
Comments by wildRover (page 6)

  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Didn't land, did a Go-around
    Pussylicker. The issue I have with your posts is that you throw out a lot of hypotheticals: they can keep your keys, they can go through your car, etc, etc. The problem is that I’ve never seen you ever give an example of it actually happening. I’ve been going to the airport area clubs since back when the Flight Club was know as the 747 and the Playhouse was actually a great place and I’ve never had an issue with my keys or the valet. Nor have I ever witnessed someone else have an issue. Haven’t ever heard about it happening either. And if they do try to keep your keys absolutely do call the police. My guess is they back down before you’ve completed dialing. The last thing these places want is a visit from the cops. Places like the Flight Club and Landing Strip are multi-multi-million dollar operations. They’re not going to put up with any bullshit from the valets. One last thing. I don’t like having to pay a valet but I feel a lot more comfortable parking it at the FC than I would at that theme park for potholes over at Bogarts.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Dating Miss Michigan
    One more Saturday Afternoon
    Sorry but I can’t agree with your conclusion. To say that the girls at the flight club don’t give good value based on a rushed experience with one dancer makes no sense at all.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    always enjoyable.
    Pussylicker. I’m beginning to seriously suspect that you’re a Bogart’s shill. You don’t like the Flight Club. I get that. To each his own. What I don’t get is why you feel like you have to insert an ad for Bogart’s into every Flight Club thread. I don’t like Bogarts but I don’t jump into Bogarts threads with comments about how dirty the club is or how the ladies at Flight Club are much better looking. And the whole thing about your keys is just plain stupid. Sorry to call you out man but you need to give it a rest.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Shady, Disappointed, and Weird, Oh and Shady
    Thanks for the post. It’s hard to react correctly in the spur of the moment in situations like this and I probably would have done the same thing you did. But I agree with Carolina guy. If this happens again you pay her in front of the bouncer. Better yet walk over to the bouncer yourself and tell him that you’re having a disagreement and ask him how many songs you did and then pay her for the songs in front of him. You can pay her the full 250 if you want and tell the bouncer “this should be more than enough” or if you want to stick it to her pay her for just the songs. Thanks again for the post. It gives us all a chance to think about how we might handle situations like this in the future. As for the car key issue, that’s just not an issue. I’ve been going to the Flight Club off and on since it was called the 747 and I’ve never had an issue with my keys, never witnessed someone having an issue with their keys, and have never heard of anyone having an issue with theirs.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Detroit couple having fun
    Bitched out in the ladies room.
    Sorry but this one is on you. I go to the Flight Club fairly often and I can assure you that there’s no shortage of dancers who enjoy couples. This comes from conversations with dancers and from observation. There are a lot of dancers who like females, so when a female shows up in the club they don’t settle for them, they COMPETE for them. One observation. Not trying to be a dick but when I read your original post I thought it exhibited a high degree of self-entitlement. Starting with the title of the post and ending with your wife’s need to point out to the dancers how wealthy you are. It’s not unusual to strike out at the flight club. You’re rich. Tip generously, be humble, and maybe you’ll have better luck.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    Personnel Changes
    Electronman. I hear what you’re saying and in all honesty I don’t know how much to reveal about what went on in the VIP. Basically I’m not a kiss and tell guy so I tend to err on the side of holding things back. Basically though you nailed it. The VIP’ are private and very high mileage. Papapump. Unfortunately what you say isn’t entirely true. They’ve gotten pretty lax on their smoking policy. I walked out of there last night smelling pretty smoky.
  • review comment
    2 years ago
    North Carolina
    Be Prepared
    Pussylicker. I get the fact that you like bogarts. I don’t, but to each his own. What I don’t get is why you find it necessary to continually come on threads about the Flight Club and the Landing Strip and try to slam them or post your shills for other clubs. If you don’t have anything constructive to add to these threads why don’t you just stick to posting in the bogart threads and spare the rest of us the bullshit.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    FC Dancers being Selective Now
    Searching. You’re lucky if this has only started happening to you recently. In my experience this is a very common phenomenon. Dancers will give you the brush off for a wide variety of reasons. It happens all the time and I’ve learned not to take it personally.
  • discussion comment
    2 years ago
    Are you guys seeing more non-extras performers?
