Say yes to the sex industry!
Comments by CC99 (page 53)
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I guess when it comes to quality of life, you can consider each of the different kind of countries to be in different leagues.
Countries with highly developed, advanced economies are in the A league (France, UK, New Zealand, US, Japan, Argentina, Germany, Sweden ect).
Countries that are mostly doing pretty well but don't quite qualify as advanced economies are in the B league (Ukraine, Russia, Romania, China).
Countries that are highly unequal and contain serious poverty levels but also a very wealthy upper class would be C league (Mexico, Saudi Arabia Pakistan, India, and South Africa).
Countries that overall are very undeveloped are in D league (Zambia, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Chad, the vast majority of Africa).
So basically, the US is in dead last when it comes to the league we're competing in but we're also competing in the highest league in the world so that counts for a lot.
One thing I find interesting though is that the quality of life overall in what we're calling "C league nations" tends to be worse than that of D league nations. In D league nations, almost everybody lives humbly but because the upper class isn't necessarily super loaded either it gives the sense of a more equal society so people are happier and don't commit nearly as many crimes as people in C league nations do. Also, wars that break out in D league nations tend to be small insurgencies involving militia groups that don't have very large numbers of combatants. So this means deaths during conflicts are only in the thousands usually, maybe tens of thousands if its particularly bad. Wars that occur in C league nations, however, are absolute disasters that end up killing hundreds of thousands of people like in Syria, and Iraq. Also, all the countries with the highest levels of homicide are C league nations.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
It might not be, depends on what we're calling the developed world. I usually think of all of Europe as being the developed world but poverty in Ukraine is worse than it is in the US. Even so, however, developed countries are not where the majority of the world's population lives.
discussion comment
6 years ago
SJG may have popularized it but it does literally mean something in Spanish.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
It continues to astonish me how men who are so paranoid about being hustled by strippers can then turn around and call me a pussy for being scared of getting called a pervert by female civie friends.
I mean, I am kind of a perv, but you don't want the people around you knowing that.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I put your ATF on a winning team
I think of social security as an investment just like any other retirement plan is. I've seen my dad become more and more stressed out from his job as he has gotten older. Its gotten to the point where he absolutely hates going to work now and shows up late and leaves early whenever he can and is basically just counting the days until he can retire. Most people get really worn out from working their entire lives at some point and social security allows them to put in the work when they are young and healthy so they don't have to work anymore when they are old.
Seriously you don't want to live past the age of 65? Most people consider that to be a pretty young age to die. I have a feeling you won't be so flippant about dying when you are 65.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I do agree that poverty in the United States is nothing like what poverty in a lot of other countries is like. Nobody in the United States lacks a functioning toilet or literally starves to death.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Actually drug and alcohol use is correlated with higher income. The more money people have the more likely they are to drink a lot and do drugs.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
I don't see anything constructive about blaming the poor for their own poverty. People attack people for "quitting" and stuff like that but people only give up after they've been trying hard for a long time and continue failing. I really have no idea what its like to grow up poor and don't have any right to tell them that this is what they should do and that that's somehow going to magically work. I think its more constructive to just listen to them and ask what they think the problem is. Most say that its because there are not enough jobs and that the jobs that are available do not pay a wage that somebody can live on.
For this, I think that fixing our infrastructure could go a long way towards solving both of those issues. Construction work does not require a college degree and tends to pay pretty decently.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Hey I didn't instigate this. I just maybe tried to add a tiny bit of wood to an already raging fire.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
^Do you think Countryman, Dr. Evil, and RickDugan can step up to the plate and compete with mine and NiceSpice's thread?
C'mon guys I have faith in you three. Unleash your inner manchilds!
discussion comment
6 years ago
Rhode Island
Txtitty hasn't had much commitment to his troll persona lately. I guess he's getting trolled too much as a result of trolling people.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Whether its about to suffer a regression or not, their economy has ballooned so much since the 1990s that you can't really say it was flawed. They managed to lift something like 70% of the population out of poverty compared to before. From this point on, they have much more room to create a plan B than they did before.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit, Michigan
Yeah I agree with Papi_Chulo, your mind is not right when you've had no female attention in a long time. Sometimes if you have a horrible dry spell and then have sex, you can feel it. Its like you got your mind returned to you. Its so weird.
It takes longer to happen but I think the mind of a guy who's had no female attention in months isn't any better than somebody who's suffering from significant malnutrition.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
^I'm not really sure, that was one I thought would be an easy choice for most guys, I was curious to see if outliers existed though.
What I'm really curious about is the answers to 2 and 4.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit, Michigan
Well I can tell you its not because "people are living at home." Its funny how researchers have results like this stare them in the face and then come up with the dumbest reasons to explain it like the economy or men living at home with their parents. Its obvious they are desperately trying to find a reason for the problem that doesn't implicate feminism as being at fault in any way. What parent of a 23 year old guy is going to tell him he can't have a girl over? I've met several parents who would let their 16 year old have a girl over much less a 23 year old. And if guys really could get girlfriends or hookups or whatever and their parents were telling them they couldn't have a girl over, that guy would move out.
Here's what you can notice from this. First of all, in 2008, the share of men reporting no sex at all compared to girls was about the same at 10% for guys and a little lower for girls. By 2018, there's a huge gap, 28% vs 18%. However, both genders report having less sex. Another fact is that I've never really seen a girl have any issues getting laid or finding a boyfriend. No matter what condition a girl is in, whether its being very fat, very shy, or very aggressive/forward about sex, I've never seen a girl have issue getting it. I've only ever seen girls who refuse to have sex with the people who are attracted to them. Guys on the other hand, I've met guys who would be willing to fuck literally anything, even a morbidly obese girl, still struggle to get laid. From what I've seen, most guys nowadays have absolutely pathetic standards.
