in person some day. (My schedule is not currently aligned unfortunately. Next trip is 6/13.] Please keep us posted on your experiences.
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
@Putatester, I agree that handling it myself and not putting on the BG is an option. Honestly, I don’t want to put it on the BG. And I wouldn’t put that on all of them. But the ones that I know, they know me, the ones that are established and know what is going on, I want them to handle it. I want them to feel the weight of it. I want them to know it’s their money or the clubs money. There is not a louder voice in that place than the girls voice. If the girl is having to choose, $50 more in their pocket or that same $50 going to the club, I want them to speak up about it. I want the girl to know she is losing $50 because I’m being harassed for drinks. I’m not going to short the girl on the $100 I owe her. She’ll get paid. But if she knows she could have gotten more had the club not taken that extra $50 from her, I want that to become an issue with the girls. I’m always happy to the girl. I’m never happy to pay the club. I’m never happy when these guys successful sell another bucket of beer to a room. They have success they keep hounding. If the girls are upset the beer is taking their money, that is what I want. When the girls complain enough, it will stop. So I’m happy to put some weight on the girl.

That being said, if it were a new girl, I would not use that approach.
avatar for ilbbaicnl
3 years ago
Can you communicate with the BGs without a language barrier? If not, encourage them to get an account on here. Some of us have a passable knowledge of Spanish, they could DM us with information that we could translate and pass on. I think you might find out they don't have as much leverage in the club as you think. They could only tell you who YOU need to complain to in order to resolve these problems.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Yes, these new changes radically alter the TJ picture. Need to stay current on this stuff, and look to other venues.

avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
@ilbbaicnl - I know there is no one girl who has a say. And I highly doubt the day will come where there are enough girls complaining that anything will change. I was just irritated after this last trip and wanted to bitch for a minute. I don’t expect it will ever change. I just need to learn to say no. I hate being constantly asked to buy shit in my room that I didn’t request. A year ago it never happened. Now I can almost expect it. But at the end of the day, we’re all slaves to this place. HK is nowhere close to slowing down and they know it. They can do whatever they want and we can individually choose not to return. But I’ve traveled a lot of the world. Until they double the prices of everything it will still be the place to go if you’re from the US.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
They're not going to waste effort and time on making it easier or cheaper for sex tourists. Girls are made to feel they're in on the hustle
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
It would be interesting to get a perspective from a Tijuana Bar Girl here, but I'm not sure that any legit BG's would post here honestly, that would probably be the end of their career in any of the major Tj venues.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Somebody going down there has to make recruiting some TJ BG's to TUSCL top priority. Or at least let them add a few words of their own on to his posts some times.

avatar for azfriole
3 years ago
@Red don't take this wrong as I've met you and know you do this cause you can and have compassion for their circumstances but this is an example of how over paying can come back to bite you in the ass.

So any new mongers making the trek to tj let this be an example of how over paying not only drives up the prices for the rest of us cheap fuckers but can make you a target from the Masero's and management to shake down for extra money any chance they can.
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
@azfriole - agreed. Overpaying is a mistake.
avatar for 623
3 years ago
Maybe this not a management thing at all. Maybe the fact that there seems to be twice as many meseros now, each of them paying to work there. Now that they have invested in the shift they have to get more creative in their hustle and since they learn from each other, the best working hustles proliferate.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
3 years ago

It's very hard to see how management wouldn't at least be aware of it. The meseros and BGs are all on a tight leash and they can be turfed on a moment's notice. HK is a golden goose for them and they're not going to rock the boat. Find a few former employees and ask them if their life changed for the better after they were fired. They know they can be replaced with little to no effort.

Pushing your annoyance onto the staff or the girls is only going to show you how little power they have to change things. Offering a BG $150 for "sexo sin cervezas" is not a good idea.
avatar for mf92802
3 years ago
I also spend a substantial amount of money purchasing lady drinks and enjoying the party in the bar. I also always have a Jacuzzi room and when I take a lady upstairs, I pay her $120 to $150 and tell her she can leave whenever she wishes. We usually stay for a couple of hours. I will usually walk them back downstairs and have a couple more drinks with them. When the doorman complains to them about the time they usually state that they also used their lunch or some other BS. I sometimes will tip the doorman $20.

