
Comments by jacej (page 10)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    @sfrsox - All 2-4-1 dances are $35, so it's a misnomer on my part to call it a 2-4-1. It's 2-for-$35 regardless of which side of the dance area you're in. It would be a better value to do a 2-for-$35 in the $35 dance areas as that would truly be a 2-4-1, rather than do a 2-fer in the $25 dance areas. The $35 dance areas have half curtains in them, and the rooms are smaller with no shared space, I believe. I haven't been in the $35 area on the right side of the dance area since they brought back the $25 dances. I always went to the $25 dollar side for the 2-4-$35s so that I wouldn't start being charged $35 per dance if I went for more than just the two. I'd say about 3/4 of the time, I went for more than two. The last time I was in the right side was in May 2019, so I don't know what changes, if any, were made. The $25 dance rooms on the left side have three rooms - two rooms that are shared spaces, and one that's a singleton. So you can have a total of 5 couples in the back doing dances in the $25 area if each couple takes a whole couch. I've never seen two couples per couch, but I suppose it could happen. I don't like bumping knees with others, so I would wait for space clear up if that happened. As you walk in to the $25 dance area, there's a duplex room on the right, and a second duplex room in front of you at the back. There is a singleton $25 dance room to the left, but it has a window that everyone can look through as they walk by. All the rooms have windows, but the singleton windows seems to allow more public viewing that the others. I don't like the duplex room on the right as much as it's more exposed. I like the duplex room in the back, and specifically, the couch on the right of the back duplex. That seems to be the most "private" of the shared space. The Cute-Hot Girl I discussed extensively in my November 12, 2019 review preferred the singleton room, even though it has that window. The window isn't really a big deal, and now one is going to be a creeper and just stare at the action. Hope this helps.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift is Better than Past Reviews Suggest, and I Found My Near-DS
    @Papi - I goofed that quote: "Hi, my NAME IS jacej, and I'm a strip-club-aholic." Yeah - bingeing regularly would be very, very bad for the budget. Gotta keep food on the table, lights on, have a place to live, etc. Darn this responsibility thing!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift is Better than Past Reviews Suggest, and I Found My Near-DS
    @mets - You'd think I'd want to do that with that kind of spending, right? I certainly wanted to, but I'm too paranoid about STDs even if it's covered. I'm also somewhat of a germaphobe, so no licking or kissing for me - who knows who might have been there before me, or the girl's STD status? But luckily, I'm not so much of a STD/germaphobe that I have a problem with heavy two-way touching. That's perfectly ok in my book. Although I was Hot-Cute Girl's first and only customer there on Tuesday before I left, old habits are hard to break, but I was more than satisfied with the experience. I had snail trails left by her all over my shorts when I left! Had to change at the airport.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift is Better than Past Reviews Suggest, and I Found My Near-DS
    Papi, you hit the nail right on the head. I didn't realize this until you said it, but I am a binge SCer - sort of like a binge drinker. I can only go to strip clubs when I'm out of town, so I indulge a lot when the opportunity presents itself. Sometimes its 2 months between visits, sometimes its 4-6 months. But unlike a binge drinker, I can stop anytime I want...really. "Hi, my jacej, and I'm a strip-club-aholic."
