Permanent exhibit level furniture...
Off again on again PL
So a CF of mine was telling my about this one club regular who is at the club ALL THE TIME. As in 7 days a week from noon to 2am. I figured she was exaggerating but after a few visits on different shifts it was true.
Anyone else seen a furniture level regular who did 365 days a year open to close?
Anyone else seen a furniture level regular who did 365 days a year open to close?
It never crossed my mind that I would hang out in strip clubs all the time after I retired. It would just be too expensive, and I would probably get desensitized to all the nakedness after a while. I don't ever want that to happen!
After MBOT was forced to sign the consent decree whose impact basically destroyed the club, over the next couple of years all us MBOT partisans basically moved over to Crazy Horse. As did the gentleman in the above story! I saw him in the club fairly often for a while.
There was another interesting older guy at Crazy Horse. He was there most days, and I noticed he never tipped or did dances, but I'd very often see strippers huddled with him. Apparently, he carved out a role for himself as the strippers' gopher/bitch. Whatever they wanted done -- go get me a sandwich at Subway, give me a massage, grab me a Red Bull -- he'd do. The girls who used him as their servant, paid him back with a little attention & socializing. Everyone seemed very happy with the arrangement. He basically lived there
Hmmmm....(Looking at the base of my desk and wondering if I could install casters on my desk) 2-Style Folding Desk for Small Space, Home Office Workstation with Shelf, Simple Computer Desk Laptop Writing Table