
Comments by wildRover (page 7)

  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Sometimes you just wanna be filthy
    Good to be back
    I went to Bogart’s once. After I de-loused myself I went back across the street and happily paid the cover at the Flight Club.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Quick visit that will hopefully lead to many more
    I too am curious about the goddess. Did you catch her name? Care to share?
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Odd vibe
    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the $25 cover has been in effect the last several nights I’ve been there including tonight (Tuesday). I didn’t ask but I don’t think it’s going away.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    I'll sleep when I'm Dead...😈
    Flight Path... On Descent?
    Shift change at the FC is 7:00 PM Mon-Sat. There’s no day shift on Sundays. I believe they open at seven and dancing starts at eight. As for the young-guy vs old-guy question that probably depends on the dancer but I’ve talked to several who would prefer to have nothing to do with younger guys for a variety of related reasons. They’re too cocky, they want discounts because of their age, they’re less respectful etc. And of course the big one, they have less money.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Last time I will be at FC in a while
    Papi. I have to respectfully disagree. You’re right that there are a lot of things in his review that are vague and unclear but one thing he is very clear on is that only five or six songs had gone by and that it was too early for her to be back on stage. And he’s pretty clear on that too. He doesn’t say that she told him she had to go on stage. He specifically says that she was called to stage. If we take him at his word it seems to me there are four options 1. They continue and she pays the 100 skip fee. 2. They continue and he pays the fee. 3. They resume the session after her stage show and he pays another $25 BIP tax. 4. He walks. We don’t know from his post if any of these options were discussed. What we do know, if his timeframe is correct, is that this was a DJ screwup and not a devious dancer plot. One more thing. Given the lack of facts I don’t think it’s fruitful to speculate about motives. So when you say “ I assume she did know but was looking to take his $$$ and short-change him all along.” that’s just speculation and not something you can deduce from what he posted. It would be equally to say that she explained to him what her rules were and he so blatantly disregarded them that she just walked out on him. There’s no evidence to support that but it’s *possible* if only remotely so.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Last time I will be at FC in a while
    Dancers at the Flight Club pay a $100 fine if they miss their stage show. Bad luck for you for sure but if she was only making 200 for the session I can understand why she would have been reluctant to stick around. And if that was her first session of the night the fine plus her tip out would have put her in the red. Sounds to me like the DJ screwed this one up.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First visit in 2 years and may have been rusty or maybe things have changed
    Interesting. Was at FC last night and had a dancer with a Florida area code offer me OTC for two grand. Got a good chuckle from that.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    First visit in 2 years and may have been rusty or maybe things have changed
    700 is definitely on the high end. 500/400 is a pretty common opening offer these days. How far you can get that down obviously depends on the lady. I think your 3-4 expectations are probably realistic but you’ll definitely find ladies who will hold out for more. You were also there early in the evening. I think a lot of dancers are less willing to negotiate when they still have a long evening in front of them. One further comment. Does desertscrub know what a shill review is? Your review was as far from a shill as you can get.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Lots of new faces
    Longball is right. It was a bad joke on my part. Some posters on here have said that they avoid the valet charge by taking an Uber. Seems to me that they probably end up paying more. It’s hard to find an Uber for less than 8 bucks. Sorry for the confusion.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Lots of new faces
    Actually I didn’t mention her name because I thought that at the flight club the “explicitness” would be assumed. Let’s face it, at the flight club the only newsworthy item would be if a lady did not do extras.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Getting out of hand
    Not sure when it happened but I can sadly confirm that the price has indeed gone up. Also, they apparently don’t trust the bouncer any more because he now has to collect the fee and record it in a log before he takes you back to the booth. And there’s a security camera to make sure he does it properly.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Very solid first visit
    @jpayne That was actually in the original post. Go back an reread the next to last paragraph in his post. Here’s what he said. “One last thing of the several hot dancers I spoke with all of them had worked at FC at one point and detailed the horrible "mean girl" nature of the dancers there and the "manager" situation”
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    Very solid first visit
    Very good post. Good to hear that there are viable alternatives to the Flight Club. I can verify the “mean girl “ syndrome at the FC. I was at both the FC and the Landing Strip last week and a lot has changed. I’m not sure if you’re aware of it but several girls got fired from the FC as a result of a fight. After talking to several girls at both clubs here is what I’ve concluded. 1. None of the dancers I talked to at the FC were upset about the girls who got fired. Good riddance was more the attitude. Some of this can be attributed to dancer jealousy. Dancers don’t like other hot dancers. It detracts from their earning power. But it seems like the situation at the FC went beyond that. 2. The overall quality at the LS went way up. This is strictly from a superficial customer point of view. There are a lot more hot dancers at the LS than previously. 3. The LS has gotten a lot more like the FC lately in terms of pricing. 4. Since a lot of the hot dancers at BT’s are FC refugees I wonder how many will migrate back to FC once the word of the firings hits the stripper grapevine. 5. BT’s is definitely on my “go to” list for the near future. I’m willing to pay FC prices for FC quality but a less pricey alternative for comparable quality would obviously be nice. Again, good post.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    Basically a shithole that nickel and dimes you for all you're worth
    Pussylicker. We all get it that you don’t like to surrender your car keys. You don’t have to post that in every thread.
  • review comment
    4 years ago
    "I had hoped for more."
    A five dollar tip is definitely not insulting. Stage tips are a show of interest, nothing more. They’re a promise that there MIGHT be a LOT more coming if things work out right. If a dancer is worried about how much she’s being tipped on stage she’s probably not going to survive very long in this business.