
Comments by jacej (page 11)

  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First Time in Dallas
    Also, since you're used to SFlo/FLL clubs, to answer your question about topless only/no privacy, and whether this is normal in Dallas, the answer to your questions is yes, this is normal for Dallas. Most clubs in Dallas are topless only, and dances are usually done out in the open. If you want more privacy, you can pay for VIP, but even that isn't that private as it's in a group VIP area with cubbies. If you want to go to a nude club, then you'll have to go to a juice bar place like Bucks Wild in Dallas or in Fort Worth. But on they upside, you can bring in your own booze to these places, though you'll have to buy ice as something like $8/bucket from what I understand. I don't have a ton of experience with Dallas area clubs as I don't get to Dallas that often, but what I've described above has been my experience. PaulDrake would have a lot more info than I would about Dallas/Fort Worth area clubs. I envy you being able to club regularly in the FLL area. IMO, there aren't a lot of areas that are as good as SoFLo where you can go to a full nude club and get a room with privacy. My favorite place is Scarlett's Cabaret in Hallandale, and I've had good times at other clubs in SoFlo, like Vixens and Cheetah Hallandale. I REALLY need another business trip to Miami.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    First Time in Dallas
    Nice bit of info about $100 VIP access for the night. I knew about $50 VIP for an hour as that's all I had time for the last time I was there. But I wasn't aware that you could actually buy VIP for the entire night you're there for $100. When I go to a club, I'm typically there 3-4 hours, so I would definitely do the $100 VIP option the next time I get to Dallas and I'm able to hit Bucks Cab.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Not as good as past trips
    @Papi - Ha! You're info was way better than the "review" put up by the OP!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I should know better
    Something's off regarding this review. This place has a smoking section that's completely isolated from the non-smoking section. If the cigar smoke bothered OP, it's easy enough to move from the smoking to the non-smoking section to avoid the second-hand smoke. Not a lot of details, so reads like something just posting to get VIP access.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Going to a strip club in Vegas with my buddy’s this weekend for a bachelor party
    @BlakeB88 - please post an aftermath report. I'm sure we're all curious as to how the trip went this weekend. Hope its a good trip for your group. Also - reiterating what Papi C said above - VIP is probably not a good idea in Vegas. VIP is expensive, and in Vegas, unless you're a strip club veteran, the odds of a ROB experience is higher. The quote for the VIP area is one amount (usually a block of time), the girl asks for more on top, and Vegas clubs often require a minimum drink purchase for each block of time at a super inflated rated, like $45-50 for two drinks. So it's not usually an "all in" amount that they first tell you. Get the "all in" amount first before committing, including drinks, the girl, etc. And you'll have to tip the waitress bringing you drinks in VIP, and and also the VIP host or bouncer. I'm not necessarily discouraging VIP - if you pool everyone's money and buy the groom a VIP session, that might be one way to go without a huge outlay by the groom or any individual person in your group. Obviously, it would just be for the groom to experience if you do it that way.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Whale Encounters (and Cock Blocking MFs!)
    ^Typo - beer buckets, not beer bucks.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    Whale Encounters (and Cock Blocking MFs!)
    I remember two c-block events distinctly. It doesn't happened very often to me though as I'm generally not a regular with any girls since I'm strictly an out-of-town clubber. The first was at a large mid-tier club, and there was a group table with probably 10 girls partying it up with the guys there. The dudes would go up to girls dancing on the stages and "make it rain". I'm not talking about the regular make it rain type of guys. These guys would literally go up to the stage with packs of $50 ones, and throw the whole thing up into the air and have it shower all over the girls. The girls had so many ones, that they had to carry around SEVERAL beer bucks stacked on top of each other just to be able to gather and carry all the $1s. It was fun to watch, but man, no one could compete with those guys. They kept this up for the entire THREE HOURS I was there at the club! They pretty much sucked all the oxygen out of the club. It was ridiculous. All the hotter girls wanted to get in on the action, leaving the remainder of the PLs in the club with very slim pickin's. The other one I remember was at a upper-tier club that I had been to before, and I saw a dancer that I had seen previously that I wanted to get dances with, but had never had the chance during my previous visits. This time, she was in lock-down in VIP seating hanging with a regular, and she mostly just sat with him. When she went on stage, I tipped her a few bucks and asked her to join me later if she could. The regular went up to the stage after I did, tipped her $20, and she went right back to sitting with him. I didn't how much he was giving her for her time, but I guess it was enough to keep her there. After about two hours or so, the lock-down did loosen up a little, and she came up to me after her stage set and asked if I wanted to do some dances. Hurray! I asked if this would make her regular jealous as I didn't want to find myself on the receiving end of a roid rage. She said it was fine, and our dance session was great. I would have wanted to do a few more sets with her, but after we were done, she went back on lock down. As a non-regular, it's hard to compete with regulars, and especially regulars who are whales.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Going to a strip club in Vegas with my buddy’s this weekend for a bachelor party
