
Comments by Locutusbrg (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Desire Christmas Party
    Lol I did not go but I was wondering what I missed.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    But not too old!
    Still the Best!
    Obviously a club add. He actually should be paid for these. He really lacks detail. I mean what car does the bouncer drive? What is Ed's favorite color? I Mean how many steps is to the bathroom? SHEESH put a little effort into the detail will ya. :) nice work
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Compilation of weekday visits
    Priya has straight shoulder length hair which could be called cleopatra hair. She is a tall thin pretty spinner. Persia has long curly hair/maybe extensions. Which again may be called cleopatra hair. She is much curvier not quite as tall. Hope that helps.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Experience of a weekday regular at Desire
    @mets After inquiring with the house mom. Ivanna is not working at desire probably to the end of the month. Return then at the soonest. She was agreeably vague about the details because it is non of my business.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I will come back for sure when I can afford the talent
    Yes rockie thanks to point that out. not to be hostile it was a little tongue in cheek my comment. Nothing wrong with fantasies, if that is your place. Also I think it can be said pretty universally... that your mmmv is always appropriate.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I will come back for sure when I can afford the talent
    So only come here if you got lots of money??? Sure, most of the girls would agree with that. Get lost, and go to CF if your broke. Sure, most of the girls would agree with that as well lol. I say spot on review. Except I am more than sure that you can have a decent time with a budget of 200 bucks. Never fear 200 can get you a nice motorboat an LD with the hottest girl there for at least 15 minutes.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    few Friday and Satruday crossover shifts
    Lol @nelly what gauge is the wiring? Correct there was a Jasmine a different girl a little bottom heavy, very pretty very friendly. Haven't seen her since the pandemic. I could be wrong here but there is a newer girl with glasses Asian and short hair. I believe Kehlani in fact has long hair currently.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    I have noted Ivanna is back from her time off... She usually works Sundays. That is a quantum leap forward in quality if not quantity.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First time seeking more info
    @Asian-as a card holding member of the Kai fan club. OWG's doesn't use the term ATF lightly. Her schedule he posted so I won't repeat. A bit of friendly advice, since some people have mentioned a bit of variabilty in the Kai experience.... It's a very easy formula for a good time. Treat her like a queen and she will treat you like a king. Some girls admittedly will Let you act anyway you want, and as long as the money is green and plentiful they don't give a crap about how you act. If you act like you own kai because you gave her five bucks, or even 100. Welll.... you will be disappointed. Just be nice. Be clear about your expectations in advance, respect her limits, and you will leave a happy man.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Loving it
    Thursday Reunion
    Except one OWG lol King I think the house mom should hire your for a how to max your money at desires 101 course. Nice review
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Still looking for an ATF
    First return visit after COVID - traveling again
    @ski I agree about stage tipping, I always tip girls well just not at the stage. Desire in particular.... if your sitting in the chairs surrounding the stage, or at the stage. Kind of assumed you're there for the stage show. The day has no cover and free food. Kind of lame to not tip the girls. Sitting at the bar more of a Grey area for me. Nicolette 2 years ago I had a very nice vip with her. Which never happened again. I suspected but never knew why. At least this clears up what I did wrong. I don't begrudge it. Every girl there is a free agent. Obviuosly they all have different reasons why they say no to a occasional vip offer. Granted, hers seems oddly self limiting in this environment. Still, I seem to have no problem getting rid of my money there if she doesn't want it. No problem.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New York
    More questions than answers
    Also the web site is way out of date for what is happening now. That was a mid covid situation. Not really sure y they completly neglect that page.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    But not too old!
    Unscheduled Event
    Emma it's been a year for me or more. Good vip not great. Sexy lots of back and forth contact.Decent bolt ons. Firm butt flat belly. Previously, I would tell you limited menu. Saw her recently at the club. She lives in Florida part time so she goes and comes back without warning.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Friday Afternoon is the Sweet Spot
    Also I think it says drink more ovaltine? ;)
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Friday Afternoon is the Sweet Spot
    Melissa that's her MO not honest, intrusive, demands money she's not owed. She knows to steer clear of me now. Homey don't play dat.I try to stay positive but that girl.... I was there Friday, solid review. Marina haven't had a dance with her in a while. Strict limits but knows how to use those guns to good effect. She makes me laugh a lot never disappointed with her. Saw Kai in the black dress, hardly unbiased, but I agree it was a stand out look for her. I usually stop looking around to talk to other girls if Kai is available.the only way you have a bad time with her is if you push her to go beyond her limits. Destiny is smart funny and very attractive. After getting to know each other a little, we realized that we had a outside of the club connection that made VIP a little akward. RS says she is great fun in vip. Appreciate the Intel on Alex she's very attractive has caught my eye, never taken the time.
  • article comment
    3 years ago
    Does an Extras Girl Ruin it for Everyone Else?
