
How Democrats will fix things

avatar for mark94

Inflation, supply chain, baby formula, war with Russia, tension with China, open borders, urban violence, mass shootings, CoVid, failing schools.

Which issues are the most urgent ? Democrats had a coordinated response this week explaining what we should really worry about:

First, the Supreme Court’s potential overturning of Roe v. Wade will threaten interracial marriage.

Second, the end of Roe will mean conservatives will, as embattled Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot said, target LGBTQ Americans next.

Third, the Supreme Court is somehow illegitimate because it’s not elected.

Fourth, America’s ills are all due to the fact that the “ultra MAGA” crowd has taken over the Republican Party.

Re-elect Democrats and they will protect us from Trump and all his Ultra MAGA supporters who hate gays, blacks, women, and children. Mostly, by spending trillions more on government handouts. Don’t worry about all that other less important stuff, which Democrats didn’t cause and can’t fix.


last comment
avatar for CJKent_band
2 yrs ago

It’s never been about Democrats vs Republicans.

“More like 0.1% of regular ass humans (the founding fathers, the politicians, the religious leaders, the puppet presidents, the rich and powerful, etc etc) tricking the rest of us into fighting among ourselves while they rob us blind.”

~ SanchoRG, Texas

~ Joined Aug, 2017 Last Seen Nov, 2021

“The American so called “Two Party System” is really two sides of the same coin”.

Both political parties serve the interests of the rich and powerful; corporate robber barons and politicians, who have become rich through ruthless and unscrupulous business practices.”

The USA is a nation in which income inequality has existed from the beginning, a situation that hurts many more people than it helps.

The USA was created for the benefit of a few Englishmen that wanted to be Opulent...

“It is the sufferings of the many which pay for the luxuries of the few.”

~ Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg

~ Born: 3rd January 2003 Stockholm, Sweden

~ Occupation: Student, environmental activist

~ Awards:

~ Fritt Ord Award (2019)

~ Rachel Carson Prize (2019)

~ Ambassador of Conscience Award (2019)

~ Right Livelihood Award (2019)

~ International Children's Peace Prize (2019)

~ Time Person of the Year (2019)

~ Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity (2020)

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Greta Thunberg takes it up the ass from diseased monkeys and loves it. She'd fuck a monkey vaginally for free....it would create more progressives. I hope the little cunt suffers, but not nearly as much as those who admire her. She is nothing but a whore....

avatar for BitCoinHodler
2 yrs ago

Hard to imagine ^this guy is from the same area as me

avatar for twentyfive
2 yrs ago

I don’t know who likes to argue about stupid shit more, it’s a toss-up between mark & Iceefag

This topic is boring AF

avatar for SanchoRG
2 yrs ago

If you're waiting for another man to fix your shit, you're beyond fucked. We are on our own

20fag had to post just to troll though. At 7am

While Republicans rally around welfare for yhe rich

avatar for sideshow_bob
2 yrs ago
  1. Defund police to prevent racism.

  2. Stop street crime prosecution because racism.

  3. Release prisoners because racism.

  4. Confiscate/eliminate legal gun ownership for law abiding citizens.

  5. Profit.

avatar for motorhead
2 yrs ago

I’m not really a conspiracy theory believer, but the “baby formula shortage” could easily be a vote buying scheme manufactured by left wing democrats

  1. Create an artificial shortage

  2. Create give-a-way programs targeting low income and minorities

  3. Resulting in purchased votes for the Dems in 2024

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Yeah bit coin but we need people like you to keep us grounded. Put some poison on a condom and fuck Greta in the ass if you'd like, or she can peg you.

avatar for BitCoinHodler
2 yrs ago

Will do, thanks.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ The quote is "you fucked with the wrong marine."

If you're going to plagiarize A Few Good Men, at least get it right.

avatar for Tetradon
2 yrs ago

^ With occasional breaks to eat Hot Pockets and jack off into a sock to anime porn.

avatar for shailynn
2 yrs ago

^ that sounds like an awesome Friday night for a lot of people here

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

I must have tough guy marine on ignore but having just watched Black hawk Down, no one should be scared anyway.

avatar for docsavage
2 yrs ago

The most important issue this country is facing is out of control government spending that has led to our thirty trillion-dollar national debt and rising inflation from all the money printing to pay for the excessive government spending.

Both parties are responsible for this. Whichever party is in office, the overspending continues. Since we elect these guys it ultimately our fault. if we really cared about our children and grand children we wouldn't be leaving them crushing debt burden.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

The most important thing to do is to stop the inflation and that means getting back the money sent out in COVID relief. So that means progressive income and wealth taxes.




avatar for MackTruck
2 yrs ago

Mark94 knows it all

avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 yrs ago

Politics is all bullshit until we recognize the real agenda: create a one world government under the tyrannical control of the tiny ultra wealthy transatlantic conspiratorial pseudo-elite.

