
More clubs or less clubs in a geographical area ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Me liking variety, on the surface I prefer choice as in having more clubs to choose from - and one can assume w/ more clubs there would be more competition perhaps avoiding price-gouging.

But OTOH, sometimes I feel w/ a large # of clubs that the talent is thinned-out vs being concentrated in fewer clubs - me liking variety I def like when I go to a club and there are a dozen dancers that are my type and I really wanna get dances from vs just 2 or 3.


  • IHearVoices
    5 years ago
    I think I'm in favor of more clubs. SCs have different vibes, and I may feel like going to different spots based on my mood...and generally speaking, options are always good.

    I'll say that for regular clubs, though; I'd prefer fewer. SCs are pretty much required to have 'some' talent, so they can stand to be spread out.
  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I guess more is better and is telling of something but I know what you mean. 20 clubs in a city is a a lot to wonder about and make you question whether you went to right place when’s things aren’t going that well at your current location.
  • herbtcat
    5 years ago
    The answer is:

    What ever the market will bear. As demand for SC's and (lap dances) increases in a local market, the number of clubs, and by extension the number of dancers will increase. As demand decreases the reverse will occur.

    The key underlying question is: What forces tend to increases or decrease demand?

    The obvious forces are probably:
    1. Local laws and regulations on the industry. Tighter rules tends to lower demand.
    2. The local economy as measured by the amount of disposable income on hand for the typical PL. If you can't buy food and pay your rent, you probably are not going to a club this moth (unless you are the OP :p).
    3. The unemployment rate for unskilled jobs, especially jobs suitable for college students and single mothers. Although there is a (growing) segment of dancers who dance for reasons other than desperation, having alternative jobs available makes an impact.
    4. The cost of formal education and job skills training, and the availability of grants, student loans (and I suppose Sugar Daddies).
    5. Have to include this: The overall volume and efficacy of local pimps.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Usually more clubs, just like more AMPs, means more competition, more pushing the limits.

    So for the strip clubs, that means more mileage, more front room friendliness.

    For AMPs that means hotter looking and dressed more slutty girls, and more used to GFE.

  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    I prefer more only because I don’t always enjoy the girls knowing me. Sometimes it’s nice to go in and meet a fresh group of ladies and have that initial meeting perks where you get to see what each girl is like. Guess I’ve always enjoyed the change of scenery and getting to know someone phase. The thrill of will she or won’t she.
  • AtAboy
    5 years ago
    Initial meeting phase*
    Auto correct combined with my laziness with proof reading is not going to be good for me here
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    At the clubs in your metro, can you walk up to her a girl and give a feel up tip?

    Do they commonly sit on laps?

    Do you commonly see girl kissing?


  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Too many choices can cause confusion
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    If it is like I described, you can lead the interaction, and probably that will mean a front room makeout session.

    But if it is not, then it is probably just "wanna dance".

  • Warrior15
    5 years ago
    I like the idea of more clubs as long as the inventory isn't too spread out. Pompano Beach is fantastic. About 7-8 clubs within 10 minutes of each other. Lots of choices. But if having that many different clubs meant that each club only had 5-10 girls inside, then that would not be good.
  • PrimetimeSchein
    5 years ago
    I agree with Warrior, PB is the perfect example of nicely spread out clubs similar to Detroit. You have your higher caliber clubs and your dives. There's something for everyone
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    In between. I like a handful of clubs in a small city market. it's enough to ensure competition for that small an area, but not such a large area that the clubs can behave like tourist traps.

    One off clubs in the middle of nowhere can be fun, but also tend to be a little more uptight because they always stand out.

    Big clusters of clubs most often appear in touristy areas and they often suck ass.
  • JamesSD
    5 years ago
    Isn't Portland a great case study where more clubs doesn't help the PL much? I haven't been but I know there are a lot of clubs but overall they aren't great and are kind of expensive.

    There's one club here with a decent dayshift in a huge metro, and a second good choice would be nice. But you don't need tons.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    I’m in a pretty good area within 25-30 miles of my location I can hit at least 15 different clubs, depending on my mood and I’m fairly well known in at least 8-10 of them, I like my situation.
  • Eric2100
    5 years ago
    Jacksonville's interesting because there's like 19 clubs but very spread out over a large area and without a lot of business to go around, leading to a lot of dead times. I really enjoy the variety myself, and the different types of clubs.

    Also, Wacko's advertises way more than other clubs on TV & radio for years, so it draws many more customers than clubs even right down the road.

    But the variety makes for nice contrasts. Wacko's is almost always popping, but also very high hustle (at least by JVille standards) whereas Sinsations often has a high girl to customer ratio. Gold Club can be dead, in terms of business and energy, many nights but is very low on SS and good for hanging out IMO. Officer's Club at the beach is beyond dead at slow times but picks up some nights and has all different girls come thru so that can be fun. You get the idea... makes me feel like I can have different hangouts for different weeks, and if I have a bad night, I'll wait to try that club again for a couple months.

    That said, there's a number of clubs further north in the city that I've never even visited and can't comment on. I'm hoping to find an excuse to take a day trip or two to the other side of town soon and check some of them out. I know Solid Gold has food reviews on here, so they'd be high on my list.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I think more clubs makes a huge difference, as some will loosen up in order to be more competitive. More competitive in drawing both dancers and custies both.


    At your clubs can you just approach a girl and give a feel up tip?

    Do girls sit on laps?

    Do you often see girl kissing?

    Same for AMPs, dressed more slutty, more GFE


    Secret Doctrine, Joy Mills, 1988, Ojai Krotona, one of many parts

    Rock Standards

    Camus and The French Resistance
  • Liwet
    5 years ago
    I'm in favor of fewer clubs. There's a lot of girls I'm not meeting because they are working at the clubs that I don't go to.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    More is better because it's not likely that all clubs will be in a down cycle at the same time in an area with a lot of options.
  • wallanon
    5 years ago
    Plus I prefer the out of the way clubs where the college girls go to hide, the hotties start out to test their stripper chops, and club vets go to get back in shape. Can be a nice set up that carries over when they upgrade clubs.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    More clubs is better.

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