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift is Better than Past Reviews Suggest, and I Found My Near-DS
    Also, I learned my lesson from my Miami trip back in September to hold back a little money in the car so that I would have cash just in case when traveling back home for tips or whatever. In September, I had zero cash left after hanging out at Vixens waiting for my flight. I was saying my goodbyes to Cute-Hot Girl and the waitress that had taken care of me the last two days (the waitress was great, and I tipped her generously during the two days I was there), and waitress told me that I still had a small amount left on my tab. I had given all my cash to Cute-Hot Girl, and didn't have any cash left on me to clear the tab. I didn't want to use a credit card or use the club ATM ($10 transaction fee), so I went back out to my car to access my reserve stash. Lesson learned and applied.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Day Shift is Better than Past Reviews Suggest, and I Found My Near-DS
    Yeah, I dropped a load on her. I had planned on primarily going to Scarlett's just for the night shift, and going to other clubs during the day shift, but she changed my plans. I did sets of 5 or 12 songs with her each session. With songs averaging 3.5 min per song, 5 songs run maybe about 17-18 minutes, and 12 songs run about 41-43 minutes. But that's just active dancing. She would wait out the partial songs before starting, and we spent a few minutes after each session with me putting her back together - not that there was that much for her to put back on, but it was still fun to do. On Monday, I probably dropped a little over $500 on her, and on Tuesday, I dropped over $700 on her. She had rent due (actually, it was late), so by the time I was done with her, she was able to make rent. Tuesday was just nuts. Two 12-song sessions and two 5-song session, with two stage sets - one was her first set of the day, and the second was when we were taking a breather. I tipped her generously during her stage sets. But she got called and skipped at least twice while we were in the dance rooms, and she didn't get called the rest of the afternoon once the DJ got word that I had tied her up for long sessions. Thank goodness I don't live in S.Fla. Cute-Hot Girl would bankrupt me.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Another fun time at Scarlett's, and the $25 dances are still a thing
    @Papi - oh wait. I'm remembering reading a review of Scarlett's a while ago where the reviewer said that they DID have $10 dances. It was a special promotion that Scarlett's was running on the radio or something, and I believe that the reviewer said that even though it was $10, it was just an air dance, and contact dances were full-fare. No special promotions were being offered during the time I was there, and who wants an air dance anyway. If I wanted that, I'd go to one of my local SCs, which are all air dance places. I go to clubs for contact, not air.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Another fun time at Scarlett's, and the $25 dances are still a thing
    @sfrdox - i had to ask them. There was only one that volunteered her age and it somehow came up naturally in conversation. I haven't had any girls have a problem telling me their age.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Another fun time at Scarlett's, and the $25 dances are still a thing
    @Papi - no discounts during the day. The dance prices are the same. The drinks are maybe $1 cheaper during the day. Maybe the guy was thinking about the $10 table dances, which are also the same price day or night.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Another fun time at Scarlett's, and the $25 dances are still a thing
    @mets - Well done! I've never been able to do that. I went back to Scarlett's the next day for the day shift to see what it was like, and I saw a thick girl for the first time at Scarlett's ever in all my visits. She was the only one like that, and all the other girls fit the standard Scarlett's mold of thin and attractive. Not a lot of girls during the day shift, but it was better than I was expecting based on prior reviews. There were 3 or 4 girls at 1 p.m., and maybe 8 girls by the time I left at 4. Found a really cute and hot girl and had several great dances with her. I made her cum during a dance, which was surprising. She wouldn't come out and and say that she did, but she had all the signs - if a girl comes out says out loud that she had an orgasm during a dance, it's likely fake. She was very coy about it, and didn't want to say anything except smile. This girl was up for OTC, but at an amount that was too high for me. Other more monied mongers I'm sure would have taken her up on it. So OTC is a possibility at Scarlett's, but with all things SC related, it depends on the girl, and also the amount.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Permanent exhibit level furniture...
    I don't go to my local air-dance clubs that often, but there is this one club that I will go to once in a while since it's convenient. I see the same couple of guys there all the friggin' time i go. They're probably retired just like JS69, but they probably don't have nearly the same resources as he does. They are kind of old guys that are not the best dressed or best groomed, but they do tip. The girls kind of treat them like nice old grand-dad type figures - harmless, and good for a few bucks. Dunno if that regular that you see is like that - old looking and harmless, if he's just a pervy PL with money, or something altogether different. It never crossed my mind that I would hang out in strip clubs all the time after I retired. It would just be too expensive, and I would probably get desensitized to all the nakedness after a while. I don't ever want that to happen!
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Sweet but Psycho
    @SirLap - That's funny! @Prim0 - Agreed. I thought it was Lady Gaga at first. My crazy former-life GF was totally nuts. She would run hot/cold, happy/sad, lazy/crazy. At least the sex was good while it lasted, which is the only reason why I stuck around for as long as I did and put up with her shit. I wish I had songs like this back then - I have would totally play them in her presence. It's amazing how much guys will put up with when the girl is putting out. Maybe that's why a many guys get divorced eventually. The crazy stays at the same level, but the sex doesn't. But then again, maybe SCs save marriages. While the crazy is still there, PLs can get away from it and go to the SC to scratch their itch, and then weather the storm for a little while bit until their next application of SC healing balm.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice club but too pricey and talent too mature
    @25 - Thanks. Yah - went to Vixens last time I was in Miami and really enjoyed. I'll try to hit Vixens again, though I have less time than before.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice club but too pricey and talent too mature
    @25 - have you been to to the reopened Gold Club? And is it worth a stop? Might be in Miami in a few days. I plan to hit my go-to - Scarlett's, but don't have any plans other than that.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Nice club but too pricey and talent too mature
    Are you sure you went to Gold Club and not Solid Gold? I thought Gold Club had closed.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    YouTube Stripper Cristina Villegas
    @Waffle - I'm eagerly waiting your channel as well! @minnow - Thanks for pointing me to MB. Her older stuff about strip clubs is more interesting (at least to me). Almost all of CV's posts about her nights show her making huge bank. MB's post about a night in the life of a stripper was great - she only made $70, and had to pay $30 for a cab to get home. Now THAT's real. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oTxIzjcbXkw
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    YouTube Stripper Cristina Villegas
    Thanks, Funluv. Not tracking her down...not a stalker (really!). Just curious. She's never said where she works, and posters on other sites have asked too, but with no success.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strangest reasons you have been given for not fucking you.