    There's some good advice that's posted here. One thing to remember is AnonymousJim's point "b" - know your limits. In a strip club, it's very easy to be taken in by the atmosphere and the hot girls. Next thing you know, you're handing over your credit card, and waking up the next morning with bad debt hangover. Going to a strip club can be very expensive. Don't pay with a credit card as they often (pretty much will) tack on a massive up charge for using a credit card. Same thing with ATMs - don't use an ATM in a strip club as they charge more than a bank ATM for withdrawals. Plan to bring only cash and to only spend what you can afford. If you want to have fun, bring more than $100. Less than $100 in Vegas will not go very far. In fact, the big clubs in Vegas, such as Sapphire and Spearmint Rhino, can be much more expensive than "regular" clubs elsewhere. To really have a good time at a strip club in Vegas (unless you're just watching the stage only, and not partaking in dances), you'll need to bring several hundred dollars. I usually bring at least $300-400 to a regular club, and bring more than that if I'm going to a big club in Vegas - maybe $500-700. It all depends on how much fun you want to have, and how much you can afford. Another tip is to never, ever, ever, take a taxi or an Uber/Lyft to a club. Call the club for a group pickup in the FREE club limo. You'll should tip the driver, but with a group of you (depending on the size), you could do $5 to $10 per rider. If you were going solo, you'd give $10 to $20 to the driver. Depending on the club, you'll probably get in with no cover, reduced cover, or a reduced cover with a drink deal. If you arrive in a taxi or Uber/Lyft, the club has to give a spiff (kickback) to the taxi/Uber/Lyft - it's like blackmail money. If they don't give the spiff, drivers will start boycotting or steering customers elsewhere. The club makes the spiff back by charging you a much higher cover charge. Avoid the upcharge and take the free club limo. Going to a strip club ain't cheap. Don't be cheap. Girls don't appreciate that. Be respectful, respect the girl's boundaries on touching, ask her "rules" before touching, and if you're perceived to be a nice guy, often times you'll get more touching privileges than you might otherwise get. I once had a dance (actually a set of dances) with a girl where she gave me way more mileage and allowed more touching because I was a "nice guy". Basically, don't be an asshole. She commented that she would sometimes leave work with bruises because guys were so rough. Also, make sure you know upfront what you're getting and how much you're paying before you go for a private dance. All of these need to be discussed and agreed upon before going in the back with the girl. Some places in Vegas, like Sapphire, the girls to lap dances on the main floor for $20/song. Lap dance pricing can be variable, so make sure you know the pricing before committing. Dances are usually charged by the song, which last about 2.5 to 3.5 minutes - average of about 3 minutes per song. Do NOT let the girl start dancing on you in the middle of a song. Tell her to wait until the next song starts so you won't get charged for a partial song. There are a lot of threads on TUSCL on negotiating and tips on going to a strip club. I think I've distilled most of the basic tips for going to a club in Vegas. Have fun!
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Evil Lair
    Very Nice
    Nice review. I like this place a lot too, and I'm now more likely to go to Bucks Cab Dallas than Baby Dolls the next time I manage to get to Dallas. Consider giving VIP a try - it's not that private since it's all open cubbies in a large room, but during the day shift (at least in my very limited experience), there's almost no one in there, so It's like you have a private(ish) room. You pay by the hour if you're not a member, but I don't know if it's $50 per entry into VIP, or $50 as many times in and out you want during your hour. Hopefully someone will see this post and be able to answer.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Off again on again PL
    Bucks Cabaret Fort Worth Detailed Review
    Nice review, and thanks for the prior tips on DFW clubs. I didn't manage to make it out to Bucks Cab Ft. Worth the last time I was in the area due to time constraints. Only made it to Bucks Cab Dallas, though once for the night shift, and then again for the day shift after my meeting was over to kill time before my flight. How does the Dallas Bucks compare to the FT. Worth Bucks? That's an interesting note about the turned-around cubbies in the VIP section. Seems like custies would like that area for more privacy. There's no such reverse cubbie thing at the Dallas branch.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    hot nude girls
    @LLover69 - GND = girl next door; FIV = fingers in vagina. Terms are in the glossary. :-)
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Better Vibe Later in the Week
    Yup - $25 dances are available on the left side of the dance area. $35 dances are on the right. Enjoyed lots of $25 dances on three separate visits the last time I was there. Love this club.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    An ok visit to Solid Gold to check out the private dance areas
    @DB - Good to know the you were disappointed with the $75 room at Cheetah's. I thought about going there too, but didn't get around to it. I'm going to try to give the $25 rooms at SG another shot the next time I'm in Miami. And you're right. Tipping the bouncer dude will (should) give you an uninterrupted and unrushed experience.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    @SB - Whoo hoo! If I lived in SoFlo, there's a dancer there that could become an ATF of mine. Good thing I don't live there - I would be broke! You guys in SoFlo have it good. The clubs near me suck - air dance only, which is good thing for my wallet.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I Fuckin' Owned Vixens for Nearly Three Hours
    @Papi again - with regard to costly vs. expensive, if I had to choose, I would say my time was expensive, but maybe not. I felt I got more than my money's worth in attention, experience, and service. I didn't mind that I left my last $500 there as I spread it around, spent it with three different girls (more time with the first two than the last one), and they gave me fantastic attention. I'd do it again in a heartbeat but for my extremely empty wallet right now. I'm hoping to be able to do another round of clubs in Miami sometime in the Spring. I should be recharged to even higher levels by then (I'm tempting fate - I'll probably be struck down with an unexpected and expensive car repair, house disaster, or something else that's budget busting, just for suggesting that I'll be able to spend big in the Spring).