    As a customer. I feel like I buck the perception about extras. a hot girl with a nice rap, I will VIP if she will or won't. I personally never ask for extras. If a girl does those thing they usually make it clear, once we have some privacy. Never once have I said to them let's do... X... Because SO and So gave me Y in the vip. So to me the perception of availability of extras may be the problem. I may be rare example but I'm case where availability of extras is not always a plus. Although many guys are looking for availability rather than an experience. I go to the strip club for the fantasy. For example there is this very young tall thin pretty spinner at a club I go to. She has made it clear to me that she has no limit extras with prices. But yet I find myself avoiding her because she detached and uninterested. She is all about time moving the most guys as quickly as possible. I find one of my favs to be much hotter experience even though I know she has solid boundaries. She works me up first talks dirty ect. Makes me feel special. She has definate boundaries and I respect that. If they are both there I never ever pick the extras girl. Because she doing a job and I know it, doesn't matter that there is no limits to me. The other girl makes me believe that it's not just for the money. So in my case I'm buying the fantasy not the extra every time.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Friday afternoon/night
    Hey Nelly There was a Sarah just like described. Last time I saw her was pre covid. Pretty brunette with a nice rack. Brazilian. I wonder if it is the same girl. Always ymmv. That said Sarah provided 100 nude and a lot more active than your experience. If it's the same girl. I haven't seen her myself to know if it's the same girl.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [ISHMAEL'S REVIEW] Living la Vida not so Loca...
    Personal knowledge. April is a doll worth your time and money. But be forewarned Ish she did have a "get to know you phase" with me before she felt more comfortable. Another small bit of advice about Courtney although sometimes I think she partakes a little too much and can be spacy at those moments. She can be very friendly and playful in the VIP. Also she is a little shy about the fact that she had a childhood injury to her eye. She doesn't see well out of one eye and I think it ocassionaly give the impression that she is distant. So I recommend giving her a dance as well.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Just a regular guy
    review from non regular
    Long time regular I haven't done any reviews myself in a while. You guys have it covered and I am mostly just going there to see certain girls at certain times. That said it is possible to drop money on 5 of the hottest girls there on a busy day and get no play. I will tell you that Ivana is very selective. Many girls are. If she sat down with you then you are reasonable appearing and don't look homeless or drunk. I will give the author the benefit of the doubt that IT IS A bonified review. Because ivana at the end of the day is about the only time she's not seeing pre planned regulars. However if she sat with you and you don't get a dance it is only one of three reasons. 1. She vibes pretty quickly if your broke and wasting her time. 2. She just burning out the last minutes of the day and not looking for any more money. 3.your personal hygiene frankly sucks. Breath ect. Five passes and an wasted Ivana opportunity speaks that maybe, just maybe, your breath smelled like a dead cat that day. I wasn't there I don't know, but consider the possibility that it was you and not them. I am sure that you can get ignored there in the perfect storm of busy vs timing but 5 attempts is very rare fail.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Rhode Island
    [ISHMAEL'S REVIEW] Quick Trip to Persia
    The only tweak I have for you ish is.. no prob with cut and paste from our own reviews.that said April goes with her own hair now which is brunette and long. She used to sport a blonde wig. No doubt there are dancers keeping track since some have expressed disappointment in my reviews sometimes. Otherwise spot on. thanks for the Persia Intel I have no PK, but now may look her up. As you well know am a Kai proponent, she is top 3 for me there. Agree to disagree lol. Although ivanna remains my ATF, I typically favor brunette with a darker complexion. So Persia sounds interesting.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    New dancer. Carmen.
    Not sure where he is talking about. Even the lapdance booths are very private. I've never had a bouncer look in at me while I was in there. And desire should have a wing named after me given the money I've wasted there lol. Girls can't see anywhere but directly out at the top, even a 7 foot bouncer would have to walk up to see in. Sooooo maybe Carmen wants someone to put here name out there? I don't have a problem with that but just sayin.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    But not too old!
    Another Wonderful Afternoon
    Thank OWG complete as always
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Club Lust details, and more (for club Desires)
    Actually did a CR up in lust last month Ed the assistant manager said its more now cost me 210 of my account dollars included choice of a champagne for the money was OK. If you have a girl for an hour block they expect an hours block of money. The right girls was worth it tho.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    tough to find available girls right now
    Lmao I am definitely a potential lesbian. It's a common term for a regular at the club. Pathetic loser. But I think I like potential lesbian better
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    tough to find available girls right now
    @nelly76 I find that Friday is busy and a lot of good talent on, but harder to get some attention. Still I don't have any trouble getting friendly on Friday with some of the best there. Often many girls on, and just a bit fewer guys, causes a buyers market with the best girls. Admittedly, I am known and girls tend to jump in the seat next to me without much encouragement when it's slower. As usual I agree with OWG. He is dead on about Thursdays. Tuesday is very hit or miss. Wednsday use to be very nice, now unless I am seeing someone planned in advance. Not going. I gave up on Sundays a while ago. Still Ivana on Sunday might make it worth your while. I am equal opportunity PL. So I can find a reason to blow. My cash just about any day