Covid 19 Vaccine / Do you know anyone that has received their shot ?

avatar for Warrior15
My son is a special needs person. He has cerebral palsy. So he got on a priority list to get the vaccine. We got an email asking if we wanted him to get the shot. We of course signed him up. Then my wife got to get on the List also since she is his primary care giver. They both got their shots yesterday. No side effects at all. They are already scheduled to get the 2nd shot in 3 weeks.

Has anyone on this board got their shot ? Know anyone that has gotten the shot ?


last comment
avatar for gotoguy
4 years ago
Yes got my first dose. Next dose in a week.

A sore arm x 24 hr began in AM after injection,
A brief headache x 2 hr started about 24 hr after injection. Fairly mild. I slept off the headache (cant remember but may have taken a tylenol).

Basically no big deal and much better than getting sick.
avatar for JamesSD
4 years ago
I have several friends who were in various trials with no issue beyond arm soreness. I also have family members who are hospital doctors who got their first shots. The second is supposed to have bigger side effects.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 years ago
I have 3 friends and family who are doctors and got their first shots. They didn’t mention any ill effects.
avatar for Huntsman
4 years ago
Same as others have said here. I have a doctor and a couple of nurses in the family who got shots. No side effects to speak of.
avatar for Heellover
4 years ago
Good topic. I am interested in any side effects. Don't know anyone that has had the shot.
avatar for whodey
4 years ago
My grandparents on my mother's side got their's last week since they are both in their late 80's with some health issues. My grandfather had no side effects and my grandmother complained of arm soreness for a couple of days but she generally complains about the same thing after a flu vaccine or any other shot.
avatar for Heellover
4 years ago
I trust the reports here more than on the local/national news (which I try not to watch).
avatar for Locutusbrg
4 years ago
I'm a medical professional. I have both had the vaccine and I recommend it. Despite the horror story's which propose dubious concerns. Mostly unsupported or theoretical from conspiracy theorists, or anti-vaxx ideologues. The data is pretty clear little risk, not zero, but microscopic compared to the risk of the disease.
avatar for Greanbeans
4 years ago
My boss’ wife is a nurse. She got vaccinated about 10-12 days ago. She mentioned slight brain fog & headache for a couple days, with soreness at injection spot. 2 of my friends wives also got vaccine but no side effects. They are also younger, mid 30’s.

One thing to remember is that its a 2 vaccine treatment. The first one boosts your immunity to 50%’ish. Need that second dose to get in the 90 percentile.
avatar for SanchoRG
4 years ago
I know 3 that got it from Tampa General. 2 were 65+, 1 was about half that age, in a non-healthcare/public-facing job, but is wealthy and connected with admins there
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Mom's entire assisted / long term care facility is getting it today. Will update with any effects that she feels or information passed along.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
I got mine 3 weeks ago and am due for my second one on Friday. First was no big deal other than a sore arm the next day. We’ve been told to expect symptoms after the second one and although I’m not looking forward to it, I’m anticipating the immunity after it will make up for it
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
My wife gets one in 2 weeks and I will update.
avatar for MadMaXXXNYC
4 years ago
Congrats! and so glad so many folks are getting vaccinated, both for you/themselves and the rest of us. Well done, Skibum! Personally, since I'm in the NYC Metro area, despite having enough underlying conditions to qualify, we are waiting a bit into the Spring: not because of any reservations with the vacccine, but to make sure all available doses go to those in greater need. We are safely set up to stay mostly isolated a while forward ( both easily working from home, no desire to mingle, kids in their own bubbles and willing to test prior to any visits - so we're truly blessed that way ). However, I consider my personal "D-Day" - maybe stands for "done with quarantine? - will be one week after 2nd dose. Then look out - 'ol Max is gonna hit the clubs hard! ( with any luck, there will still be some open :) ).
avatar for shadowcat
4 years ago
I'll be 79 this month with underlying conditions. The governor just said that they are going to start doing my phase during the next 2 weeks. I'm ready and willing.
avatar for NinaBambina
4 years ago
I won't be getting mine any time soon because I'm not high risk.

My sister also has cerebral palsy so I believe she will be getting hers soon.