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I Fuckin' Owned Vixens for Nearly Three Hours
    @Papi - Doh! I didn't think of that (outing the camera lady). Hope word doesn't get back. Yeah...I did contribute mightily to the local economy. I dropped over $2000 total in just the strip clubs alone on this trip, and that doesn't include car rental, lodging, food, etc. I'm going to have to recharge for a while to build up another stash to be able to go on other rampage like I just did. Totally worth it. @25 - I definitely feel I got my money's worth, and I'm going to have to try Vixens after 4 p.m. sometime. I was reluctant to give Vixens a try and miss out on my fun at Scarlett's, but I think I'm willing to skip a night of fun at Scarlett's in light of the great time I had at Vixens on my way out of Miami.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    I Fuckin' Owned Vixens for Nearly Three Hours
    Correction - VIP seating with the poles is on the far left, not the far right, of the club.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    An ok visit to Solid Gold to check out the private dance areas
    I actually read about it here! You have to dig deep. I didn't know what time it ran until, and so when I talked to Blondie about it, she knew that I at least know about the $25 for 15 min pricing, so she had to be clean about how long it lasted until.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    An ok visit to Solid Gold to check out the private dance areas
    Oh I don't know about that. You can always LDK! That's pretty happy in my book. I've just got lower expectations/requirements perhaps. My main M.O. is to look at and have some one-on-one time with beautiful women without extras, but with lots of access to all areas. But yes, if you're looking for true extras, you should go somewhere other than Scarlett's. Many (some?) girls at SG, DD (probably all from what I've read), Toots, and other places will accommodate.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: I usually think stuff like this is gibberish but maybe there's something to
    @shadowcat - THAT's hilarious! Something I'd be willing to vote to fund.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    More Intel on the New $25 Dances and Champagne Room
    @mets - I hear ya. If you're looking for extras, Scarlett's isn't your place, and CR pricing is just stupid. They'd sell more CRs if they would just be more reasonable about pricing. I'm not looking for extras, so Scarlett's is more my speed. I had an even better time (for me) on my third (and probably last for this trip) consecutive visit in as many days. If you find the right girl, you can have more access than normal. I found that girl last night - she let me touch everything, including the kitty. Her back was turned to the camera so they couldn't see what was going on if management was watching - much purring ensued. I managed to stay (finally) after 11 pm, and the place was starting to hop. Even hotter girls showed up - they were 9s and 10s. They could have been lingerie models if they weren't stripping.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Thanks, Papi. I'm not looking for OTC - just a little good, clean, dirty fun! :-) I was going to give a short comment about what I learned on a second trip the next day, but it got too long, so it's now its own separate review. I think I'm going to hit a different club tomorrow at least late during the dayshift, and then I might go back to Scarlett's for the night shift.
  • review comment
    5 years ago
    Papi - yup, the $25 signs are on the wall. From what I remember, they were standard wall signs, and looked pretty permanent. I might have a chance to go to Scarlett's again soon, and might be able to get some more intel on the CR. I was thinking about taking one for the team and trying CR, but it's just too expensive to just try it on a lark.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Founder has an Awesome Sense of Humor
    Ha ha! This is hilarious stuff! @TFP, thanks for posting the link. Many/most of the ones I ran across are there, and there are some that aren't - doesn't necessarily mean that they're not in the rotation. It just means that I didn't see them in the 15 minutes or so that I kept hitting refresh.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Founder has an Awesome Sense of Humor
    My comment was @Subraman, doh.