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Say yes to the sex industry!

Comments by CC99 (page 52)

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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
You might be a pathetic loser if?
As if Pistola could do any better lmao. You're on here paying strippers and sugar hookers same as I am. Funny how none of you guys who brag so much seem to acknowledge that. RickDugan once said "if I wasn't married, I'd be sucking and fucking civie women all the time." About the most pathetic excuse I've ever heard. Being married doesn't seem to be stopping Dugan from fucking all these strippers across the country. Why doesn't he try going into a college bar with a white suit and pretend to be a chemical engineer? Worked for Barney Stinson right?
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Nicole diaries #7: the fact that intrlligence is seenas an INHERENTLY MALE quali
I came to terms a awhile ago now that this "typical college experience," implying lots of sex with hot girls that one meets at parties every weekend, that people talk about is only something that the social aristocracy on college campuses gets to enjoy. Its likely that only about 20-25% of males get to have that. Its not a realistic dream or goal for the majority of the male population. In truth, "the college experience" is more of a typical female's experience of college.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
You might be a pathetic loser if?
The bouncer who met you for the first time two years ago greets you at the door by saying "you're still not 21 yet?"
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6 years ago
avatar for future POTUS and Senator in training
future POTUS and Senator in training
Retired Queen Troll of TUSCL...who will succeed my reign?
Nicole diaries #7: the fact that intrlligence is seenas an INHERENTLY MALE quali
I don't think anybody's saying that intelligence is inherently male. I mean look at pistola. Its more that men are at the extreme ends of the intelligence spectrum more often. We're overrepresentated at both the very high end of the IQ spectrum and the very low end. Women are more likely to be somewhere in the middle. But most men are still somewhere in the middle.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
"Talk about "social skills" is kind of like Social Darwinism. Saying that some people have some special skills and others don't. And so then those who have them deserve the benefits." That's true. @TwentyFive Yeah, you're probably right.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
I guess if even SJG is telling me to stop being so jealous, I really did cross a line. @IceyLoco I was open at one point, I used to be on the same level as everyone else. Freshman me was nothing like I am now. I think you don't realize how hard I used to try, and that the reason I gave up was because it was all for nothing. Nothing worked, it didn't matter how many girls I talked to, it didn't matter how many parties I went to, it didn't matter if I did drugs, it didn't matter if I got drunk, it didn't matter if I danced with dozens of girls, it didn't matter if I tried my hardest to be on everybody's level, nothing mattered, I tried everything, everything failed. I don't know why but the universe hates me. Every time I try I fail, and the universe won't ever throw me a bone. It only teases me with the idea that things will get better and then pulls it away from me right when I thought I was going to be happy. I'm doomed to die alone. My brother has been trying for longer than I have and he has also failed. The best I can do is find a way to have an okay life.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
How did the VinceMichaels controversy get reignited?
Also, I do think the people who met VM in person are more credible than Dougster, who was known for being extremely malicious towards multiple board members.
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6 years ago
avatar for flagooner
Everything written by this member is a fact.
How did the VinceMichaels controversy get reignited?