A couple years ago, my regular waiter told me that he was being pressured to have me purchase a bucket of beer to take a lady upstairs because I always take them for an extended time. I had him bring his manager and I explained to both of them that I understand their position but I will not be purchasing a bucket. I then stated that I would start patronizing other bars and left. The rest of that trip and my next trip I went to the other bars. I was eventually contacted by my waiter telling me that if I come back, I will not need to purchase a bucket to take a lady upstairs.

Bottom line: They will push the limit until as long as it continues to work. Once it hurts the bottom line, they will back off.
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
@fm- that is good info. I’m in your exact spot. They know me and they’ve learned to work me. I need to tell them no.
avatar for PinkSugarDoll
3 years ago
We are not allowed to turn down drinks in the club. Just take it upon your own capable adult brain to say “no thank you,” is it that hard? They are there TO MAKE MONEY, it’s no different than a server in America asking if you want to start with an appetizer or would you like another round of drinks. Not understanding what the big deal is but it’s not the girl’s responsibility to tell them no and it’s a jerk move to expect her to do that when she could get in trouble, all the while holding money over her head. “Here’s money for you but you have to get in trouble to have it and if you don’t put yourself in th at t position you’re going to feel bad because you couldn’t get that money.” Jerk fucking move.
avatar for twentyfive
3 years ago
I don’t think it’s the same as a server up selling, don’t forget this is a hotel room, you paid for a block of time, you should be left alone when you’re in your room
avatar for Redbaron12
3 years ago
@pink - thanks for your input. I know the girls. The girls know me. They’re not new to this. I’m not sure how I’ll go about it but I’m not worried about it. I’m a customer that brings thousands of dollars to this establishment every time I go. If I didn’t bring thousands I’d agree with you. The girls make a lot of money from me and they know it. Because of that, I’m not worried about what they think. They have the option to say no to me. But I guarantee they’ll take the money instead.
avatar for TJ Walker
TJ Walker
3 years ago
Overpaying or even not overpaying but spending a lot makes the monger a whale. They know mongers flying in with a ton of cash in luggage and no where else to go.
avatar for 623
3 years ago
Is Cascadas still searching luggage when you check in.
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
Yes. As is Rizzo. The quality of the search is determined by the size of the tip and how seriously security takes their jobs.
avatar for besmitty
3 years ago
I've heard of the champagne charge from a few friends that go. I don't think this is an instance of overpaying though, UNLESS it's a masero delivering the champagne / bottles to your room who also was your masero inside the club. I've never had any such issue. I don't know that I can make that July trip. Waiting to hear back from the new job offer and start date (6 wk was estimate the day we got back from the last trip)... I'mma try though
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
As far as tips... I don't tip over a dollar per drink or encounter (robe guy, security Telichero, desk guy,) whatever... As to the girls, I will tip them according to the extra service they give me !!!!
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
This last visit when I was in cascada with a 9.5. I had already walked her back down to the club and she turned in her robe at the north las chavela entrance and I went back to my room... and dang... low and behold. Some mesero knocked on my door and I said she's gone back to the club... I walked her down... and what the hell are you doing here?????
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
And another thing, the Hong Kong meseros have no problem walking across the street to rizo in pursuit of a dollar...
avatar for Jascoi
3 years ago
Yes, it's annoying. But still the level of service from the girls and the selection is still superb.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
Some might suggest that the lower tier venues would be more friendly and more where you can just do things your own way?

avatar for OPIllini96
3 years ago
Sounds like things are getting worse at HK. Looks like on my next trip this summer I'll stick to Chicago, Tropical, and Bar Gold, as well as try some of the smaller clubs in the alley.
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
OP illin69, you probably already know that Bar Tropical and Rizzo are owned by the same group as HK and Cascadas. So to avoid the growing BS, consider staying in someplace other than Cascades or Rizzo.

Also, those smaller clubs can be great. Found more than a few gems in Gold Palace and Play Boy…at prices you can afford (;-)). The trick there is don’t just walk in and walk out. If you hang for a bit, often a hottie will emerge from the woodwork.

avatar for OPIllini96
3 years ago
That's a good point, Puta. I've stayed at the Velario, which is just west of the red-light district, and that might be a good alternative to Cascadas and Rizo. Hear the Coahulia (Adelita) and Jalos (Chicago) hotels aren't good for extended stays, hence it's likely Velario or Ticuan for my next trip.

