My Doppelgänger is Having More Fun Than I Am!

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I had a very odd conversation with a stripper recently. I had just entered the club and taken a seat as she was getting off the stage. She seemed to be in a hurry to join me.

Ordinarily I prefer not to be approached immediately after arrival in a club. I like to have a few minutes to take in the scenery and begin what I like to call “natural selection.” But in this case I didn’t mind at all because the dancer was an exceptionally attractive young woman, about mid-20s, petite in height and build with a dazzling smile and blonde curls.

She more or less jumped into my lap, gave me a wet kiss and said, “I missed you!”

This put my hustle detection apparatus on high alert. I didn’t recall ever seeing her before and I had certainly never spoken to her before. The idea that I had ever done ANYTHING with her to warrant the “I missed you” comment was completely out of the question.

The look of total confusion on my face only seemed to annoy her.

“Don’t pretend you don’t remember!”

I remained quiet, wondering if a punchline would ensue. But there was none.

“Dammit, Dave! Don’t do this to me!”

“Dave? Who is Dave?”

She became very irritable and said, “If you don’t want my company today all you have to do is say so!”

I explained that I would love to have her company but insisted that she was confusing me with someone else because my name isn’t Dave and I’d never met her before.

She didn’t believe me, at least not at first. But after a while, the sincerity of my denials seem to win her over and she conceded the possibility that she was mistaken.

But she kept going back to the story of how she and I had agreed to meet OTC on two prior occasions and had a marvelous times. She filled in all the details of what hotels we stayed at, where we had dinner and all the naughty things we did.

She clearly did have a memorable experience with someone else who she had me confused with.

Definitely wasn’t me.

Too bad.

Sounded like I missed out on a fabulous time.


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Or it could just be a very elaborate hustle or her part LOL - but I doubt a dancer would go thru that much trouble but then again ...
I absolutely thought it was a hustle except that she persisted so long and seemed very genuinely pissed off at first and then confused and still suspicious that I was really this Dave guy she remembered.

Although she gave me a few hot dances I lost interest because she weirded me out with her stories about Dave.

May she was a little crazy. Maybe it was an elaborate hustle.

Maybe she is an aspiring actress. If so, she’s a good one.
There are dancers that have swindled PLs in the tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands - they should not be underestimated w.r.t. the lengths some go to.

Likely she did confuse you but odd that she remembers all those details including the name but still got you confused - you would think if her and Dave talk about so many details that perhaps she knew Dave pretty-well not to confuse him w/ someone else.

My point is that the "hey I know you" is a fairly common dancer move to get onto a PL's lap and not give him the chance to outright turn her down and not give her a break.
If she was really hot, I would have insisted that she show me what naughty things "we" had done before.
I know what you mean. I think Brad Pitt has more fun than me.
It continues to astonish me how men who are so paranoid about being hustled by strippers can then turn around and call me a pussy for being scared of getting called a pervert by female civie friends.

I mean, I am kind of a perv, but you don't want the people around you knowing that.
@flag: I think that I was more fun than Brad Pitt.........
It's sort of like when some guy thinks he has seen me b4 and I never seen him. And similar to how I cant remember these fuckers for shit. Like a few weeks ago kicked some Mexican in the chest from the stage.. then walked around avoiding half the Mexicans in the club because I couldn't remember which one I kicked lmfao.
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6 years ago
I would have said .. Yes I am Dave.. let's go
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