
Not for me

Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
I'm not going to review a club in particular, the issues seem to apply to La Zona generally, not a particular club. I wouldn't want to bring any repercussions down on any BG. And, not much point in saying where the bathroom is, etc. in a club I'm hard thumbs downing on.

Disclaimer: My Spanish is meh, the music was loud af, I have old man ears, the BGs only partly heeded my requests to speak more slowly.

Seems like you have to assume that at least half of any money you give to a BG will go to the waiters and the club. That includes money you throw on stage.

If you are an arriba guy, you're a BG fav. Not sure if that's because they keep a higher percentage of that money, or arriba maximizes what the BG can make in a half hour of time. But I wasn't looking for arriba. The VIP is by-the-song, $23 per song (which many US clubs can beat) in HK. Especially given that I've never seen half as much tip grovelling in any US club. The BGs hate hate hate VIP specials, because then they are getting a fraction of a fraction. In spite of all this, the BGs say they can't make near as much anywhere else. But, in spite of that, their apathy is at least as bad as the lower hustle US clubs. I suspect having to deal with borderline pimpy waiters contributes to this. If they had not been so apathetic, I might have thought at least enough of the $ trickles down to them. But no.
Some chance I was getting pity hustled. But, in many a US club, I can get good hustle, not just pity hustle.

Many attractive dancers, many that weren't for me. On a par (only) with a better US club. Unless you have a fetish for plastic surgery that US plastic surgeons would lose their license for performing. Don't assume a BG isn't highly educated because of poor English. Poor Spanish doesn't mean you're not highly educated.

I gave a quick Stripper 101 lesson. To avoid alcohol problems, only drink at work with PLs who are insistent on it, and only if they make it well worth it. The response was basically well I don't drink THAT much (chug chug chug chug).

If you as a gringo are undecided between a lighter and darker BG, pick the darker complexioned BG. She's getting shit money from the Mexican customers.

If you're black and your shlong isn't enormous, go to TJ and kill the stereotype.

Coming out of Mexican immigration, I couldn't find a Taxi Libre, so I took a chance on another company. The driver said it was a "welome to Tijuana" taxi. I can't find a picture of the markings but there were lots with those markings. The drivers ask for US$7 or MX$150, and also ask for a tip. Didn't see any sign of the HK shuttle.

Also coming out of Mexican immigration, an aggressive beggar asked for $1 to not "scare" me. I looked at him like whatcha got, and he gave up. Pretty good English, probably one of those guys who gets deported on release from prison.


  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    Oh yeah, and the BG story is that the paradas all have pimps.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    When I said they have pimps I was harassed and incessantly trolled for it. But this is the most honest review of tj clubs on here
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ To borrow a phrase from Bubble Yum
    Call a waambulance you whiny twat
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I'm being honest, but only a really really dumb stripper is strictly honest with PLs. My best guess is that being a BG takes somebody from a 9 on the misery-o-meter down to a 7 or maybe a 6. So it's not clear anyone is doing anything bad by going. But don't expect wild enthusiasm. Don't take it personally if you encounter apathy and resentment. Try to communicate to them that you are fine with it if they drink little or no alcohol. Tipping well doesn't hurt of course. But I wouldn't put it past these clubs that they manage to get a big cut of any tips given in "private". Seems like OTC is possible, I might do that if I lived in Southern CA. I'm sure the waiters have hard lives too, but I can't accept that as a valid reason to get pimpy. But I heard nothing to indicate the BGs are being controlled by the clubs through threats of violence. They just seem afraid of being fired.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    One pleasant surprise is that drivers in TJ will actually stop if you are trying to cross the street in a crosswalk. First time I've seen that in Mexico.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    I will play along and comment on your discussion.

    “Seems like you have to assume that at least more than half of any money you give to a person working in the USA and its capitalist countries will go to the mangers and oligarchs. That includes money you throw on as tips”

    TIFFY you are welcome.

    The USA, Canadian and Mexico are exploitative abusive capitalist societies that came from slavery and indentured servitude that makes Americans believe they are better of now than other nations when anyone questions why America can’t be more fair or equal.

    Around the world, there are many types of capitalist societies, ranging from liberating to exploitative, protective to abusive, democratic to unregulated.

    When Americans declare that “we live in a capitalist society” what they’re often “defending” is our nation’s peculiarly brutal economy where so-called unskilled workers are typically incentivized through punishments in a society where inequality reigns and poverty spreads.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    The BGs may just stereotype the paradas, since the paradas are their lower charging competition. Analogous to getting info about extras strippers from non-extras strippers.

    They did say interesting things about some police unit that protects paradas from their pimps. Supposedly these police can't be bribed by the pimps. But, as much as I could understand, seems to be about protecting paradas who want to quit sex work. Not helping them to do sex work as independents/renegades.
  • shailynn
    2 years ago
    Interesting take.