I believe Clubber. I think Clubber has a much better idea of what really happened. We don't know the full story so we can't be the judge and jury over this. If Clubber says he was a good man then I will believe it. Dougster had long hated VM and what his tactics really amounted to was brainwashing the board through constant spamming.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
@MisterWonderful Nothing wrong with that. Its nice to see somebody here who's honest about that. @Mark94 So if that's the case, then why do loud obnoxious drunks keep finding themselves at the top of the social ladder? Why is it that people who joined fraternities in college are basically setup for success later in life? While nobody mentions it, former frat guys occupy almost all positions of power in the US not only in the private sector but in the public one as well... There are over 9 million Greek members nationally Of the nation’s 50 largest corporations, 43 are headed by fraternity men. 85% of the Fortune 500 executives belong to a fraternity. 40 of 47 U.S. Supreme Court Justices since 1910 were fraternity men. 76% of all Congressmen and Senators belong to a fraternity. Every U.S. President and Vice President, except two in each office, born since the first social fraternity was founded in 1825 have been members of a fraternity. 63% of the U.S. President’s Cabinet members since 1900 have been Greek. http://thefraternityadvisor.com/greek-life-statistics/ The Fraternity Advisor gives these statistics because it motivates men to join fraternities. And it is a very strong incentive. Frat and sorority members are technically only 10% of the college students who go to 4 year universities. If you want to narrow it down even further, the percentage of people who ever join a Greek organization is only 3% of the entire population of the US. So how is it that the drunkest, most drug abusing demographic on college campuses are finding themselves in the highest positions of power, making the most money at such an incredibly disproportionate rate across the private and public sectors? Everyone knows that Greek organizations are very secretive. Its also plainly stated that your boss being a member of a fraternity dramatically increases the likelihood of you getting a job. So does it also increase the likelihood of you getting a promotion? Of being the boss's right hand guy who takes over the company when he retires? Frat guys can be obnoxious loud drunks because they know their behavior in college doesn't matter, they have their life setup for them. And here is where I reply to @IceyLoco. If their social skills are so good by your definition, why can't they relate to and connect with me? How come they are only able to relate to people who are like them? In this sense, they are only lucky because a lot of people happen to be like them, but that isn't an indication of how good their social skills are. If, by your definition, somebody did have good social skills, then they would be able to relate to and connect easily with somebody who is different from them. While I have a hard time relating and connecting to people who aren't like me as well, I do have an easy time relating to and connecting with people who are like me. It just so happens that there are not many people out there who are like me. I might even argue, however, that my social skills are better than theirs are. For this simple reason, I can relate to and connect with people from foreign countries very well. Even though I'm a suburban white boy, I've had a lot of difficulty relating to other suburban white boys here at college. Instead, almost all the people I've met with and had a connection with were from foreign countries despite a low international presence at my school. I've met people from Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kenya, Yemen, Nepal, El Salvador, Japan, China, and Korea. My conversations with all the people I met from those countries was very easy and fluid and the people from foreign countries became my best friends here. Almost none of my good friends here are American actually. The Christian girl I've mentioned is the only one. A lot of people from those countries also mentioned to me having a hard time relating to most of the student body. This means a lot of those people cannot relate to people from foreign countries, but for whatever reason, I can relate to them quite easily. I think it takes a lot more social skills to be able to relate to somebody from a completely different country than it does to relate to somebody who grew up in the same kind of environment you did.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
Socially popular means the people who have the most friends and acquaintances and most intricate social network. I've just noticed that a lot of these people drink very heavily. Weed is becoming more normal, especially in college. I still think that smoking weed correlates with counter-culture ideas though.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
@twentyfive Strip clubs are generally more popular with the social misfits.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
@SJG Most social venues where marijuana is popular are counter-cultural though, you can't really act like they are the same. Alcohol is popular with everyone to a certain extent. Everybody gets drunk sometimes. But the socially popular are the ones who seem to be the most reckless ones about getting drunk all the time and drinking huge quantities of alcohol.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
@Warrior15 That's TJ. Completely different environment. People in the popular crowd don't really go to strip clubs or hire hookers because they think it shows to the people around them that they can't get laid without paying for it.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
Because isn't it hypocritical to act like you've got these fantastic social skills and what a good social life you have when you can't interact normally with people without having alcohol in your system?
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
Smoking weed doesn't do anything to reduce social anxiety. More commonly it makes it worse. The main purpose of alcohol is to reduce inhibitions + anxiety right? So doesn't the fact that they are drinking all the time mean they are actually very anxious yet look down on people for being anxious in social situations?
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
If Popular People have such Good Social Skills?
But MisterWonderful, I don't think you fall into "the popular crowd." I'm saying that the people at the top of the social hierarchy are constantly looking down on people for having "bad social skills" but they are almost constantly drunk or drinking and they are actually terrible at coming up with interesting conversations.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Sometimes the Sexiest Women Are the Ones You CAN’T See
Yeah that's a different situation. It's not that exceptions don't exist. It's just that we seem naturally more inclined to prefer tanned skin.
