
Comments by BitCoinHodler (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Cheating circa November 2022
    If it were so easy why don't you do it? If its so blatant why don't you report it? Try to sell your ballot next election.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Cheating circa November 2022
    This dude was ballot harvesting and documenting everything he did? Only for it to be uncovered by some dude who works in the civilian sector of Ramsey County PD, its public info omar Jamal isn't even in law enforcement he works FOR law enforcement.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Cheating circa November 2022
    It is pretty much impossible to commit vote by mail voter fraud. I guess this is something we can't agree on. I want to tell you the only way to know for yourself is to commit voter fraud yourself but my lawyer told me not to advise you, so I am NOT telling you to commit vote by mail fraud to see how secure the system is and how it is impossible to fake votes.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Cheating circa November 2022
    These are all non-issues? Cases always rise in the fall even for things like the cold and the flu, of course covid cases will also rise. Trump was complaining about how the cupboards were bare for the pandemic when it started, its just good governance to set up a federal stockpile in case it is needed again. How does rising cases and increasing the federal stockpile lead to stealing an election?
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    dam zaddy got all my lips smiling
    The Boundaries Hoax
    This post is kind of rapey. Either way it is important to respect consent, you can buy consent but make sure the dancer you are with is ok with whatever you are doing to her/him.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    A few experiences
    Impossible for him to be their pimp because I am.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    "First they laugh at you, then they continue laughing. Please help I can't stop laughing. I can't breath. This is too much I can't stop laughing at how indoctrinated these butters are. My sides. My fucking sides I can't stop." I don't really care about the price, my opinion of bitcoin is from the tech which is dog shit.the entire space has so many scams, yes even bitcoin. You keep screaming econ 101 but you've only ever mentioned supply and not even demand. You've only mentioned half of the most common economics principle. I've already explained bitcoin to you, can you explain the USD system? Not fiat, I don't really know how other systems work but I'm very educated in the American monetary policy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    FTS, so much of what you write are flat out lies or half truths. Example- you claimed Amazon accepts bitcoin when in reality you had pay a fee to convert your bitcoin to an online gift card on a completely different website which you then used to make a purchase on Amazon. In this step Amazon never touched bitcoin. Example- you're claiming two sovereign nations are accepting bitcoin now but excluding the absolute train wreck adoption has been. The vast majority of vendors in those countries don't even accept bitcoin! This is well documented. Example- you're listing off rich people who are in crypto when a lot of these guys are pretty sketchy individuals. I would never want to be on the same list as Zuckerberg, Musk, and Cuban. Those three don't give a shit about regular people. Example- you're trying to use the name human rights foundation endorsing bitcoin as proof bitcoin is legit. At face value the name "human rights foundation" seems like the foundation is for the better good, but it has deep ties to far right organizations. This is well documented. If you want to tie bitcoin to far right organizations like ReasonTV and Human Rights Foundation you'd be 100% correct. Of course if you support far right organizations then be my guest and provide exit liquidity for them. The more you speak the more foolish you appear.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    ReasonTV is a libertarian propaganda group, I wouldn't trust them. ReasonTV doesn't even try to hide it lol. Bitcoin being a reserve currency wouldn't solve as many problems as libertarian propagandists think either, we had hyperinflation during the gold standard too. I've already explained the tech in my own words, you've already asked me this question. I will say that people don't really care about the tech they care about their interactions with it. The security/transaction measures for bitcoin involve too many steps for mass adoption to ever happen.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Philadelphia clubs for extras
    Playhouse lounge if you're ok with milfs/gilfs. Got a pretty nice BBBJ from a Latina at club risque bristol for $400 total and another much hotter Latina offered me the same for less as I was leaving. Club risque philly was OK but sketched out by the parking lot. Philly clubs are OK but they just don't compete with the clubs in providence in my opinion. Philly does have great casinos with good blackjack rules though
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Has anyone figured out DesertScrub yet?
    You guys are obsessed with scrubbie
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Two Visits: One Winner, One Loser (and New ROB Alert)
    "Scrub, you aren't that important." You mentioned him twice in your review so apparently he is. Miley was great when she first started, has gone down hill since. I saw Lacey cuddling customers at the bar both times I saw her, usually don't see that here in case that is what you're looking for. Sundays are still pretty solid in my opinion, atleast compared to other clubs.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    I'm not sure where I made an ad hominem attack in my comment but you did call me an ignorant fuck in your previous comment. I've done approaching hundreds of hours of research into bitcoin and crypto, my opinion on it os very well informed. I can understand why you would be frustrated due to your fervent belief in it. If you'd like to trust "batcoinz" for your news that is your right. Anyone else wanting to trust "batcoinz" for investment advice that is their choice. Important thing is I point out the lies and how ridiculous it all is.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    I've done quite a bit of research on bitcoin so I'm very well qualified to give an informed opinion on this. Bitcoin is not at all environmentally friendly and all those links fake news. Do you really think "batcoinz" is a legitimate site to get news? These sites are made by bitcoiners who try to convince people to invest. The bitcoiners know they need more fools to put money in. Don't be so open minded your brain falls out.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    And they love me...
    Some things stay the same
    I thought we all agreed to ignore scrubbie?
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    And they love me...
    Some things stay the same
    @willy & @Spike Strip clubs are weird and don't follow conventional supply and demand curves. When the club is slower some strippers try to make more money off the few guys who come in, so their prices increase.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    I don't want to crawl inside scrubbies mind but by dark money I think he means money from an unknown source. Also yes bitcoin is very appealing to white supremacists.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey is Amazing!
    Fuck! Wrong account.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    New Jersey is Amazing!
    Club ad
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    "What I Did on My Summer Vacation" OWG
    Ignore scrubbie. You're playing into his hands if you change your reviews to make him happy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How Democrats will fix things
    Will do, thanks.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    How Democrats will fix things
    Hard to imagine ^this guy is from the same area as me
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    Scrubbie I only mentioned Trump because FTS wanted an example of a cult besides bitcoin with millions of followers. What's the over/under on how much FTS lost in the terra luna crash? I'm placing it at $800. I know it seems low, that's only because we all know crypto cultists lie about their gains.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    Bitcoin didn't make the super thread. We're still early.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    [OT] People will, very soon, be able to pay for things over the Bitcoin network
    People who worship Trump are a cult. It is super weird and very unsettling. I'm also sick of your what abouts and deflections. Bitcoin is a decentralized ponzi scheme. Bitcoin is bad for the environment. Bitcoin is bad for America. Bitcoin is bad.