    @Dandy - ok, you can't leave a comment like that without telling the story.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Spending Distribution
    @Subraman - Ha! That's good. I wish I could be as bold with the finger jamming as you. But I club exclusively on trips out of town, so no chance for me to be a regular where girls could get more comfortable with me over the course of several visits - though I do go to certain clubs a couple times a year so I do see a few of the same girls despite the high turnover rate that can occur. And a couple of commenters have said that $200 is too limiting. I'd have to agree. Just spending on food, drinks, and tipping the hot waitress could easily run $50 or more, and once you add on stage tipping, you're pretty close to $100 without a lot of effort. With only $100 left after all, that would only get me a set of four dances with a girl (without a tip). I try to bring $300-500 to have a really good time.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    Spending Distribution
    I'd spend the $200 with just one dancer. If you spread around $200 among several dancers, you're not going to have a lot of "quality time." Assuming that the dances are $25 a song and you get two or three dances per girl, that's like 6-9 minutes per session. It could take a song or two to get the girl comfortable with you so that you're able to get more access - otherwise, it's more likely to be just a standard dance. Also you'd burn through your cash in just 3 or 4 girls. If you spend the money with just one dancer, she'd figure out that you're (hopefully) not a creepy dude trying to jam your finger in all her orifices from the outset, and after a couple of songs, the quality goes from standard to outstanding. I prefer quality over quantity.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Exacerbating my sexual frustration on local dancers
    My review got rejected :(
    I agree with Nidan111.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Exacerbating my sexual frustration on local dancers
    My review got rejected :(
    Some suggestions: Add some description of the the club - you said 2 stages, but perhaps add more details - is it upscale, mid-tier, etc. What's the decor like? You mentioned it's mostly white - provide percentage mix of other dancers, 5% AAs (African Americans), 10% Latinas, etc. Rate the girls - were they 6-8s? mostly 5s? FRMOS sounds like something SJG (San Jose Guy) would say, which could be one reason why it was rejected. He loves going for the FRMOS for some reason. If you have these details, add drink/food pricing. Make it sound like a story you're telling to a buddy to give him a reason to go (or not to go) to this place.
  • article comment
    5 years ago
    The Downside of Becoming Friends with a Stripper
    "would have thought most married-PLs would not necessarily have that emotional-void since they already have someone but seems many need/desire/crave some kinda emotional intimacy w/ dancers as if the dancer was a substitute S.O." @Papi - I know you're not a married guy, but I have to state the obvious: Obviously, you've never been married! LOL! For a lot of married PL's, they're just going through the martial motions for the kids, to avoid paying alimony, losing the house, half the retirement accounts, etc. etc. After a while, marriage can be pretty flat-lined for many.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    DFW, Texas
    One Night Whale
    I like to go to mid to upper tier clubs, and spend around $300-500 each time when I go. That's usually not enough for me to be a whale, but I think whether you can be a whale on that amount depends on when you go. I once had a whale-like experience in at Vixen's Cabaret in Davie, FL only because I went very early in the afternoon to kill time before a flight, and I was the only customer there. I spent liberally, and had an awesome time with the two dancers there. They were super friendly, and were all over me. My money was all over them. https://www.tuscl.net/review.php?id=361602
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Threesomes, Part 2
    Follow up report on the OTC threesome with Freaky Girl, please! I usually turn down tag team dance offers as it's usually just twice the price for dances that are sometimes awkward and cramped. And I freely admit that I'm not man enough to handle two girls at a time for an OTC romp - if I were ever to do OTC that is.