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6 years ago
avatar for reverendhornibastard
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Sometimes the Sexiest Women Are the Ones You CAN’T See
I think that humans are naturally most attracted to skin that's got a bit of a tan and Arabs and Latinas basically have a natural tan color to their skin. Personally I think Arabs look very similar to Latinas and many guys who've gone to South American countries like Brazil and Colombia cannot believe how beautiful the girls there are. Even white girls spend a lot of time trying to get a tan.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Rick dugan
@MisterWonderful I don't know if I think the US is a prudish country so much as I think we're a frustratingly inconsistent country that has a culture full of mixed messages that I personally cannot stand. On one hand, you've got countless movies about high school sexuality, but then you're told you're too young for sex. In high school, every adult obsessively talked about abstinence and waiting until marriage before having sex. Now I'm in college, and all I ever hear about is how many girls I should be fucking and how I shouldn't settle down until I'm 30? We encourage pre-marital sexual relations, promiscuity, and many people acknowledge that sex is a need, but then we outlaw prostitution and act like guys who can't get sex should "just deal with it?" Its like we can't decide if we want to be super horny and decadent or if want Saudi Arabia style prudery. The messages you get change wildly depending on your age and circumstances. What we end up getting is this absolutely bizarre culture that makes no sense. And then you get people who think our country's bizarre inconsistencies are just normal. There's lots of people here who actually think that outlawing prostitution and setting a high age of consent is "progressive" and "modern" somehow. They don't even realize that across the entire rest of the modern, developed world, prostitution carries no criminal penalties and is considered a normal part of life. Its literally just the US and a few super feminist Norwegian countries. As far as the age of consent goes, I'll bet if you asked the average American where they thought the lowest age of consent was, they'd say it was somewhere in Africa. In reality, Africa's age of consent laws are higher than America's and the regions with the lowest age of consent is actually South America and Central Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Age_of_consent#/media/File:Age_of_Consent_-_Global.svg Make no mistake about it, this is an extremely strange country. I don't know if I'd call it prudish or sexually liberated, just very fucking weird.
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6 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
God Bless Dancers
This is Badass
くるしようれふあゔおらてぶとん 好きなボタンを粉砕する
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6 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
God Bless Dancers
This is Badass
さましたてあぱろゔえぶとん 好きなボタンを粉砕する
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6 years ago
avatar for MackTruck
God Bless Dancers
This is Badass
ふけてせして このたわごとをファック
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Rick dugan
@4got2wipe I think this is what I mean by the US having a "hysteria" about age and sex. Like some people accusing JS69 of being "a closet pedo" because he is attracted to younger dancers. Other examples from my own life have shocked me with how hysterical some people are. When I was 17, I got a bunch of people calling me perverted for hooking up with a 15 year old girl. I know another guy who was 19 and had sex with a 15 year old girl and his father was absolutely furious about it and called his son a pedophile. Or about how guys are basically expected to act like 16 and 17 year old girls have absolutely no sex appeal while an 18 year old girl is a sexy young woman when honestly I can't even physically tell the difference between 16/17 year old girls as opposed to 18/19 year old girls. They pretty much look the same to me. I can't think of any other country in the world that has such a bizarre juxtaposition between trying to act like teenage sexuality isn't even a thing while teenagers in reality are having sex at school, having explicit conversations about sex and drawing dicks all over the walls and desks. My 8th grade experience was more "R-rated" than actual R-rated films. I thought what GMD said was interesting about how the US purposely emotionally retards people so that they're unprepared for adulthood. I do think this is kind of true, but I can also say that a huge percentage of teenagers are extremely resentful of this "emotional retarding" and rebellious against it. The high school experience is basically a competition among most of the students to see who drinks, fucks, rebels, parties, curses the most, and does the most drugs. I know I was very resentful against it and vowed to myself when I was 16/17 that I when I was older I would never forget how frustrating it was to be treated like a child when I was 16 and in turn to never treat a 16 year old like a child. In trying to keep teenagers "like children," what adults in America have really done is make them extremely rebellious while simultaneously unprepared for adulthood. The fact that we're just okay for example with ruining the lives of female teachers who had consensual sex with 15, 16, and 17 year old boys is insane to me. Apparently in Europe they don't feel this way and would just think the teacher was doing the boy a favor.
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6 years ago
avatar for Countryman5434
I entered the dragon and was never the same
Rick dugan
While I do think that a 50 year old guy has no business messing around with a 14 year old. I also think the US has a hysteria about underage sex despite also having very sexually active teenagers which I find bizarre.
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6 years ago
avatar for CC99
Say yes to the sex industry!
Bad Neighborhoods: Perceptions of Danger vs Reality?
"Tell an American homeless person it's okay coz they're better off than if they were homeless in South Africa. See how that changes their plight." Yeah, you got a point there.