    To return the discussion to the original topic……No I haven’t noticed an uptick in non extras dancers. Since FC became an extras club I’ve only met one dancer who didn’t do them, and that was probably ten years ago. And sorry desertscrub. The economy has nothing to do with it. Good times, bad times, it doesn’t matter. Extras are a regular thing at the Inkster/Romulus/Dearborn clubs and have been for years regardless of the state of the economy. In fact, some of the dancers I’ve talked to tell me that non extras customers are way way more common than non extras dancers.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Dismal Afternoon
    I’ve found the daytime talent at FC to be hit or miss for quite a while. IMO nights are much better. I was there a few nights ago and there were quite a few ladies I would’ve been happy to take upstairs. Off the top of my head: Thai, Ianna, Delilah, Natalie, Blair, Ashton and Daniella. I will agree though that they have made some “questionable” hiring decisions. Electronman. Where did you hear that they have a management problem? I’ve talked to a few dancers there and they seem to be ok with management.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I’m Broke, but I’m Happy
    Lol. Thank you for clarifying the cost of the dances. I’ve been going to the Flight Club semi regularly for the last six months and have to admit that I wasn’t sure how much the lap dances were. Does anyone go there for the dances? I was there Thursday from roughly 7-9 and there were probably more dancers than customers. Great ratio for the buyers. There were a lot of really hot ladies present but I wonder how long this will persist if the number of customers doesn’t increase.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Nice Day Shift Visit
    I’ve only been to BT’s once but I thought the mirrors in the VIP rooms were a nice touch. I wish some other clubs would adopt that feature.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    FC seems to be slow lately,,,,,,
    Is the Flight Club expensive? Yes. Is it more expensive than its main completion? Let’s see. I think that interns of quality most would agree that the Landing Strip is the main competition. Let’s compare base prices. Flight Club. Landing Strip Valet. 8 7 Cover. 20 20 Craft beer. 10 8 VIP Toll. 25 20 Total. 63 55 Ok. Here’s where it gets dicey. It costs you roughly 8 bucks more to get into the VIP room with your favorite lady. If you’re drinking liquor or mixed drinks the above prices will vary but my basic point is that there’s not a lot of difference between the two clubs, so it basically comes down to how much are you going to pay for whatever happens in the VIP. Based on my experience, there’s not much difference in price between the ladies I’m interested in at the Flight Club and the ones I’m interested in at the LS. And there are usually a LOT more ladies that I’m interested in at the FC. My guess is that it’s easier to find a “bargain” at the LS. The only problem is that if it’s someone I’m not interested in who’s offering the bargain I don’t consider it a bargain at all. So the bottom line for me is that even though the Flight Club is a little more expensive I find it to provide better value. And believe me. There are things about the FC that drive me up a wall. In particular its tendency to nickel and dime you.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Pricey but still offers some smoke shows
    Uber is a good idea if you’re planning on drinking a lot but it’s not going to save you any money. I’ve been going to the Flight Club off and on since it was called The 747 (they got a cease and desist from Boeing and had to change the name) and have never had an issue with the valet. Nor have I ever heard of anyone who has. The only reason I can think of that the valets would refuse to give you your keys is if you were falling down drunk, and in that case they’d be doing you a favor. It’s a complete non issue.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Pricey but still offers some smoke shows
    Good post BubbleYum. I take it for granted that people who hang out on this site would be considered to be a little weird by conventional standards, but pussylicker’s obsession with his car keys is over the top.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    5 Minutes of Fame
    Thanks Allen. I’m pretty sure the OP would’ve been OK giving her the money up front. I’m not a huge Cassidy fan but as far as I know she’s definitely not a ROB.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    5 Minutes of Fame
    I’m curious if that’s the same Cassidy who used to work at Flight Club. Fake red hair and boobs?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Masks and guns
    Why is desertscrub still an adjudicator?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Found a ROSE in December.
    Have to respectfully disagree with Papi. I think the whole obsession with club details is overrated. So what if the review is more about the dancer than the club? It’s the dancers that make the club. I’d rather read one review that gives me useful information about one dancer than a hundred reviews that tell me that the stage is shaped like an airplane.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sat night review
    My understanding is that once a dancer has been in the VIP room for three songs she is charged a $100 fee. So if she only does three songs the entire night she ends up losing ten bucks. On a slow night once a dancer actually told me that if I only wanted dances we had to do either two or a lot. There’s more information on the fees the dancers pay here https://tuscl.net/discussion.php?id=70079
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sat night review
    400 for everything is probably ballpark at the FC. A lot of the dancers there will open with offers of 5 or more. How much they’re willing to negotiate is probably dependent on how busy they are and it’s been my experience that dancers are much less willing to do so on weekends, particularly during prime hours from 11 to 1. She can walk downstairs and snag someone else in an instant. If you want a bargain go early in the week. I’m not sure I agree with the always negotiate before you get to the VIP philosophy. Particularly at a club like the FC where the dancers have to pay a pretty hefty rental fee once they’ve reached three songs, and particularly on slow nights. If you think about it it’s pretty easy to turn that into a negotiating advantage. One last thing. As I said above, 400 is a ballpark request at the FC, particularly on weekends. If that’s “way too high” for you consider trying early in the week or going to another club. Like it or not that seems to be life at the FC these days.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    my happy place.
    A correction of a correction. I stopped by the Flight Club tonight. Starting this week the cover has been changed back to $20.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    my happy place.
    Thanks Bubble Yum. It seems to me that people have two issues with the Flight Club valet. The first, which I think has some legitimacy is that they’re forcing you to fork over eight bucks. I have no problem with the Flight Club being expensive but nobody likes to get nickel and dimed. Is it irritating? Yes. Is it enough to get me to stop going there? No. The second issue is that the valets are dishonest or that they’re going to refuse to give you your keys. Everyone who works for a valet service is well aware that they’re being monitored. Do they sometimes steal? Probably. But for most of them it’s not worth it because if an issue arises they know they’re not going to have have a job anymore. The Flight Club is a multimillion a year business. They’re not going to put up with bullshit from their valet service. And NO! They’re not going to keep your keys! That’s just pure paranoia.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    my happy place.
    Not sure what you mean by “issues with valet.” It costs eight bucks if that’s an issue but other than that they’ve always been very friendly and very professional. No issues that I can report and I’ve parked there a lot over the years.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    So much pussy, so little time.
    my happy place.
    Good review. One correction. Nighttime cover at the Flight Club is now 25 bucks regardless of the night. Don’t shoot the messenger. As you point out, if you want to have a good time at the Flight Club you’re going to have to spend a few bucks. It’s not for everyone but IMO it’s worth it given the quality of the ladies.