    I would imagine BGs want to stay in the good side of club management because their other option is standing on a street corner.

    The plastic surgery comment was interesting - PLs have posted many photos on here and other places and I’m usually like “meh,” although there’s a beautiful one here and there.

    Since you’re writing this I’m assuming you are/were there on a weekend?

    What’s the make up of the customers? What percentage are Mexicans, what percentage are Americans? What’s the percentage of racial make ups? Someone mentioned a lot of Asian guys from Cali go there too.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @shailynn Sorry I didn't pay much attention. Yes I was there on Saturday night. Maybe a third seemed clearly from the US, typical CA mix of white, east Asian, black. Couldn't hear PLs talking so can't say who was Mexican and who was US latino. Good implants look reasonably natural, so it's only the ones I was aware of that looked scary.
  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    in my 8.5 years of going to tijuana Zona Norte it does seem to me that the girls do the best with the Arriba money. Buying the girl a ficha gives her a couple of bucks, Likewise doing a VIP or Privado lap dance gives her a few more bucks, A stage dance gives her probably 3/4 of the money that remains on the stage, And I’ve never noticed a girl tip out at the end of her shift.
    I do have to admit I find it very difficult to focus on detecting any of these activities because I’m usually distracted by her and her Amigas.
  • mf92802
    2 years ago
    I'm sorry but I must respectfully disagree with ibbaicnl on his premise. I cannot speak for all the clubs but I can speak on Bar Tropical. I have known some of the dancers at Tropical for quite some time and either they have all coordinated the same fabrication or what they all tell me is accurate. The bar makes their money on the drinks and private dances. The money for these transactions is paid to the bar through the waiter and the lady gets a receipt for the transaction that she is able to "cash out" at the end of her shift. She is making only a couple of dollars per beer and a few more for a private dance. Any funds that she collects in tips or upstairs services goes directly to her and she will keep it all.

    As to the actual dancers. If they are simply dancing on a bar or on the side, the tips go directly to them and they keep it all. If they are a scheduled dancer, the house pays the a small additional stipend per shift and they must dance their scheduled time slot; even if they are with a customer. If they are not a scheduled dancer but wish to dance on one of the main stages, they must pay the house a $10 fee for the privilege of dancing. They keep their tips but they "tip out" the waiter that is assisting them through their set and gathering the tips from the stage for them. Additionally, scheduled dancers at Tropical will be taken around the bar following their set for additional tips. Unscheduled dancers simply get what is thrown onto the stage during their set.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    I didn't go to Bar Tropical because it's panned in many reviews, so I didn't talk to any BG there.

    As I basically said, either they are apathetic because what I was told was true, they are shortchanged and have an extremely hostile work environment. Or they are apathetic for other reasons, and the less apathetic BGs can only muster enough enthusiasm for a pity hustle. Either way, not appealing to me.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    You wrote and I quote:

    “As I basically said, either they are apathetic because what I was told was true, they are shortchanged and have an extremely hostile work environment.”

    Who doesn’t have an extreme hostile work environment?

    Work is so terrible workers they have to be paid to do it.

    The bargirls are working in the sex business and it is a business, it’s all about money.

    the girls are just playing the sympathy card for some potential extra cash, and tell the customers what they believe the customers want to hear…
  • TJ Walker
    2 years ago
    The brothel is not for everyone but will you come back?
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @TJ Walker me? I don't think so. I feel like I'd have to go there a lot, to figure out how to best bypass all the parasites, and maximize the $ to the women we go there for. I don't live in S. CA, so it's not convenient for me to go a lot.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    You make such stupid statements and assumptions about everyone it’s ridiculous to imagine anyone taking you seriously
    My work environment was never hostile, I enjoyed many aspects of my job, and I’m sure a great many others do as well.

    You seem to think ok yourself as some sort of savior, guess what, it’s no surprise the girls scam you with phony sob stories, they’re mostly there of their own free will despite you and others like you, being a white knight, you’re laughed at by the girls you think like you, they don’t actually you probably come across to them as thinking you’re somehow superior.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @25 what level of morality is someone allowed to have before you call them a "savior"? Does that seem fine to you, that a sex worker should get less than 70% of what you pay for their company?

    I wan't scammed into thinking the BGs I saw were apathetic and drank waaay too much. I avoid such dancers in the US, so why should I go to TJ for that? They didn't laugh at me to my face. I doubt any of us want to know what the sex workers we see really think of us.
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    ^ That’s the difference , they are there of their own free will, at least that’s the impression they give, you seem to think they need your assistance, if that were the case they’d ask for it,
    You don’t need to come on here like Iceefag, and school anyone, don’t make assumptions that we’re taking advantage of anyone.
    If they don’t want to be around us, none of us here is forcing them to do anything.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Unless she's a renegade. A hooker anywhere doesn't get most of her money.

