
Comments by SirLapdancealot (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Mike Rotch
    When in doubt, take dick out
    Single-Clubber or Multi-Clubber?
    I usually crush on a certain dancer and become her regular if we have a good rapport. I ride that out until the honeymoon phase ends - sometimes it's after a few visits and sometimes it's years. This usually makes me a club's regular too. That said, I definitely like mixing in variety and every few months I try a different club and different dancers no matter how I'm doing with my CF. And if that club has a hottie I like, then I become a regular at that club too. I think a lot of this is cost/risk driven - I'd rather go see a reliable fave for guaranteed fun rather than risk striking out at a new club. But because I know all regular+fave "relationships" eventually must end, I also make an effort to explore other clubs and find a new fave. In the process I get enough variety.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Highly recommend Laura for private dances
    LOL @blah so true. It's like a former gentleman's club that has seen better days turned ghetto dive. The location is weird too.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    I'm leaving tuscl if the trolls don't get banned
    Iceydodo was known to like her own comments too...🤔
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    I'm leaving tuscl if the trolls don't get banned
    LMFAO IceyAaaaaAaaaaa you sure do write like Iceydodo trying to impersonate a stripper hoe. Jes sayin'.
  • discussion comment
    a year ago
    Icee Loco (asshole)
    I'm a fucking loser
    I'm leaving tuscl if the trolls don't get banned
    Yeah. She needed to be a troll so much that she would create a separate account to keep it going. The problem was that she's a dumbass and cannot disguise her writing enough to appear as if she's a totally different person. But IMHO she was overall a weak troll. She got butthurt too much about everything and creating alternate troll accounts is lame AF. Weak sauce trolling.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    I'll act nicer if you'll act smarter.
    Close encounters of the TUSCL kind (at Desire)
    I reached out via PM to a member after reading his review of one of my regular clubs. It was just to compare notes on it regarding dancers and mileage. It turns out I was at the club at the time, and he saw me with my ATF DS. He described himself but I didn't recall seeing him.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    CF Levels Up
    @GGGoddessLive good on you! That said, I've had a past fave level down from too much weight loss. In her case she went from a fitness model type body to a body builder type with much loss of fat. Her perfectly perky B cups went down to As, and she was so cut that she lost all her womanly curves. She got a little too lean and cut for my tastes..
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    new city, new club
    Maiden voyage to Portland
    @captain it is best that you have 1-2 backup clubs in case you're not feeling it at your primary choice. And that's the beauty of Portland clubs - there's always another one not too far away. For example if you choose DV8, you can have Devil's Point and Hawthorne Strip as nearby backups. If you decide on Union Jacks, there's Sassy's and all the downtown clubs to hit. If you start at The Venue, then Club 205 and SinRock are close. Check a few clubs out if you can, and enjoy the variety!
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    new city, new club
    Maiden voyage to Portland
    Oh and if nicespice is in town, definitely go see her. Unless you don't want dances from a perfect 10 Filipina. She's a unicorn 🦄 😍
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    new city, new club
    Maiden voyage to Portland
    Portland has a wide variety of clubs and the same goes for the mileage here. We have the full spectrum of it all. If you want the highest mileage and covert extras you will need to "settle" on the neighborhood dive clubs. Dream On Saloon and Tommy's Too come to mind here. Maybe The Lounge and Dancing Bare. If you want to spend more and want more high quality strippers and decent mileage, try Spyce, Club Rouge, Club SinRock. These are the more gentleman's clubs in town. Spyce always has hotties but it's not cheap. If you want younger strippers and a more college party atmosphere but also OK mileage try the Golden Dragon. For more goth/rocker clubs try Devil's Point and Lucky Devil Lounge and Union Jacks. For more stage and show clubs with low mileage try Kit Kat or the Acropolis. I never go to these clubs. I'm not an extras guy but I enjoy the highest mileage possible, and I recommend DV8 or Sunset Strip. Since you are on the West side, go with Sunset. If that doesn't work out you can go to the Beaverton Club Rouge down the 217 hwy or go downtown and hit Spyce, Portland Club Rouge, and the Golden Dragon. There are other TUSCLers that know the extras scene much better than me. Portland is not easy on visitors wrt extras. It takes local knowledge.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    CF Levels Up
    @Jascoi amen. In terms of service she now immediately assumes as she's getting a massage and allows it for 20-30 min. Before she would suggest we get dances in half the time. Now she'll wait until I say it's time to go to the dance area. Also during dances she now reads my cues and will stay in whatever position I want until I initiate a change. She's definitely trying to keep me as a regular based on service alone. I think my time away (and probably knowing that I recently got dances with strippers other than her) made her realize that I might stray away. LMAO and now the other strippers I've seen are checking in with me too. When my CF goes to the dressing room they check in to see if I want some massage time. I'm in one of those windows of being a well treated regular right now and it's been great. It doesn't hurt that I go when it's not busy.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Knight of the Round Table Dance
    CF Levels Up
    Yeah @Ishmael I never bring up weight change unless she initiates it. This last time she outright said she likes her own bigger ass and tits at the end of dances and I wholeheartedly agreed. This was the third time of recent visits. At the other two I had noticed her body change (for the bigger and better - to me), but I only said she looks great with the tan and that her muscles felt more toned.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    Has anyone every used a “cash cannon” or seen one being used in the club?
