
Comments by lmgol075

  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Pleasant Surprise
    @flagooner agreed 100%. I encourage my CF to do the same thing. We will text and she will let me know if I am coming in on this night, shes going to be tied up for a bit with another regular. When she can break away she will. Once shes done she comes to see me. Doesn't bother me one bit. I don't want to be her only source of income when I am there, plus variety is the spice of life right? After we have spent some time together, if the club is a little busier, I will encourage her to go make a round. Its not going to hurt my feelings, plus I want to spend some time up at the stage or just chatting with the other girls in the club who might hesitate to approach me if CF hasn't seen me yet or i am with her. Once shes done that, she comes back and we hang out a bit more. Keeps things interesting me.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Lines to get in the sc
    Regular club there is almost never lines or a wait to get in except maybe when there is a bigger group or there is a bachelorette party coming in to go see the male dancers upstairs. When there is I know the bouncer and coat girl well enough that they will wave me up right away or open up the exit door for me and get me in past the lines. Guess that is one of the perks of being a regular and making sure to tip the staff well.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Potential Article - Music At The Club
    Regular spot plays quite a bit of variety and defiantly depends on the girls. Few play older 80/90s rock, a few girls dance to rock/metal and a few dance to dubstep and newer hip hop. Majority though dance to a lot of 90s and early 2000 hip hop, which coincidentally is one of my preferred genres so it’s usually enjoyable. Tends to get me into the mood when I’m getting a private danceand I’ll end up finding myself kind of dancing along with them or singing. Which has made the dances pretty fun at times when the girl gets into it too. Ironically enough though with the area I live in and the area my regular club is in (rural, farm land) and how popular the music is in general, not too many girls dance to country. A few but not as many as you would think. Thankfully. At the end of the day I don’t really care what music the girl dances too as long as they can dance well to it. Which doesn’t always happen. I’ve seen girls who dance awesome to rock and roll but out hip hop on and they are lost. I will agree with the others too. Music is way too loud. I hate sitting less than 5 feet from a girl or someone I’m at the club with and not being able to hear a word they’re saying.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Virginia - Last seen being walked to the door
    One-night-a-week Strippers
    Likewise. A few girls that I get sometime to hang with on a more regular basis both only work 2 nights a week, sometimes 3 but thats it. I am not quite regulars with them, but I have spent enough time with them that when they see me they will come over say hello and usually give me a dance or two while they are in between their regulars. I always enjoy spending time with them. Like you said they usually seem happier to be there than the other girls, actually can hold some decent conversations about things other than the club, and dances are usually much better and not "going through the motions" like a girl working her 4th day in a row as you said. One of them is a younger girl in her mid 20s and the other is slightly older in her middle 30s. This is their only job and both seem to live a pretty comfortable life according to them.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grossed out.
    Wow, thats pretty gross never have seen anything like that. I used to get mad at this one dancer I took to VIP 2-3 times probably and each time so would stop in the middle of her set, get dressed and run down to the bathroom. She comped me some time for it, but was very annoying and certainly a mood killer. Hearing that story, I feel much better about that situation and appreciate the fact that she did that instead of just pissing on the floor. I think we all know its a given that clubs arent the cleanest places, I just dont want to see that crap happening.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Anywhere there are Titties.
    NFL Play-offs
    Chicago has sucked obviously for sometime now, and not a GB fan at all even though I live in the land of cheese, but I can honestly say that I have started caring less and less for football over the last 2-3 years. Not into the fantasy stuff or betting stuff etc. I will watch a game if I am at a party or they have one on at the club and its dead so to speak, but I dont really ever go out of my way to watch a game put it to you that way. Playoffs or regular season.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Don’t you just hate it......
    Fortunately have only had this happen to me once. New girl started working at my regular club. Drop dead gorgeous. Probably one of the best looking girls there. Probably 23-24 years old, brown hair, little curvy but not overboard. Huge natural pierced boobs - much more than a handful but proportionate to her body. Heard it was her first club, so I waited a month or two before I got a dance from her. What a complete waste of time. Never put her boobs in my face or really even showed them to me. While she was grinding, I put my hands on her waist and she immediately moved them off and said no touching. Finished the song and walked away. Fast forward about 4 months or so and went to the club with a group of friends. One of them took a liking to her. I didnt say anything since I wanted to see if things changed with her in that time. After he got a dance from her and came back I asked him how it was he said biggest waste of $20. Hardly any grinding, not boob action and went to touch her and shut down. Said while he was talking to her she was a real bit**. Talking about how she runs the club, is a top earner there blah blah blah. I laughed and said yeah, thats what shes always sitting alone, most of the other girls complain about her and hate her, and when shes on main stage is lucky to have 2-3 people sitting there. What a shame and waste of a 9
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Does dressing matter for strip clubs?
    I just recently had a conversation with a dancer about this a few weeks ago. A friend who I was going with wanted to wear tracks and I convinced him not to. I frequent the club about every 1/2 weeks so I said it probably wasn’t in the best interest. Only because I know how quite a few girls would View him. Anyways one of the girls came over to our table that I have gotten a few dances from and I know she really likes to get in there and grind hard. Something my friend really likes, so I slipped her $20 and said take him to the booth and take care of him. Fast forward 5 minutes and he was back complimenting how the dance was. When she finally came back we started talking a little more and somehow the topic of wearing sweats/tracks came up. I asked her how she feels about guys who wear them to a club. She said flat out that the dance she just gave with a lot of grinding would have never happened like that. Depending on how many people were in the club she would be a lot less likely to approach him. I kinda agree with this. Yes it’s nice to be super comfortable but I also view it as a respect thing. I like to wear either a nice pair of jeans or sometimes kahki pants and usually a polo or flannel. Something comfortable for me and that will be comfortable for the girls to dance on. No need to get super dressed up but I prefer to have a nice clean presentable look.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    Alright for a Tuesday
    Being only about 30 minutes from downtown Chicago it’s to be expected, but it’s fairly on par for most of the clubs in the area it seems.
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    6 years ago
    Do you have a Special Dancer?
    Great article, hoping your recovery is going well. I agree you are quite lucky to have found someone like that. I don't quite have that kind of relationship with anyone at the club, but there is one that I would say given some more time could start to head that direction.