    In US clubs management gets a cut. Her pimp gets a cut. She has bills so her landlord robs her. Utility companies rob her.

    If you want her to have money pay her decently.
  • mf92802
    2 years ago
    I'm with 2Icee. The utility companies and my landlord are robbing me too. Somebody better start paying me better
  • rickmacrodong
    2 years ago
    How does the landlord or utility company rob her Icee?
    If utility is overcharging it can be taken care of.
    Landlords generally dont rob, unless there’s something that needs fixing thats not being fixed.

    An escort without a pimp keeps her money...
    OTC strippers keep their money...
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Mf92802 yeah people need to demand higher wages and end profiteering off badic needs like shelter and lights etc

    And hookers working clubs generally have pimps
  • mf92802
    2 years ago
    I hope that all on this board realize that my previous comment was "tongue in cheek". I have worked hard throughout life and am now reaping the rewords of that labor. Although I have not prostituted myself, I have worked many grungy grimy jobs from shoveling livestock stalls to working in fast food to owning my own company.

    Over my years partaking in the pleasures offered south of the border, I have come to know many of the participants. I may even hazard to call many of them my friends. I can state unequivocally that the ladies working in the four main establishments in ZN do not have pimps and do not split their tips or room money with anyone. With this said, they may tip other workers for service. For example: the waiter assisting with a dancer or bringing food. I have also seen them tip room stewards for services rendered. The only fees that the house takes a "cut" of are fees that are collected by the bar. These include drinks, private room rental etc.

    Although most of the ladies are working in ZN to support their young children, I have met more than a few that simply enjoy sex and find this an easy way to generate income. Some of the young mothers there are working there to pay for higher education or job training. I have met ladies training for flight attendant, law school, beauty school etc. I have even met one young lady saving her money to open a bar in Mexico City. I have also met some that truly regretted their decision and were quick to return home. I still keep in touch with many of these friends that I have met and occasionally visit them.

    Each and every one of my friends had relayed that they keep all of their tip and room money. Most of them are proud of making a legal (yes in Mexico it is legal) wage and of being able to support their family or further their education. I am grateful for the relationships made in ZN and will continue to partake in the pleasure that is south of the border with a clear conscious.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Wow sayingnpeople deserve better wages as a joke. You're something.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    Also higher education is highly subsidized in Mexico. And the myth of the happy hooker....fuck off.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    @mf Why are the BG's stage tips recorded by the clubs if they get to keep all of them? I saw it happening before my very own eyes.

    As I said, arribas / getting a room is the way to go if you go, I certainly hope it's true they get to keep all of the arriba money. But, if it's such a great opportunity for them, why wouldn't they be friendly with a customer who is stage tipping them, when few other customers were?

    Most people would rather shovel shit than do sex work. Which is why I think sex workers should be treasured and should get generous compensation. Few if any sex workers find their most preferred sex partners among their clients. A minority of them consider almost no one ugly based on physical appearance, and get a charge out of the therapeutic nature of sex work. So it's not a hard job for them with a normal customer. But they are particularly targeted by hateful people, and few can completely avoid bad experiences with those people.
  • ilbbaicnl
    2 years ago
    And, speaking of getting degrees, one BG told me she'd gotten a degree, but it hadn't translated into offers for straight jobs, and she now had student debt to pay off. Joe Biden can't help her it seems.
  • CJKent_band
    2 years ago

    One of the Google definitions of work that applies to more people in a capitalist exploitative society like in the USA is:

    “doing something you hate in a place you hate with people you grow to hate for the majority of your day for the majority of your life.”

    You are welcome.

    Those who like my hilarious discussions and comments are happier, more intelligent and better-looking than those who don't; according to a mathematical study based on known axioms and definitions I made up.

  • Jascoi
    2 years ago
    I think I can honestly say I never hated my job overall but there were certain aspects of it for a while that was very untasteful. I’ve been retired from that job six years now but in reality I need to find a new job (hopefully one that I will like)... as long as my ex-wife is alive and I am paying her spousal support I need more money to support to Honey’s the way I would like to!
  • twentyfive
    2 years ago
    My response to CJ Kunt
    As a quote not necessarily verbatim from Marc Antony
    ‘Do something you love, you’ll never work a day of your life’
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    2 years ago
    People don't really hate their jobs or Mondays or bosses. They really hate capitalism and simply lack the experiential and cultural outlets to simply state that.
  • 623
    2 years ago
    25. That quote was first attributed to Mark Twain. If Antony is claiming it he is a plagiarist but it’s more likely that anyone born after the boomers has no clue who Mark Twain was.
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