    You mean a cash cannon is not code for Cashman's hair trigger ballistic pee pee? I never saw it used in a club but I've read a lot of stories on TUSCL about it. no homo, of course
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    ^^^It also is evidenced in her obsession with "dating" junkie whores. To her this is a "normal" relationship just like between two civies. LMFAO she even thought it would lead to marriage with one junkie whore. But in reality it is an addiction & codependency relationship filled with drama and mind games and mental abuse. Completely unhealthy and negative, but to her it's all perfectly "normal" and acceptable - just like she viewed her own TUSCL behavior. Only time will tell if she's coming back. She won't be hard to spot even if it's a new account. Her true nature shines through her clear as day.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    "it actually really jumped out on how he successfully derails nearly every thread; no matter how fun a thread is, he quickly manages to drag it into bile and insults. This is his social life." ^^^you could also see this when you could see all posts/comments in her profile. I would read her comments outside of each individual thread and it was constant anger and vitriol at member after member. If she wasn't spewing vitriol at rickdugan, it was twentyfive or skibum or someone else. Just post after post of negativity. A constant stream. It definitely opened my eyes to everything you said.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    ^^^@Subra I'll add that she doesn't even recognize that she's being a troll. What you just described is trolling, but to her it is normal behavior and she sees nothing wrong with it. She's completely oblivious and lives in denial. Having engaged with a few of TUSCL's biggest trolls, all but one* of them denied being a troll. Most of them think they are fine and are oblivious to their own trolling. (*Only Nicole1994 outright admitted to trolling.)
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    @gammanu you can change your own name in your profile settings. In it, you'll see "change nickname" right next to your nickname.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Straight outta tha NC, comin' atcha with an AK ready to steal your daughter. ROAR!!!
    What are the best kind of pants for lap dance pleasure?
    In this thread I'm going with a loincloth. Preferably lion's fur.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    I think she truly believed she was above all other TUSCL PLs and thought she could prove her superiority with time. She really thought that eventually she would be TUSCL's official "stripper ho whisperer" and she would be seen as a contributing member in that regard. She clearly failed miserably and lost all credibility and eventually she realized it. 🤷
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    The question I have is why she went off the deep end to begin with. She had already trolled twentyfive with her meet up in Vegas call out threads, so there was no need to go troll alias mode with her 'tvventyfive' name change and then spam the boards with mock troll threads as if she's really twentyfive. It was an extra troll effort on her part to go that far. So I think there were two drivers: 1) founder wouldn't give her the delete button so she could finally delete the "A strip club saved my life..." thread. I think not being able to delete it drove her nuts. Since she couldn't do it, she took it out on founder and the boards by going bat shit crazy troll 2) We finally wore her down. She just got sick of getting trolled so much that she gave in and went full and unequivocal troll mode. As Iceydodo, she would always deny being a troll and she fought the accusations for years and without exception. She never ever admitted to trolling, regardless of her doing it constantly and ad nauseam. And I think she was dumbass enough to believe it. But then she finally went all in because she finally realized that she would always be viewed as such.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    @Jimmy I simply won't stop trolling a troll. I like it. And I'm not convinced she's gone. Also she can never "win" with me. By being a troll she's automatically "lost" IMHO. Regardless of whether or not she's being talked about.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    It’s Ash Wednesday
    I grew up Catholic and went to Catholic school until jr high*. Everyone had the ashy foreheads on Ash Wednesday. Nobody cares. *I could not get out of Catholic school fast enough with the uniforms, strict nuns teaching, and going to church Mon,Wed, Fri - not counting Sunday with the family.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    ...which made her over-the-top *stories* unbelievable.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    @motorhead I agree. Over time I came to the conclusion that she was her "real" self here - in that her persona was not someone else faking it. But that said, she embellished nearly everything about herself which made her over-the-top up unbelievable.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    The saga of icey
    @twentyfive if anything, if she comes back now, she won't be able to mock you about you saying that you're leaving but still staying here. And now that she's left, you now have the perfect reason to renege the reason that you said you'd leave to begin with. LMFAO by her declaring that she's leaving, she has given you perfect cover to stay. 😁