My doctor and her husband are both new Drs and just received theirs. As far as I know, they had no side effects.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
State of Florida said a few days ago that everyone 65 and older could get the vaccination, then DeSantis handed authority to each of the 67 counties that comprise the state of Florida, here's the fun part, some counties got as little as 125 doses and each county has a different way of scheduling including the county with 125 doses said the vaccinations would be on a first come first served basis, so approximately 5,600 folks lined up for the vaccine at an appointed location, 125 shots later the rest were told to come back, now my county Palm Beach County told everyone to call a number that is not working to schedule for an appointment, by the time the number had been upgraded all of the appointments had been booked by county workers don't have a clue when there will be more supplies shipped so basically our state governor MiniTrump did exactly the same as his mentor Big Don and punted on the responsibility, eventually the vaccine will get out, but what a fiasco.
avatar for skibum609
4 years ago
DeSantis has done a better job than the demorats.
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
That's misleading, seeing as their are no Democrats running the vaccination program here in Florida, so how would you actually know that.
My point is the program is being run poorly, I don't care who runs it something this serious, deserves a responsible well thought out response, not this seat of the pants, make it up as you go along Three Stooges comedy routine, they have had months to get ready to administer the vaccines some how they have done nothing to be sure it is rolled out in a smart and efficient manner.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "DeSantis has done a better job than the demorats."

Yes he has. About 260k people in FL have already been vaccinated. The simple reality is that FL got a limited supply in round one and most of it went to long-term care facilities and medical health professionals. The remainder went to seniors who showed up to a limited number of vaccination sites.

The next round will go to a broader group of seniors. It will be going not only to the hospitals, but also to some of the state run COVID testing sites that will be converted to vaccination sites. The state is getting ready to hire 1,000 nurses to administer vaccines at state run sites and other community resources, including churches in underserved communities.

From there, the general public will eventually have it - but probably not until March or April at this rate. Pfizer and Moderna can only pump it out so fast and a ton of states and other countries want it.

avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
The federal government has contracted with Walgreens and CVS to vaccinate long-term care facilities. But when the vaccines came to FL, neither company had the boots on the ground to do it. So DeSantis mobilized the Florida National Guard to vaccinate people at 100 long term care facilities and they are ready to go to hit more facilities when FL receives more vaccine.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
25 - Thanks for turning this into a political thread. C'mon Man !
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
^ Sorry buddy my bad
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Download 94% completed...begin...serve...Bill...Gates...Overlord...
avatar for Musterd21
4 years ago
While I qualify by age and some (mild) health issues I don’t plan on getting it any time soon if at all. There are people that need it and deserve it more than I do. I don’t take the flu shot although I have once or twice in the past 60+ years. I am not one for going to the doctor much. I go get my required physical every two year, take no scrips and if I do get sick I take vodka for it. I would not discourage anyone from taking it if that is what they want to do.
avatar for rl27
4 years ago
I was told by my doctor not to expect it until at least March, and more likely April or May. Even though I am high risk, the phases in Ohio are pretty strict, and the rollout very slow due to supplies. It's only been 249 thousand, 2% of the population, so far in Ohio, and under 30,000 a day.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
I got my second Pfizer one yesterday, and it kicked my ass for 24 hours.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
^. Interesting. I have not heard about many people that have had the 2nd shot. I hope that is not a common response to the 2nd shot.
avatar for rattdog
4 years ago
"it kicked my ass for 24 hours"

how so 201? were you laid out in bed for most of the day? aches and pains? coughing? also just wondering are you a smoker? thanks in advance.

you're real brave.
avatar for mike710
4 years ago
Have no idea what 201 would have felt but it's not unusual to get knocked down for 24 hours after any vaccine. A buddy of mine just got his second shingles vaccine shot and he had to call it a day and just rest in bed. I have to take a flu shot every year because of my work. Out of the 10 times I've received it, I've probably had a couple times where it knocked me out feeling like I had a light flu for a day. Now, I plan my vaccination around a day when I don't have something pressing the following day. Been a while since I was affected by the vaccine. Been over 10 years without getting more than a slight cold.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Had my first dose earlier this week. I felt like I had a very mild cold the next day. Sore throat, fatigue, felt cold. I was able to work though and I did. Took a warm epsom salt bath, had spicy soup, and went to bed early. Felt fine the next morning.

Hopefully second dose won’t be too bad. Hopefully I will have nothing going on the next day.
avatar for datinman
4 years ago
Phase 1a: Direct contact healthcare workers
ALF residents
Seniors with co-morbidities

I want to move to your State, Spice.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
^ Well, spice isn't telling anybody. But she's actually 75 years old. She just stays in really good shape.
avatar for lotsoffun201
4 years ago
@rattdog. I took it at 7:00 am, by noon I couldn’t keep my eyes open. Felt like everything was zapped out of me. I tried to eat something but it didn’t help. Went home at noon and slept for 4 hours. Then I got up, and got something to eat and went back to sleep. 24 hours almost to the minute it all went away. Yes I smoke, but no coughing other than what I normally do, no chills or body aches. Others in my office reported the same thing (Pfizer dose). Those in my office who got Moderna reported more significant issues.
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