FC Dancers being Selective Now

Submitted a review but figured I’d also start a discussion. Description of me mid 30’s 6ft 245lb, dresses nice, clean and hygienic, not cheap at all!
I was gone for a bit prob about a year as I moved away and it sucked and decided to move back to the Mecca of SC mileage. I have been to FC prob 40+ times and yes it’s expensive but I have nothing but time and money. I work constantly so it’s a pain to develop relationships because they take commitment.
Previously at FC it was choose your girl, let her know your interested and mean business, by tipping or talking to her and off you went. But this last time not only have prices skyrocketed in some cases, was quoted 1k by one girl but I was outright strung along by another on two different occasions. I tipped she came over thanked me said she’d be right back and then never came back and next time she was seen she was with another person the first time. I get maybe a regular or someone pulled out wad of cash or whatever her choice make your money I get it. The second time however same scenario only this time she went upstairs and sat alone!!!!
Is anyone else seeing this happen? Before assumptions are made these are the only two interactions I’ve ever had with this girl and I am always polite, not handsy, and tip well.
So maybe it’s just me but I’m really confused l…..
last commentMaybe it's just that particular girl? Or she got some bad intel about you from another dancer? Not saying it's you. Some people lie and dancers are people.
Prices have definitely gone up. As for dancer behavior, strippers be crazy. One day they will ignore you, and the next day they won’t let you alone.
I’ve been having a better time at the Landing Strip.
I’ve tried landing strip in the past it’s alright but the quality isn’t the same i feel like maybe it’s changed though
1k for a VIP session ? OMG. If I remember correctly, the range was 300-400 just a few years ago. I was thinking about making a monger trip to D-town when it warms up. Maybe now its back down to Miami instead.
That’s not the normal only had 1 quote that most do the usual start at $5 and negotiate to 3 to 4.
I’d say get over it and move on to someone else. She’s just not into you. Seems obvious. Plenty other new options for you I’m sure
Warrior - reach out to longball300 - he did a trip recently to Detroit.
Searching. You’re lucky if this has only started happening to you recently. In my experience this is a very common phenomenon. Dancers will give you the brush off for a wide variety of reasons. It happens all the time and I’ve learned not to take it personally.
It's always just cir-cumstance in my experiences. Been going to FC for many years and what you describe has happened to me a handyful of times all along. In general I have always found the daytime ladies more engaging and willing to connect. Nights, it's all business especially the weekends which I try to avoid.
As of a few months ago pricing was indeed up but, $1K is way out of line. $150 to $250 used to get the job done 4-5 years ago; now expect something in the $300 to $500 range depending on your preferences and the provider. My last go round I went to 6? different clubs over the course of five days and found time well spent at FC, TLS, BT's and Dreamgirls. It's just being in the right place at the right time.
It's called "Flight Club"
Sounds like they are living up to their name: take the money then take flight!