Also, Puta, have a question for you. I agree with you that great times can be had in the smaller clubs. But there's this one club in the alley called La Valentina, every time I've gone inside, it's been empty and I walked right back out. Have you (or any other TJ monger) been there, and if so, what was your experience like?
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
I have been to La Valentina. It is usually empty, but I am told that it has a back door to Adelita's that the girls and staff can go through.
I have been tempted to go in, sit, and ask a mesero to bring me someone. Maybe I'll try that sometime. My issue is that the music is so loud, I don't want to hang out long.

Never stayed more than short term at Jalos. Best I can say is that they are adequate. Stayed over night at Coahulia once. Similar experience; adequate. More like a run down Motel 6.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
3 years ago
Hotel Jalos is cheap, but it's also a shithole. Definitely not recommended.
avatar for Cristobal
3 years ago
The ultra hustle is real in TJ and especially at HK.

We may rightfully blame the HK management for all the ultra high hustle but the reality to me is the mongerers who go to. TJ and make the clubs into a make it rain club.

The management/owners see al the money spent and want a bigger piece of the pie, I don't blame them.

I saw mongerers drop a $1000 on a stage dancer, why would then club not want a later share.

Damn, when we went to HK for a birthday party the maseros would only let us at a bottom table if we bought a $300 bottle (it was a busy Saturday).

Sadly my TUSCL brothers the price of partying for pussy has gone up.
avatar for BubbleYum
3 years ago
Whoo hoo!! Your reviews are appreciated. 🥳🎈🎉🏆
avatar for BubbleYum
3 years ago
^ motherfuck. That was supposed to be posted on the thread about Muddy achieving a new level of TUSCL greatness. Oh well. My fuck up amidst fatigue, lads. Carry on.
avatar for Champphilly
3 years ago
Super imp discussion. Improves knowledge on tipping vs drinking. What a smart guy.
avatar for OPIllini96
3 years ago
Cristobal makes a lot of sense. When mongerers consistently spend more than the going rate for services, ultimately the going rate will go up, and that's what's going on in HK especially. I understand it wasn't long ago you could take a HK girl to your room in the Cascadas for $60-$70 and she could stay for as long as she wanted to. We need to start speaking with our wallets, gentlemen, if we are to hope for a market correction soon.
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
Beware of shills. Much of it is management greed, but some of it is shills throwing out money to encourage you to also throw out money.

I was in D&G when a shil threw about $40 on stage. There was only three mongers in the room at the time and the MC kept pointing to me and encouraging me to also throw money on stage for a girl that I sat with briefly. Later, I spotted the MC giving the girl a few dollars and returning the majority of the money to the shill.

Yes, there are idiots who throw fists full of money at girls, but there is also the games the club plays with clients, especially drunk and ignorant ones. Don’t be that guy that gets suckered in.

Years ago, I tended bar in a club frequented by used car sales people. They would brag about how much money they extracted from a buyer and made him feel like he got a great deal. Usually it was thousands of dollars the buyers left on the table.

This and other forums have a wealth of information that can help you avoid the scams. Read and learn.

You are not going to avoid them all, but you can become an educated consumer of pussy.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
How dare they try to make money off of American sex tourists lmfao
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
It is one thing to make money and I don't begrudge them to operate as a for-profit business. It is quite another to make up rules and requirements to extract funds when a client is trapped in a given situation.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
3 years ago
So protest the American businesses fucking us over every single day. It's more pressing than mexican sex tourism
avatar for PutaTester
3 years ago
"So protest the American businesses fucking us over every single day. It's more pressing than mexican sex tourism"

That too. Note that every re-pubic-lamb voted against legislation holding energy companies accountable for price gouging. So while protesting is a valid form of expression, voting the bastards out is more effective.
avatar for san_jose_guy
3 years ago
I agree with PutaTester on this. Being a for profit business is okay, but they are taking advantage of the situation. Need to have some other back up place.


Jane School of Rock…
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