First they have to demonize, marginalize, and yes replace white people from the US and Europe and demographically obliterate them from the planet while claiming its not actually happening. Then stage false flags such as the incident on Saturday to blame all white people to vainly attempt to maintain a pseudo-moral cover to legitimize the genocide of said demographic. Nice folks, huh? I could go on but what's the point. If people don't see it by now its probably because they just don't want to.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
2 yrs ago

Yes comma everything is a conspiracy. At this point if you still don't understand that you need to go out in the back alley, remove the nearest sewer hole cover and dive in head first and drown in poo. You are a waste of space at this point if you are still a conspiracy denier/ coincidence theorist.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Saturday was a false flag operation if you're some kind of traitorous retard like Donald Trump.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

They'll "fix things" the same way they always do: kneejerk tax & spend.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

@skibum - I would really like to know what that jab at the military and Black Hawk Down was about. The movie was close enough for Hollywood, but read the book for the real story. Roughly 100 US SPECOPS (Rangers, Delta, DEVGRU [aka SEAL 6], PJs, and aviators) survived an ambush and envelopment behind enemy lines involving tens of thousands of enemy soldiers. I'm not going to look it up, but I believe the final tally was 13 Americans dead and over 20,000 enemy KIA. The failure was weak-kneed lib govern-by-pollster Bubba who pulled all of our troops because some skinnies bloodied our nose. This emboldened all of our enemies, and was a contributing factor to the rise of AQ and UBL. Bush 41 made the original mistake of even bothering to start with our involvement in that hellhole in the first place. Now Biden, after his disastrous pullout from Afghanistan, is sending American forces back into Somalia.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

@motorhead: The baby formula shortage is a manufactured crisis. There are cases and cases of the shit at our southern border because Biden believes that illegal immigrants are more important than American families and their babies. Here's an analogy: After 2017, I was budding against the US Government for shipping containers. They were purchasing them by the literal shipload to send to Puerto Rico as part of Maria recovery. The gov't doesn't worry about profit margins and ROI, they just outbid you and raise taxes and deficit spending to offset costs. Same thing here, the government outbid the retail stores and bought up all the formula to address the crisis they created at the border. Now it sits, spoiling and unused, while American families are panicking (and inflating prices) for what should be a broadly available and affordable staple.

avatar for datinman
2 yrs ago

Hey Dave, I am curious, what race are these cabal members of "ultra wealthy transatlantic conspiratorial pseudo-elite"? Seems strange that white people would want genocide on white people. Transatlantic would kind of rule out Asian. Is it some kind of Africa - South America connection? Black / Latino mafia? Is it Kanye? I bet it's Ye.

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Jes trollin GAM; seeing who takes the bait. This board has now officially jumped the shark and I intend on treating it as such.

avatar for TheeOSU
2 yrs ago

'Roughly 100 US SPECOPS (Rangers, Delta, DEVGRU [aka SEAL 6], PJs, and aviators) survived an ambush and envelopment behind enemy lines involving tens of thousands of enemy soldiers. I'm not going to look it up, but I believe the final tally was 13 Americans dead and over 20,000 enemy KIA. The failure was weak-kneed lib govern-by-pollster Bubba who pulled all of our troops because some skinnies bloodied our nose. '

A mostly unknown barely reported after the fact incident was the topper!

A few months after BH down, the US government actually sent a plane to somalia to fly farrah adid or whatever his name was to some type of conference.

After the deaths of our servicemen, the loss of our assets and standing, slick willie actually provided safe transport to the man that months earlier we were trying to capture or kill, the man that was behind all the ills in that shithole country!

Only in America when a certain party is running the show!

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

I think this thread reveals what the Whitehouse is hoping to accomplish. Distraction.

The most important issues for the majority of Americans are inflation, the economy, supply shortages, illegal immigration, and education. The Whitehouse desperately needs to distract our attention from these failures.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

This message board is the distraction. An escape from the crushing reality that we are fucked as a nation and as human civilization. The only hope we have is to get as many lappers as we can before it's all over.

avatar for mark94
2 yrs ago

Abortion. Climate change. Racism. Trans rights. White supremacists.

It doesn’t matter that you can’t afford gas or food.

avatar for gammanu95
2 yrs ago

"A mass shooting in downtown Milwaukee left 17 people wounded late Friday shortly after fans left a nearby NBA playoff game, according to the Milwaukee Police Department. "

Brandon admin: crickets

Chinese immigrant shoots up Taiwanese church in California

Brandon admin: crickets

Sick kid buys into internet conspiracy and kills 13 shoppers in Buffalo

Brandon admin: Brandon flies out o Buffalo and "Racism! White Supremacy! Ministry of Truth! Gun Control! MAGA!"

If all the above events had been equally addressed for what they were, instead of choosing the rare instance of white-on-black violence that fits their bullshit narrative, it would have been tolerable. Instead, they ignore all the black-on-black violence, all the black-on-Asian violence, the Asian-on-Asian violence, and blow up the one event -which was completely horrific- to monumental proportions. However, the lives lost and affected in Buffalo have no more or less value than the lives in Chicago, Oakland, Milwaukee, and elsewhere. But they get reported on and memorialized for fitting the narrative. It's sickening.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

What makes a gross surplus economy function is progressive taxation. Keep the money circulating and out of the securities and real estate ponzi schemes.




Shirley Manson


avatar for sideshow_bob
2 yrs ago

The Feds shut down one of the big formula plants on some thin FDA bullshit. That's the real root cause of the formula shortage. Abbot just was allowed to reopen it today. I suppose it's because the news got out on Tucker and the alt. media.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Need to get all the facts out on the table and solve the formula shortage quickly.


avatar for 48-Cowboy
2 yrs ago

"Saturday was a false flag operation if you're some kind of traitorous retard like Donald Trump."

^ okay Mr liberal... Trump was the best president the USA ever had

avatar for skibum609
2 yrs ago

Trump is a traitor to America. No not because he let Putin fuck him in the ass, but because the President serves the country, not the other way around. Plus he is one fucking ugly, stupid looking bastard.

avatar for san_jose_guy
2 yrs ago

Trump is and always was a disgrace.


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