Women on the other hand. Extremely high standards, really really high. For looks. Their standards for personality nowadays are more pathetic now than they were but their standards for looks of a guy have gone through the roof. Its gotten to the point where girls think 81% of the male population is below average in looks, 13% are average, and only 6% of the male population is above average. Its so bad that when it comes to perceptions of looks, females perceive all guys as being two points behind their actual looks. So a 7 male actually looks like a 5 to them, you have to be a 9 male to look like a 7 to them. The average man looks like how men perceive an obese 300 pound woman as looking.
Meanwhile, this is what it looks like if you're using Tinder...*iC0UjKDxFViE3XZuk6MMUw.jpeg
Quite frankly, the only conclusion I can come up with is that women's standards are just way too high. They only want the top percentage of men, and those men are such manwhores that they are fucking everything in sight and never settling down for one girl which would take them off the market but rather remaining single and fucking insane numbers of girls.
Why are girls standards so high? Probably because of the insane amount of validation they get through social media. The average girl can get so many matches on Tinder its obscene. I one time met a girl who had 1500 matches in my tiny little town. She has literally matched with almost 20% of the entire male student body at my school. Not only that, but the men she does match with are all thirsty and desperate and girls know this.
All a girl needs to get laid is to exist. That's it. Guys are desperate, so they provide no resistance to any girl trying to get laid. Our social norms require men to approach girls, which means that any decent looking girl is going to get approached by men who are then required to do all the work of making sex happen. 75% of the female population is basically living in a 24/7 Hong Kong Tijuana where they don't have to pay any guy for what they are getting. They just get to choose, and often times, they don't even need to make the approach. The 7s, 8s and 9s just come to them. The reason we think strip clubs and Hong Kong Tijuana are heaven is because strip clubs and brothels are the only time we are allowed to live like girls do. But getting to live like a girl comes with a heavy price, girls live that way for free all the time.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit, Michigan
The evidence is everywhere. This study is only scratching the surface of that.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Alright so you don't want average looking girls. Then I'll go ahead and take...
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. A
As your answer.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit, Michigan
This study confirms everything I've been trying to tell the people on this site for almost a year. Multiple other studies have come out with similar statistics. The dating scene for 20 something year old men right now is absolute hell. If you notice, the difference between 2018 just compared to 2010 is absolutely enormous. This study actually shows the problem has gotten worse just since 2016. We've seen triple the percentage of young men who are unable to get laid in today's dating market compared to a decade ago. Some women are starting to have more issues than in 2010 as well but this phenomenon is definitely affecting men more than women. This is a society wide problem and it appears to be getting worse every year.
Call it whatever you want, young men not having the skills to get a date anymore, girls being too picky, the top percentage of men having unofficial harems that is preventing everybody else from getting laid, I don't care. But blaming the victims of this, young twenty something year old men, is not going to help anybody! The only thing that is going to help is a widespread change in societal norms done to fix this issue!
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
That works.
Since you are resisting answering the question, does this work for you...
1. B
2. B
3. B
4. A
discussion comment
6 years ago
Say yes to the sex industry!
Guys just play along. We'll say god and the universe itself is forcing you to make a choice in these instances.
discussion comment
6 years ago
"You were disappointed in your last dance but you are willing to try another one to see if the magic is back. Remind her you tip based on how well you enjoy the dance."
I would say keep going to the same club and buy dances from another dancer. Use this advice if the previous dancer asks why you didn't buy a dance from her again. That way you're not actually burning your bridge with this dancer but you're also not showing that you will continue buying dances despite the decrease in mileage.
As some others have said, I usually see an increase in mileage after taking a break. I one time wasn't able to see a dancer for two months, I came back in and she was all over me.
discussion comment
6 years ago
I one time had a stripper talk about how every guy in the club was rejecting her. I did feel sorry for her and ended up buying a dance.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
Most men don't want to call the cops because they'd rather keep this entirely private and not have to admit to the police that they were trying to break the law, but believe me, if you're a john and somebody actually tries to rob or extort you, the cops will take your side over theirs. The police don't really care about prostitution that much. Last summer I ran into a scam while trying to hire a hooker off some escort site and I actually did call the police. I told them that I tried to hire a hooker and that the person was now extorting me for money. They didn't care or really mention it, they were much more concerned about the extortion scam and the only thing they really told me was "be careful on those sites by the way."
discussion comment
6 years ago
I entered the dragon and was never the same
When it comes to "RickDugan drives drunk" criticisms. How many drinks is he alleging that he had? I think that a standard 180 pound guy can have like three drinks and be fine with four drinks meaning he is legally too impaired to drive? You also lose a BAC point every 40 minutes though and each drink gives a 180 pound guy about 2 BAC points. So if a guy had 3 drinks that would put him at 0.06 BAC and then if he waited about 40 minutes, he could technically have another one without being legally impaired adding up to 4 drinks? So that'd be a BAC of 0.07. Skirting the fine edge for sure but technically legal. I think almost every adult has driven at some point with some level of alcohol in their system, even if it was just a couple glasses of wine they had at dinner, its still in you.
Now if you slam back five or six shots and immediately get behind the wheel, then yeah the criticism is deserved.
discussion comment
6 years ago
Rhode Island
Wouldn't that be fantasizing about him deepthroating txtittyfag? Cause he is deep in his head?